spirit of law...

Very mysterious stuff.

Only those whose laws are close to perfection can come into contact with it.

Just as elements can give birth to elemental spirits.

Laws can also give birth to the spirit of laws.

But now, together with Yu Ziyu's time, the spirit of law - the dragon of time has been conceived.

Raise your hand slowly...Yu Ziyu, who was sitting cross-legged on the tree crown, also looked at the long river of time....


Amidst the sudden dragon roar, a half-meter-long silver dragon also came to Yu Ziyu's palm while winding and circling.

Quietly feeling everything about the Dragon of Time, Yu Ziyu's understanding of the laws became deeper.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yu Ziyu also looked at the roots of his body....

"Yin, Yin, Yin..."

"Yin, Yin, Yin..."

Amidst the dragon roars one after another, countless real dragons looked up to the sky and screamed.

And these are all transformed from Yu Ziyu’s tree roots.

Every true dragon is no less than the most pure-blooded dragon.

Among them, some are even comparable to the upper dragon clan.

As for the spirit of law - the dragon of time, it can be regarded as the ancestral dragon among the dragon clan....

In this way, we can also imagine the terror of the spirit of law

"My thousands of tree roots all turn into dragons..."

"Next, I just need to continue to accumulate knowledge and sublimate thousands of tree roots, from ordinary true dragons to the level of the spirit of law...."

"The power I possess is probably comparable to eternity..."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

Faintly, a scorching heat could be seen.

Yes, searing.

That is the desire for enlightenment.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that if he really pushes his own strength to the limit.

That is not a simple sermon.

Rather, it is about proving the Tao through force in the true sense.

This is the most terrifying way of enlightenment among thousands of ways to attain enlightenment.

Of course, the same way of proving the Tao with force has different manifestations.

Some are pure power...Like the golden ant, if he achieves enlightenment, he will push his own power to the limit.

Endless brute force.

This kind of proof by force is the most barbaric and the most violent.

And another way to prove the Tao through force is what Yu Ziyu said...While thousands of tree roots turned into real dragons, they were fully sublimated and became the existence of the spirit of law.

Then, cultivate all the spirits of the laws to perfection. what does that mean?

If one can really cultivate to the extreme, it will be equivalent to thousands of masters merging into one.

Hundreds, thousands...

Even tens of thousands.

Moreover, each one is a terrifying power from the seventh or eighth level of Tianmen.

Individually, they are the existence of the ninth level of Tianmen.

In this way, it is conceivable why we can prove the Tao with strength and break through the shackles....

This is another sense of proving the Tao through force.

It is to push one's own strength to the limit.

Rather than the so-called brute force.

Personally, Yu Ziyu prefers the second method of proving the Tao through force, pushing his own strength to the extreme.

As for brute force.

Sorry, he's not good at it.

In this regard, only the Golden Ant has a little hope.

But in fact, it only exists in theory...

If it were not for the legend of Pangu, it would probably be this method of enlightenment.

I'm afraid no one dares to imagine it

"Brutal force proves, is it really possible?..."

In the somewhat suspicious voice, Yu Ziyu also thought of the physical body.

The physical body is like the universe, hiding everything.

If you understand the mystery of the physical body, all the shackles will be released...Then it is possible for the power to change qualitatively and reach this state.

To put it another way, Pangu took the path of physical enlightenment.

Only in this way can we explain why brute force can reach such an extent.

On the surface it looks like brute force.

In fact, it is the ultimate sublimation of the physical body.

And Yu Ziyu’s is the ultimate sublimation of the law.

Both methods prove the Tao through force.

It's just a different direction...

And now, staring at the thousands of tree roots, Yu Ziyu also summarized, summarized and kept this idea in mind.

"This method of enlightenment is theoretically feasible"

"It just takes a long time...Moreover, it requires unimaginable talent...After all, all kinds of laws need to be understood, and even to the extent of condensing the spirit of the laws, it is not something that ordinary understanding can do."

"However, I have some evolutionary points...But we can continue to gain enlightenment through sudden enlightenment...."

While speaking softly, Yu Ziyu also thought of the point of evolution.

However, in this way, he returned to the original starting point - harvesting all races...

Only by harvesting all races can we have more evolutionary points.

Then, with more evolutionary points, he can continue to understand...


With a sigh, Yu Ziyu's desire to harvest the hearts of all races became even stronger.

After all, it is still for the sake of enlightenment.

If he achieves enlightenment alone, he will need to bury all sentient beings...Then he can only say 'yes'.

The reason is very simple.

He is a saint with a compassionate heart.

Moreover, there is another point, that is, he controls time and space...

Ability to project ancient history.

If he really sacrifices all sentient beings to achieve enlightenment, then he can also project ancient history in the future and awaken all sentient beings from the past years.

No one loses.

What's more, in the era, there is an additional great being walking through the years.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also thought of a good reason for herself.

As for, in the future, after he attains eternity, he will be able to project ancient history and recall sentient beings from the past.

That's not what he considered.

If it can, that is naturally the best.

If you can't, that's okay.

With his ability, it shouldn't be difficult to recreate the world.

However, with this thought in mind, Yu Ziyu also looked at the Nine Realms...

Now, the nine realms have turned into the nine worlds.

During the rotation of the nine realms, a world-shaking pressure also rose.

"In the future, Demon Court, and even other direct forces of mine can return to the Nine Realms...."

"Eternal in the nine realms."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu also thought of the final retreat for Jiuwei and others.

At that time...He himself should have turned his back to the starry sky alone and wiped out all the races....

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