"Report, news came from the Behemoth clan...Now the void invades, led by World Tree that has fallen into the void, with an army of tens of millions, sweeping across the star field...Suppressing the orc clan."

Listening quietly, Venerable Qinglong, who was in seclusion deep in the Demon Court, his eyes lit up.

Naturally, he would not ignore the orc clan.

Especially the orc clan, and the Behemoth clan.

To do so. You know, that is the Beamon clan.

Their single combat power is comparable to that of the Dragon clan.

If the Beamon clan were not so rare in number, they would be another unimaginable behemoth.

But now, this force has actually taken the initiative to ask for help.

"Send White Tiger to support"

"Yes, Lord Qinglong."

With a response, this figure also slowly retreated.

However, not long after this


Amidst the roaring tigers that shook the sky, a giant white tiger with two wings and one eye on its head also roared out.

That was Venerable White Tiger, the Fierce God of Demon Court.

Starry Sky, the famous evil god.

Now, he went to the orc clan to support them, largely to form an alliance.

No, a more accurate term is to subdue, subdue the entire orc clan....

For other forces, the invasion of the void and the invasion of the abyss are disasters.

But for Demon Court, this is an opportunity for expansion.

Moreover, it is still an opportunity for other forces to complain.

Simply because other races are more or less unable to resist the invasion of the void and even the abyss.

But the Demon Court is different.

Now, the return of Master Qinglong of Demon Court has brought Demon Court back to the glory of the first generation Demon Emperor.

Even in the void or even the abyss, Demon Court is fearless.

And on this basis, the expansion of Demon Court is inevitable.

So far, the territory of Demon Court has expanded by more than 40%.

Hundreds of forces, large and small, have become vassals of the Demon Court.

However, these forces are mostly second- and third-rate forces.

The only ones that can be called first-rate forces are the Angel Clan and the Titan Clan.

Now the Orcs will be the third one after the Angels and Titans, and they will be another first-rate force conquered by Demon Court.

Of course, it's not just the orcs.

Even the Golden Crow clan and Demon Court are testing.

However, now, the king of the Golden Crow clan and the Son of the Sun God of Demon Court, also known as Tianya, have been facing each other for a long time.

Both of them are the proud sons of the Golden Crow clan, and no outsiders can interfere.

Therefore, even the Demon Court would find it difficult to intervene in their internal fighting.

However, fortunately, this generation of Golden Crow Kings seems to be inferior to Tianya in terms of talent alone.

And this is also conceivable.

The Golden Crow King was born noble. Although his bloodline was terrifying, it was more of a racial advantage.

But Sky Crow is different.

He has evolved from the most ordinary mortal crow to this day. While he has the talent of the Golden Crow clan, he also has the talent of the immortal blood crow before him.

Immortal and immortal, with thousands of clones.

Such talent, coupled with the sun fire burning on his body, is no ordinary terror.

And this is also the most terrifying place for most of the evolving extraordinary beings.

They are born no more noble than some innate beasts.

But most of these extraordinary beings who have evolved through hard work have the advantages of multiple racial talents.

Among them, some, such as the Immortal Crow, a being that can perfectly carry the talents of two major races, are beyond imagination.

Its potential is so great that it's breathtaking...

And just when the Demon Court was expanding rapidly,...The other forces are not idle either.

For example, the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan began to dominate their respective forces.

All monsters in the deep sea are controlled by the dragon clan.

All birds are controlled by the Phoenix Clan...

The two clans are respected.

It has the power that reappeared in the ancient"Three Clans".

And the three ancient tribes naturally refer to the Qilin, Phoenix, and Dragon tribes.

However, the Qilin clan is still weak and cannot compete with the Dragon and Phoenix clans, so it has lost a bit of its flavor.

And now...

"The dragon clan, the blue sea blue python clan...ancient whale family...Many other races have already surrendered to us...."

Suddenly speaking, in the deepest palace of the Dragon Clan, a Dragon King also recounted this information.


Nodding slightly, the Golden Dragon Lord sitting on the deputy seat also said bluntly:

"These forces seek the protection of our dragon clan, and we cannot stand idly by."


Nodding, the Dragon King, who was the first to speak, also continued:

"Among the races mentioned before, only the ancient whale race is the only one. It should be noted that this race has a master of the second heaven of Tianmen....Moreover, it is still an ancient giant whale...Its size is beyond imagination, and it bears the law of the sea.’...He is a good strong man."

Listening quietly, many Dragon Kings were slightly shocked.

In this way, this master should not be underestimated.

However, at this time, as if he thought of something, the Golden Dragon Lord also asked:

"What's that person's opinion?"

"that one..."

Amid the soft murmurs, the looks of many Dragon Kings couldn't help but be a little complicated. that one...

Of course they know.

It's a starry sky beast...

It's just that it's different from ordinary starry sky beasts.

This one was born with nine heads, and he also carried golden wings....

It is the legendary nine-headed dragon.

Yes, Kuzuryuu.

Although he is called a 'dragon', only part of the dragon blood flows in his body.

It is most suitable to call it the starry sky beast.

And this one is also an existence from the second level of Tianmen, and his strength is extremely terrifying.

During this period of time, the Dragon Clan was also interested in pulling him into their Dragon Clan's camp.

It’s just that, at present, it’s hard to say


Suddenly sighing, Waifa Death Dragon also said bluntly:

"The only request of the nine-headed dragon is to enter our dragon tomb, bathe in the baptism of the dragon, and truly become a member of the dragon clan...."

"However, you also know...He is now the master. If he accepts baptism, the consumption will be huge, which is beyond the imagination of ordinary people."

Listening quietly, many Dragon Emperors couldn't help but remain silent.


If the Nine-headed Dragon really accepts the baptism of dragons, the price will be painful even for the dragon clan.

And, more importantly, if the Nine-headed Dragon really undergoes Baptism, then he is a member of the Dragon Clan.

And he is the master.

According to the rules of the Dragon Clan, the master is enough to be crowned emperor.

In other words, if he is really a member of the Dragon Clan, he will become the new generation of Dragon Emperor of the Dragon Clan....

A foreigner became the emperor of their dragon clan. this...The Dragon Clan is a little hard to accept.

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