However, even this does not change the ferocity of the purple exotic bird.


I only heard a cry, the sound shook the sky, but I saw a group of purple energy continuously gathering on the head of the purple exotic bird.

"die to me..."

With a loud shout, a purple energy ball shining with endless brilliance, like the sun, also fell.


The roar shook the sky, and the entire crack in the void trembled.

Accompanying it is the endless purple light and blazing heat.

But what is shocking is that the giant tree still stands between heaven and earth. Only on the crown of the tree are countless fallen leaves falling.


During a period of silence, the corners of the purple exotic bird's eyes twitched visibly.

Are you kidding me?

He was such a master, and with a nearly full blow, he didn't even break the defense of this giant tree?

There was some scalp, but more of it was shock.

However, at this time, the purple exotic bird did not know that it was the World Tree, and was secretly amazed.

Even if his defenses were fully deployed, and layers of magic arrays were deployed, which weakened nearly 80% of the power, it also shocked him internally.

If this happens a few more times, I'm afraid the defense will be broken.

"As expected of the Lord of the Void, this kind of attack is really terrifying."

Sighing secretly in his heart, the World Tree remained motionless, pressing firmly on this crack in the void.

Now, he needs to wait.

Waiting for more powerful men from the Void Empire to arrive.

Especially, that one...

His eyes couldn't stop flickering, and there was an indescribable expectation in the depths of Yggdrasil's eyes....

And at this moment, in the deepest part of the void,

"Boom, boom, boom...."

During the sudden roar, the continuous purple clouds gathered, and visible to the naked eye, a purple vortex emerged between the sky and the earth.

That is thunder tribulation.

Thunder Tribulation dominates the void.

And just under the thunder tribulation, a petite figure stood quietly.

Carrying six wings as thin as a cicada

"buzz buzz..."

As the wings continued to vibrate, sound waves spread one after another.

This is Ziyan, the most terrifying king in the void.

And now, he is finally going to the top to break the catastrophe

"Go through the tribulation well, I will protect you."

As he spoke softly, beyond the calamity clouds, among the continuous clouds, an unimaginably huge body could be seen faintly passing by.

Occasionally, if his eyes touched it, he could see purple ones one after another. The scales are extremely deep and mysterious.

The sky-reaching purple dragon is Yu Ziyu’s second body.

Now, in order to protect the purple sickle through the tribulation, Yu Ziyu also truly controls him and walks out of his sleep.

However, for Yu Ziyu, the tribulation The clouds are not important.

What is important is the will of the void that stands above the underworld.

Now, another void has been discovered, and some things are also known by the will of the void.

Now Yu Ziyu wants to see what choice the will of the void makes..

If you want to embarrass him, then this time Ziyan's Lord's Tribulation is a good opportunity.

Although the Will of the Void cannot directly attack Yu Ziyu's Heaven-reaching Purple Dragon, it is not difficult to influence the Tribulation Cloud like this.


With his eyes focused, Yu Ziyu's extremely deep dragon eyes were also looking at the sky....

However, everything seemed to go smoothly unexpectedly.

There were no unexpected twists and turns

"Break it for me..."

With a loud shout, Yuan Zilian had already passed the thunder tribulation.

Countless powers are gathered on him.

It seems like transformation, but also like evolution, a giant purple cocoon wraps the purple sickle.

However, just at this moment,


With a roar, a very smart purple eye slowly emerged from the deepest part of the calamity cloud.

However, what is shocking is that this purple eye has no intention of looking at Zi Lian.

Instead, he looked beyond the calamity cloud and saw the boundless dragon that had circled the entire calamity cloud several times.

Looking into each other's eyes, although there are no words, everything is unspoken.

"Hum hum..."

Suddenly laughing, Yu Ziyu also cracked the corners of his mouth.

He won.

This time, he really won.

Void Will actually chose to compromise.

The reason why I say this is because Void Will has no intention of stopping Yu Ziyu and Zi Lian. Instead, it takes the initiative to show up and look into each other's eyes.

This is enough to prove that Void Will acquiesces to his approach.

Even now,


A sudden roar came from the distant void.

Along with it, an indescribable feeling surged into my heart.

Suddenly the fog dissipated, and the void that he had not been able to see through before was clearly printed in his mind.

The will of the void took the initiative to disperse the fog, allowing Yu Ziyu's sky-reaching purple dragon body to fully understand the entire void.

And in this way,


His eyes suddenly shot out a sky-reaching purple divine light, and Yu Ziyu's gaze directly spanned time and even space, looking into the deepest part of the void.

Over there...

At the far end of the void, Yu Ziyu saw...

Saw it...An invisible wall, but it is an invisible wall that reaches straight into the sky, standing quietly.

It is such a wall that divides the void into an inner circle and an outer circle.

On the periphery is the Void Empire commanded by Yu Ziyu.

The inner circle is about Yu Ziyu’s mysterious existence.

"This is the Void Hunting Ground..."

In the sudden murmur, a mysterious message also came to my mind.

That was the message conveyed to him by the Will of the Void.

The Void Hunting Ground, the Void Paradise, has countless ancient relics dormant.

Even rare beasts exist in every era.

And if Yu Ziyu now conquers this world, he will conquer it.

Then, the entire void will be unified.

Thus truly establishing an empire that dominates the entire void.

It's not terrible, though.

What's really scary is that this void hunting ground has too many resources.

If Yu Ziyu can occupy it, then the strength of the entire Void Empire will skyrocket.

Even his personal strength, the body of the Heavenly Purple Dragon, will be greatly improved....

Before, the reason why the Will of the Void did not let Yu Ziyu notice the existence of the Void Hunting Ground was to secretly support the existence of Yu Ziyu.

And the second one, isn't it to limit Yu Ziyu's further growth and worry that he will be out of control?

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