"Empire of the Void?"

With a confused look on his face, in the world behind the crack in the void, a purple exotic bird like a phoenix was also stunned.

What is that?

Could it be that besides them, there are other void worlds?

But this...

However, at this time, as if something had occurred to him, the face of this purple exotic bird suddenly changed. Could this be the void outside the barrier that Concubine Tian said?

According to Concubine Tian, ​​beyond the barrier is an even vaster void.

That seems to be the periphery of the void.

However, on the periphery, an unimaginable existence was born.

That existence affects the trajectory of the entire void.

What's more, the void creatures in the inner circle are all huddled here, not daring to show anything.

But now...

This void creature suspected to be on the periphery of the void has actually found its way here?

"not good..."

His face suddenly changed, and this purple exotic bird also screamed.


The cry broke through the sky and shook half of the inner circle.

"What happened, and why did Zi Qiong ask for help?"

Suddenly murmured, a figure that looked like a giant tiger with wings covering the sky slowly raised its eyes.

This is the famous Qiongqi clan among the four evils in ancient times.

However, compared to the white tiger, he is a real Pure blood.

However, he has already fallen into the void and turned into the most terrifying existence in the void.

Void Qiongqi...You can call it that.

What he was burdened with was 'greed', excessive demands, and plundering at all costs.

A terrifying instinct drives him to become stronger.

Until now, he is an extremely terrifying existence.

And now,


Spreading his wings, the storm whipped up, and his entire body tore through the void, rushing straight towards the crack in the void.

And on the other side, a girl with purple wings slowly opened her eyes.

"What was supposed to come, has finally come?"

Purple vertical pupils flickered uncontrollably, and a slender and long dragon tail continued to extend from the back to the shoulders. The end of the tail was gently placed on the shoulders, and the right hand caressed the inner circumference of the void. This one is the most The terrible ruler Tianfei also understands...What was supposed to come finally came. that one...

An existence beyond imagination, they finally have to face it


With a sigh, Concubine Void looked not far away.

There, there was a strange being that looked like a lion but had sheep's horns.

However, if all the races in the starry sky see this strange beast, they will definitely not be able to help but exclaim:

"White Pond..."

Yes, Bai Ze.

According to legend, the innate beast has long disappeared in the long history.

It is said that this mythical beast, with its horns on top, can kill even a real dragon.

However, this is not terrible.

The really scary thing is...His innate ability is to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune.

He is the most innate divine beast in the world who is good at seeking good luck and avoiding evil.

There is such a saying:"If Bai Ze doesn't want to die, even the gods and demons will be difficult to bury."

But now, an innate divine beast Bai Ze appeared in the void.

Of course, at this time, you can selectively ignore the purple light emerging from Bai Ze's body and the dazzling purple light flashing from the horns.

Even if he falls into the void, he is still innately white.

Even more powerful than before.

The power of the void is too terrifying to be blessed on oneself.

And this is also the biggest reason why the Void Clan can fight against all races with the power of one clan.

Innate attributes are not a level.

The power of the void alone, among all races in the starry sky, can only be matched by a few extremely high-level powers....

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that this innate Bai Ze has slowly stood up, and the depths of his eyes are shining with a deep purple light.

"Tianfei...We can't hide..."

"Is that so?..."

While murmuring, Tian Fei was helpless. Even Bai Ze said this. It seemed that...There is only one fight left.

However, at this time, as if she thought of something, Concubine Tian also took the initiative to ask:

"Do you know the good or bad luck?"

"Good or bad luck is uncertain, it all depends on me...."

In response, Bai Ze also showed a hint of indescribable complexity on his face.....

And this time...World Tree does not know what is happening in the world behind the void crack.

Now he is trying his best to guard the cracks in the void

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by the terrifying roar, the World Tree actually kept changing its shape, changing towards a giant tree that covered the sky and the sun....

"give me town..."

With a loud shout, World Tree's arms had turned into countless branches, and its legs had turned into thousands of roots. The intertwined roots actually covered the entire crack in the void. world Tree...He actually used his own power to block the entire exit of the void crack.

"Quack, quack, wait for the arrival of my army from the Void Empire...That's when all-out war breaks out."

Amidst the undisguised laughter, World Tree also had some expectations.

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, World Tree also showed a touch of disdain on his face.

"Fight, fight, if you can break through my defense, I lose..."

As the words fell, the spiritual power of the World Tree also surged.

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

Along with the terrifying roar, abilities were activated one after another.

The bark reduces damage and absorbs elements.

Also includes anti-armor, law protection...

Various defensive abilities, to name a few, turned into a purple halo that filled the sky, shrouding the World Tree.

Although he is powerful, he is also good at defense.

But in the face of a dominator-level attack, one still has to be fully prepared.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

If this dominant-level alien bird, with its extraordinary magical power, breaks through his defense, then he will be completely embarrassed.

Grinning, World Tree is also ready.

However, this is the World Tree.

It seems rough and crazy, but in fact there is a subtlety in the roughness.

He is a rare general under Yu Ziyu's body of a purple dragon....

At this time, looking at the giant tree covering the sky and the sun from a distance beyond the crack in the void, it seemed that it was as big as the world, and the purple exotic bird was also a little confused.

One after another, purple halos like magic circles rose up.

Even looking at it from a distance is suffocating.

Not to mention, that indescribably huge body.

With such a body, even when he looked at it, he was a little stunned

"How come there is such a huge tree?..."

With a look of astonishment on his face, the purple exotic bird was also stunned.

He thought he was big enough and ordinary.

When the spiritual power surges, it can even raise the appearance of a hundred thousand feet.

But looking from a distance, this giant tree seems as huge as the world...

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