Who controls the ups and downs of the era?

He is the only one with ears!!!

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also began to swallow the energy of chaos.

Now he wants to go further.

Set foot on the ninth level of Tianmen, thus establishing his unparalleled reputation...

The ninth level of Tianmen is only half a step away from eternity.

As for the so-called half-step eternity, to be precise, it is also in the ninth level of Tianmen.

Therefore, to a certain extent, setting foot on the ninth level of Tianmen means that it is only a matter of time before taking a half step into eternity.

And what is the symbol of Tianmen Jiuzhongtian?

The birth and death of palm edges...in a moment.

Tianmen Ninth Level Tiandang has absolute control over the laws he carries.

When a thought arises, the law arises.

When one thought is extinguished, the law falls.

Dharma arises from the heart, Dharma arises from thoughts

"I am now in the middle of the eighth heaven of Tianmen, and I am afraid it will be a little difficult to set foot in the ninth heaven of Tianmen."

With a very helpless voice, Yu Ziyu knew it.

Some things cannot be rushed.

After all, Tianmen, the ninth level, one level is better than the other.

If he had not had the opportunity, I am afraid he would have justStep into dominion.

Let's talk about attacking the ninth level of Tianmen.

For most cultivators, a thousand years of experience in mastering the world is already considered a genius.

However, this era is different from the regular era.

Because, under Yu Ziyu's repeated persecution, all races showed their true strength, so that the cultivation speed of most powerful people exceeded the norm.

Equivalent, giving birth to.

However, this also means that they...Less than half of the potential is gone.

There was originally hope of reaching a higher realm, but now it is very likely that it will get stuck.

This is the price of using the foundation.

But what can be done?

Facing the invasion of the abyss, facing the erosion of the void...What can the strong men of all races do?

In this hostile force, a master of the third level of Tianmen suddenly appeared.

If it is one's own power, there will be no master to get out....

Then the result must be devastating. so...

Vicious competition has also caused the number of strong people to increase sharply in this era....

However, this kind of strong man is probably not what all the forces want to see.

Eternity is the end.

But now, they are actually doing this...Loss of the potential to impact eternity.

This is undoubtedly a blow to the arrogant geniuses one after another....

However, this cannot affect Yu Ziyu.

In other words, this is what Yu Ziyu hopes to see most.

He originally regarded all races as breeding grounds.

Breed all races and then harvest.

Occasionally, it doesn't hurt to add some catalyst to accelerate ripening.

With a smile in his heart, before retreating into seclusion, Yu Ziyu, as the body of a purple dragon, ordered Vukong:

"Although the orcs are a second-rate race, they are physically powerful and are a good choice...."

Listening quietly, the daughter of the void who has been waiting beside the body of the purple dragon in the void also understood clearly.

"I understand, Master."

As she said this, she slowly turned around and conveyed Yu Ziyu's instructions....

And not long after that, somewhere in the void,

"Roar, roar..."

Roaring one after another, the World Tree, this one that seemed to come from the other side, the stunning divine tree also raised its steps and walked towards the starry sky.

This time, he will lead the Void Clan to suppress the Starry Sky Beast Clan.

As for why he didn't take action against the Gods.

That is naturally because, as a former sacred object of the God Clan, the God Clan has the means to suppress him.

This caused World Tree to suffer a big loss for a time.

Therefore, despite repeated hesitation, he also restrained his temper....Turn to guard the void.

But now...


Grinning, Yggdrasil also thought of this race.

Orcs...It was once a vassal race under the command of the God of War.

It is an intelligent life similar to human beings.

Has the characteristics of a beast.

For example, werewolf, foxman, swanman...snake man...

These are all considered part of the orc clan.

However, the werewolf clan and the snake-man clan are too powerful, and they are independent of the orc clan and form their own clan.

Now, among the entire orc clan, only a few of the remaining clans are powerful.

For example, the tiger-man clan and the lion-man clan.

Of course, in their race, they are not called tiger people or lion people.

Instead, they are called the 'king family, Tiger and Rhine'.

They are the royal family of the orc clan.

And standing above the orc royal family is the legendary...The Beamon clan.

Known as the King of Land Warfare.

It has the terrifying combat power to compete with dragons and single targets....

And now...

"Boom, boom, boom..."

A steady stream of armies has come out of the void and is rushing towards the star domain of the orcs.

As for the orc clan, although they are widely scattered in the starry sky.

However, at the core, there are only two star fields.

A Rhine clan, guarding the 'Lion Throne Star Territory'.

One is the 'Tiger Roaring Star Territory' guarded by the Tiger clan.

The two star regions watch each other and jointly defend the 'glory of the orc clan'.

But, at this time...

What no one knows is that the minions of the void have spread.

What's even more suffocating is that there is a huge figure that looks like the world, holding a fireball and walking slowly.

That was the former sacred object of the God Clan - the World Tree.

Now he holds the stars high and carries the void on his back...Come slowly

"Step, step, step..."

Every step that fell shook the space. suffocating


During the sudden roar, World Tree seemed to see something, and it was actually the fireball in his hand that was slowly raised


As the blazing flames burned, the space seemed to melt.

Unimaginable heat is constantly scorching the heaven and earth in the void.

And now...

"die to me..."

Hearing a loud shout, he actually threw the fireball in his hand towards the distant star field.

And at this moment,


Like the sky collapsing, space continues to collapse...

The starry sky actually turned into a dark red color visible to the naked eye....

And look carefully...But one could see an unprecedented fireball in the dark red starry sky, cutting through the starry sky at an astonishing speed and rushing towards the Lion Throne star field.

Wherever the fireball passes, the unique law of flames continues to overflow, and everything is melted.


Amidst the very shrill roars, some weak orcs could not bear the sudden high temperature and turned into a ball of fire, falling from the sky. without waiting for the fireball to fall...Then it turned into a wisp of green smoke and drifted away in the wind, burning away all traces of himself in the world.

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