
In fact, it is a star that is much larger than the sun in the solar system.

And during these thousand years, under the continuous refining of the World Tree, it has transformed into an existence like a divine weapon.

It condenses the vast law of fire.

Moreover, it has the ability to change the size.

And now...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

In the horrified gazes of countless orcs, this very terrifying star actually came from the end of the starry sky.

Just, at this moment...

"quack quack……"

It was like the harsh and shattering sound of countless pieces of glass rubbing against each other, from low to high. Accompanied by this barbaric, arrogant, domineering, and arrogant laughter, an indescribable huge figure also emerged behind the fireball that was shot at a high speed.

That is the world tree that fell into the void.

As arrogant, domineering and arrogant as before

"Drown me in the sea of ​​fire..." between sudden roars...

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...."

In the starry sky, millions of fireballs fell from the sky, raining fire all over the sky, burning up the starry sky...

And in the rain of fire that filled the sky, the fireball at the deepest point became even hotter and more terrifying.

"What's this?"

"Oh my god...."

"Hey, are you kidding me?..."

The strong men of the orc clan on one planet after another couldn't help but change their expressions when they saw this scene.

In the depths of his eyes, there was indescribable horror.

Just, don't wait for them to do anything

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Amidst the continuous sound of breaking through the sky, these fireballs fell from the starry sky to the planet one after another, and countless mushroom-like fire clouds rose into the sky.

Among them, the most powerful and violent flame heat wave actually caused the entire planet to vibrate with"rumbling". The flames soared into the sky and the sky and the earth changed color.

Even though they are tens of millions of miles away, you can still clearly feel the waves of fire coming towards you, and the ripples of craters spreading across the earth are pushing in from a distance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"This is the world tree of the void..."

In the midst of the sudden roar, two figures emerged from the deepest part of the star field.

And this is the leader of the orc clan.

The king of the Rhine clan, and the Tiger Emperor of the Tiger clan.

However, at this time, their eyes were solemn and solemn.

Obviously, they did not expect that the void would suddenly attack.

However, now, it seems that this is not the time to consider this....

Looking at the overwhelming rain of fire, they also revealed their true identities one after another.


The sudden roar shook the world.

Immediately afterwards, a figure with a tiger head and a body covered with tiger hair roared out.

This is the tiger emperor of the Tiger clan, with the blood of ancient fierce tigers flowing in his body.

Now, a tiger roar shook the starry sky.

And he is now...He actually threw himself towards the terrifying fireball.

Such a scene, not to mention the strong men of the orc clan, even many strong men in the void were shocked.

"This guy has some backbone...."

With a smile in my heart, behind the fireball, the World Tree is walking slowly...The corners of his mouth are also slightly raised.

He admired this kind of guy with backbone.

If possible, I would try to conquer it....

However, when the entire orc clan was shocked by the invasion of the void, no one knew that in the deepest part of the orc clan, there was a group of figures, slowly wandering in the desolate land.

These figures look like giant apes walking in the world.

But it is a hundred times more terrifying than the ordinary giant ape.

They moved mountains and seas...Infinitely powerful.

This is Beamon.

The legendary king of land warfare.

Claimed to be able to rival a giant dragon.

However, their numbers are so few that they have yet to rise.

However, now, what is shocking is that there are thousands of Behemoths here.

Among them, some of them even have golden hair....It's as if it's made of gold.

And that was the royal family of the Behemoth clan—Golden Behemoth.

At the same level, the power is several times, even dozens of times, that of other Behemoths.

Even the high-ranking dragons among the dragons would find it difficult to compete with them.

And now...

"The void is coming...Do we need to take action?"

"Let's see...If the void invades in a big way, we will take action. If the void is just a temptation, then we don’t need to take action."


During the rare conversation, several figures with a height of ten thousand feet were also hidden in the mist.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, the tallest figure also looked towards the corner.

"You seem to have come back from the Demon Court, right?"

"Yes, Meng Zun..."

In the sudden response, this golden Behemoth, who was several times smaller in size, also looked at the figure not far away with a look of awe.

Meng Zun, the supreme king among Bimeng.

He is also a powerful person hidden deeply in the starry sky.

Just because he is actually a terrifying powerhouse in the third level of Tianmen, and he is only half a step away from the fourth level of Tianmen.

Such a terrifying and powerful man is actually unknown to outsiders.

In this way, one can imagine his low profile.

But, yes.

The Behemoth clan is inherently low-key.

It's normal not to be known to outsiders.

And now...

Looking at Meng Zun quietly, this golden Behemoth also had a look of expectation on his face.

He is the Golden Behemoth who has returned from the Demon Court.

Once upon a time, he was a member of the God's Guards who stood by the Demon King's side.

Not long ago, he represented the Demon Court and extended an invitation to the Behemoth clan.

Just make an alliance for both.

And now, this golden Behemoth also knows that the opportunity he has been waiting for has come.

It's really here

"You inform the demon court that the void is coming...."

"Yes, Mongzun."

In the sudden response, the golden Behemoth also raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and notified Demon Ting immediately.

He did everything he had to do.

Next, it depends on Demon Ting's choice.

However, with Demon Ting's With his temper, he would definitely not give up this opportunity.

With a smile in his heart, Golden Behemoth also knew that he was not far away from returning to the Demon Court.

And, more importantly,...He left alone at the beginning.

Now he has returned to his family.

Even the Venerable Qinglong, the second-generation Demon Emperor, would not ignore such a great achievement.

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