At this time, at the corner of the starry sky, the Tongtian Shenmu was alone against the stars.

However, as if they were aware of the terrifying power of the green light curtain, none of the stars in the sky took action.

Especially the abyss on the side is still watching eagerly.

No one can guarantee whether a sudden attack will push the Tongtian Divine Tree into the abyss.

So for a moment, the entire starry sky ushered in silence...

However, at this time, with a grin on his lips, the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss also looked at the Heaven-reaching Sacred Tree not far away, and issued a very sincere invitation:

"I wonder if you are willing to form an alliance with our abyss?..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the expressions of countless starry sky experts couldn't help but change, and the evil dragon of the outer law stood up immediately and said bluntly:

"Tongtian Shenmu, I hope you won’t make a mistake...If you dare to form an alliance with an existence like the Abyss,...All our races will surely be punished together"

"It's as if you haven't killed each other before?"

Amid a sarcastic laugh, Chunbai also stood up and added:

"I think my sister treated you like that, but what did you get in exchange?"


During a period of silence, many strong men from all races had complicated expressions.

Even some guys with a sense of justice lowered their heads.

They don't want to either.

After all, Tongtian Shenmu is indeed a good person.

It’s just that she went up to heaven to listen.

Direct access to God’s will.

If she is not removed, it will definitely hinder the world's cultivation. can only say...The existence of the Tongtian Divine Tree is a mistake


With a sigh, a figure wearing black and white clothes slowly walked out of the underworld and sighed:

"This matter is the fault of all nations...Now that you have returned, you have also lost the protection of heaven....Forget everything in the past..."

As he said that, Judge Yin and Yang slowly turned around:

"I won't get involved in this matter....However, I hope to make a good choice, and I don't want to be your enemy."

Staring quietly, Tongtian Shenmu also raised his eyebrows.

This is a sensible guy.

But, indeed.

In the past, it was impossible to say who was right or wrong.

They were just chess pieces of heaven.

Just like now....The reason why the Tongtian Sacred Tree can walk in the starry sky is because of the many shackles set by Yu Ziyu.

This yoke is for nothing else.

Just to cover up the mystery...

"I...Will not ally with the Abyss."

While speaking softly, Tongtian Shenmu's voice echoed in the starry sky, causing countless strong men's expressions to change.

But the next moment, Tongtian Shenmu changed the topic and said with a smile:

"I alone am a clan...Why do we need to form alliances with others?..."

"Next, let me play with you"

"I hope you won't let us down..."...

Listening quietly, the hearts of many strong men from all races could not help but be shocked.

One person is a clan?

How domineering this is.

However, they also fell silent when they looked at the sky-reaching sacred tree and the countless ferocious and terrifying figures behind it.

Just, at this moment..

"Then let me see what means you have."

Suddenly shouting, a master from the starry sky suddenly took action.

This master is not famous.

However, it is the second level of Tianmen.

"He is the master of the ghost mist clan...."

"This man, it is said, was born extraordinary and set foot on the throne in five hundred years....The methods are strange and unpredictable..."

"Tsk tsk, indeed, the master of ghost mist....Others are not strong, but he is really good at saving lives."...

During the continuous narration, countless strong men widened their eyes....

And this is also the purpose of the Lord of Ghost Mist.

Although he is considered a master, he has not yet made a name for himself.

And this time, it just happened to be famous.

With his methods, even if the Divine Tree has vast powers, there is no way he can do anything to it.

This is his confidence.

The confidence of a master... only...At one point, he seemed to be overthinking.

He doesn't seem worthy of Tongtian Shenmu's action now....


A cold snort from nowhere echoed in the starry sky....

Along with it, thousands of rays of light bloomed.

The light was so dazzling.

So eye-catching.

So much so that countless people couldn't help but lose their minds.

Vaguely, countless strong men saw a beautiful figure in the infinite light, and shot it with one hand and one palm.


Just hearing a loud noise, Xiu's hand seemed to have infinite power, and it suddenly landed on the body of the ghost mist master.


Amidst the sudden roar, the face of the Ghost Mist Master suddenly changed.

How is it possible?

He was transformed by the black mist. Not to mention immortal, he is also extremely difficult to erase.

But now, when this palm fell on his body, he actually felt that a lot of his body was worn away.

And what does this mean?

Of course it is not difficult to imagine

"This guy..."

His expression changed drastically in an instant, and the Ghost Mist Master's entire body flew out upside down.

This castration can be stopped by the Lord of Ghost Mist.

But he didn't stop.

Just because this mysterious figure can threaten him.

And the Lord of Ghost Mist who set foot on the Lord is not a fool.

How could it be possible to get entangled with it.

Therefore, he also flew out.

And this also made countless powerful people look at each other in disbelief. this...The Lord of the Ghost Mist, who was shouting so forcefully just now, was killed with just one palm, and flew thousands of miles away, straight to the end of the starry sky.

"No matter how weird it is, there is nothing you can hide from me..."

"It's just that the elementalization has been taken to the extreme and merged with some laws."

With a chuckle, a girl with infinitely long hair also appeared in front of the powerful people in the starry sky.

This girl is even more eye-catching than pure white, and even the divine tree reaching the sky.

Just because of her appearance, countless powerful people Everyone feels the Tao in their bodies, as if they have been touched, and they are vibrating one after another....

What was even more suffocating was that when this girl appeared, the stars in the sky shook.

Vision after vision.

You can vaguely see infinite colors emerging in the starry sky.

There are all kinds of laws manifested in the world.

With such a vision, not to mention ordinary people, even the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss could not help but change his expression.

"This guy..."

His pupils shrank, and the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss also noticed the extraordinary nature of the human body transformed from the Divine Tree of Enlightenment.

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