"This is?"

Suddenly exclaimed, the face of a strong spiritual clan man with very keen perception suddenly changed.

Just because, at this time, he actually sensed a breath of void.

However, how is this possible?

The void clan has not been around for several years. Didn't it appear?

However, before he could react, purple waves appeared at the far end of the starry sky.

Even though they were thousands of miles away, one could vaguely see one void creature after another moving along the purple sea. The surge is coming

"It’s the Void Clan, it’s the Void Clan"

"here they come again"

"Hurry, return to defense and call for emergency help...."...

Exclaimed one after another, the expressions of the powerful men from all races changed greatly.

At the same time, one message after another was sent back to Wanzu...

In the Dragon Star Territory, the Dragon Emperor's dreamy eyes, sitting high on the throne, suddenly opened.

"Is the void coming again?"

"Yes, Lord Dragon King."

In response, a strong dragon clan man also said bluntly:

"Their approach was menacing and unstoppable. In just a few breaths, tens of millions of troops were already arriving, pointing directly at the place of Buddhist suppression."

"Moreover, what is even more frightening is that they are endless...It actually has a posture that sweeps across the starry sky..."

Listening quietly, the Dragon King's dreamy eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

From this point of view, the purpose of these void creatures should be the void cracks suppressed by Buddhism.

But, why is their purpose here?

Could it be that...

Guessing in his mind, Dragon King Mengmeng also slowly stood up....

At the same time, the Lord of Reincarnation, the Lord of Sword Sect, and many other strong men also took action.

It's just that compared to them...

The Void Empire, which has been prepared for a long time, is already heading towards Buddhism with mighty force.


Amidst the low roar, a Void Snake coiled up and wrapped around a strong Buddhist man.

Then, with a 'click', the body of this strong Buddhist man was completely shattered.

Not all powerful Buddhists have cultivated a Buddhist golden body.

For these powerful Buddhists who have not cultivated the Buddhist Golden Body, the strangulation of this fifth-level Void Snake is already fatal.

However, this is only the beginning

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

With low roars one after another, countless void creatures roared towards the place where Buddhism suppressed them.

At a glance, there are endless purple waves.

The waves are getting higher and higher.

There is an indescribable horror

"Demon, retreat..."

In the midst of the violent drinking, a sixth-level Buddhist giant uttered Buddhist mantras.

I saw Sanskrit words flying across the sky, and the golden words seemed to have great power. They actually turned into haloes of light one after another with a size of 10,000 meters, driving away many void creatures.

However, at this moment,

"Come and play with me..."

Amidst laughter like silver bells, the sixth emperor of the Original Sin of the Void - Toy, this little girl holding the toy doll like a lolita, hidden in the mist, also walked towards this strong Buddhist man. Come.

In the Void Empire, strong men are like clouds.

Compared to today's Buddhism, I don't know how much stronger it is.

Not to mention, in the place where Buddhism is currently suppressing, there are only one or two tenths of the strong Buddhists gathered. in this way...

It can be seen with the naked eye that Buddhism's territory is being eroded bit by bit, and it doesn't even have the slightest strength to resist.

However, the only thing worth noting is the magnificent temple that is still shining with dazzling luster in the deepest part of this star field.

That's the Imperial Soldier's Great Thunder Sound Temple.

It suppresses the cracks in the void. If it leaves, it will probably release all the suppressed void creatures.

Therefore, the Imperial Soldier Daleiyin Temple is hesitant....

Hesitating whether to leave...

"these guys..."

While murmuring softly, the Imperial Soldier Dayei Temple was violently shocked.

Just because, right now


Accompanied by an earth-shattering cry...In the crack in the void that was suppressed by it, there was an extremely terrifying vibration.

That is the unknown master deep in the void crack, trying to break through the seal again.

The powerful impact nearly overturned the Imperial Soldier's Great Thunder Sound Temple.

"Click, click..."

Amidst the shattering sounds one after another, there were several cracks in the body of the imperial soldier Da Leiyin.

However, at this moment,

"Die to me."

A loud shout shook the earth.

But at the end of the starry sky, a fist as huge as a star came crashing down.

It was the World Tree, the Empire of the Void, an existence comparable to the Lord.

But now, he was roaring Among them, a punch pierced the starry sky and hit the Imperial Soldier Great Thunder Sound Temple fiercely.


With a cry of helplessness, the Imperial Soldier Daleiyin Temple already knew that it would be difficult to hold on any longer.

The void came too suddenly.

It arrived suddenly, but none of the powerful men from their tribes came.

Therefore, it is inevitable for him to retreat.

With this thought in mind, the Imperial Soldier Great Thunder Sound Temple also shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye and shot towards a corner of the starry sky.

However, at this moment, a scene happened that shocked the emperor's soldiers, the Great Thunder Sound Temple, and the powerful men of all races....

I saw that the fist that was as big as a star was still unabated, and it struck hard towards the depths of the void that was already tens of thousands of feet long.


With the sudden roar, the starry sky shook, and shock waves spread out in circles, shaking the stars.

However, vaguely, countless lives heard a scream:

"Who are you?"

As if in disbelief, a cry came from the depths of the cracks in the void.

"quack quack..."

Amid the hoarse laughter that sounded like countless broken glass, the World Tree, a sacred object of the gods that had fallen into the void, also roared:

"The void is so vast, could it be the king’s land?...I am the second king of the Void Empire..."

"If you bow your head, we, the Empire of the Void, will definitely be waiting for you"

"But if you dare to disobey, then what awaits you will definitely be suppressed by the thunder of our Void Empire...."

Speaking one after another, World Tree also became more warlike. he noticed...

Really aware of it.

This is indeed another void.

Moreover, compared to the ordinary void, the void world behind the void cracks here has even richer void power.

It can even be said that the void world behind this void crack is the paradise in the void.

The intensity of the power of the void between the two is not at the same level.

And if the strong men of their Void Empire could occupy this place, their cultivation speed would be accelerated by several percent. so...With blazing eyes, World Tree pointed directly at the world behind the cracks in the void.

At this moment, all races must be put aside.

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