Demon Court, Dragon Clan...Even the Phoenix Clan began to expand rapidly.

And this also means that the starry sky has truly entered the stage of contention among a hundred schools of thought....

However, at this moment, what no one knew was that the entire abyss was in a sensation.

Just because the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss actually brought back a piece of news, a jaw-dropping news

"The descendant of Taoism's great magical power that can transform the Three Pure Ones with one breath appears....Among them, Taoist Qingyi is even more suspected to be one of the avatars of the great supernatural power who can transform the three pure beings in one breath....."

It was a very simple piece of news, but it was like a huge rock, setting off thousands of huge waves.

The countless shadowy figures sitting high in the hall were all shocked.

"How can this be?"

Amidst the unbelievable exclamations, even a strong man couldn't believe it.

You know, it is a great magical power that can transform three pure things into one qi. It is a legendary magical power.

It is also known as the 'top three terrifying magical powers'.

Has someone actually mastered such a great magical power?

"Even the Great God's Blood God Dharma was mastered by someone....There is nothing impossible about the emergence of a successor with great supernatural powers who can transform the three pure beings with one breath."

In the sudden response, the Spider Queen's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

Qing Yi, the successor of the Taoist sect, is actually suspected to be the second incarnation of the great supernatural power that can transform the three pure beings in one breath.

So put it this way...

As her thoughts turned, the Spider Queen also thought of Yu, the master of the dragnet.

That guy must be the descendant of the great supernatural power that transforms the three pure beings into one thing.

No wonder it's so terrifying.

Unexpectedly, he actually developed the great magical power of transforming the three pure beings with one breath.

In this way, it is understandable why he cultivates so fast.

The integration of the three bodies into one is not a one plus one practice speed.

But a superposition of dozens or even hundreds of times.

And that's not all. The great supernatural power of transforming the three pure beings into one qi has the power to steal fortune and seize heaven's secrets. so...

Smiling bitterly in her heart, the Spider Queen also knew that she seemed to have met a great man....

At this time, the Abyss Council... and one after another the Abyss strong men couldn't help but look at each other.

Just because the emergence of a great supernatural power that can transform the three pure beings in one breath is really amazing.

As a result, they were unable to digest it.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, an abyss master also suddenly grinned:

"In that case, the decline of Dao Sect is superficial....With such a successor in the world, how could they decline?..."


Nodding, the Spider Queen also echoed:

"This should be the cleverness of the Taoist sect. With the help of Demon Court, it escapes from the vortex of the starry sky and develops in secret....Until now, they feel that the trend has been achieved, and this is how they came to the world"


With a sudden cold snort, the Abyss Dark Dragon also shouted coldly:

"This gate is really looking for death. In the past, it was not enough to kill our Abyss Demonic Dragon King, but now we have killed the Butterfly King...."

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire Abyss Council fell silent.

"What...What did you say? Is the Abyss Butterfly Emperor dead?"

"Are you kidding me?"

"Hey hey, are you serious?"

Amidst repeated exclamations, the expressions of dozens of Abyss powerhouses couldn't help but change.

The Abyss Butterfly Emperor is as famous as the Spider Queen.

She is a famous beauty in the Abyss.

Different from the Spider Queen, the Abyss Butterfly Emperor Because of his character, he was deeply loved by countless Abyss strong men.

In fact, many Abyss strong men fell in love with him and voluntarily became followers.

But now, someone actually told them that the Abyss Butterfly Emperor was dead.


Taking a deep breath, the expressions of one abyss strong man after another changed again and again.

In some cases, even the veins on the forehead are exposed

"I can...Look at the body of the Butterfly Emperor?"

When he suddenly opened his mouth, an Abyss Lord was trembling, with moist eyes.

He is the king of the Abyss Zerg clan. He is also a powerful existence in the Abyss that is deeply hidden.

However, few people know that he has a close friendship with the Abyss Butterfly King. Shallow.

And now...Hearing with his own ears the news that the Abyss Butterfly Emperor had died in battle, he could no longer sit still.

"No, when we came back, we almost escaped."

"Not to mention the corpse of the Abyss Butterfly Emperor, even we were seriously injured...."...

As he spoke one after another, the Abyss Dark Dragon's face was filled with unwillingness.

How could their Abyss clan ever be like this?

But now, he has been defeated one after another...

Not to mention that he couldn't bear such a shameful humiliation, even the other abyss strong men all had pale faces.

"well...Now is not the time to discuss the Butterfly Emperor of the Abyss. The most important thing for us now is to confirm the news that the descendant of the Taoist sect's great magical power, One Qi Transformation into the Three Pure Ones, has appeared. Is it true?"

When he suddenly opened his mouth, the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss also had a solemn expression.

He had been thinking about a question.

Did the guy reveal it unintentionally or actively? The difference between unintentional or active disclosure is very big.

Unintentional means that they Abyss I know a huge secret.

And if it is revealed voluntarily, it means that this guy has some conspiracy behind him.

Moreover, there is another point worth mentioning....Who is this guy?

Who in the end has secretly cultivated such great magical powers that are shocking to the world and make ghosts and gods weep, and they are kept secret.

As his thoughts swirled, the expression on the face of the Ancient Demon King of the Abyss became more solemn.

This was the first time he felt troubled.

Troublesome as never before.

This existence hidden behind the scenes may be three times more terrifying than the Lord of the Sea of ​​Blood....

And just when the abyss was shaken by the descendant of the great supernatural power who could transform the three pure states with one breath, Yu Ziyu also got what he wanted.

"This is the Lord of the Abyss..."

Suddenly murmuring, in the depths of chaos, Yu Ziyu, who was practicing in the Sun and Moon Cave, slowly opened his eyes and looked at a solid figure not far away.

This is a woman.

A very beautiful woman.

She has long hair like a waterfall.

There are very exquisite butterfly marks on the face...

At a glance, I felt pity for him.

However, the most shocking thing is the dreamy butterfly-like wings on her back.

And this is the Abyss Butterfly Emperor.

But she didn't die...When Mo's sword slashed out, Mo retained some strength to save her life.

You know, this is a master.

It must be harvested by Yu Ziyu, which is the most cost-effective.

And there's one more thing...That is, this Butterfly Emperor still has value.

Not in a hurry to kill.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu also used the trick of changing the sky to keep her safe.

As for this, in the eyes of outsiders, she turned into blue smoke and disappeared into the starry sky....Thus hiding the fact that she was not dead.

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