Such a loss...If it were an ordinary force, I would be afraid that everything would be broken.

As for Buddhism, the gods are so powerful that they have calmed down.

However, alleviation is alleviation, but the losses are not small.

It is rumored...Today’s gods have eight hundred gods sleeping...Among them, the Lord of the Chaos God System fell into a deep sleep....

"Tsk tsk..."

Smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but look at the other forces, the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, and the Kunpeng Clan....

Nowadays, the gods and Buddhism are so determined that they may embarrass other forces.

After all, the gods and Buddhism suffered huge losses, so this decision was terrible.

But what about other forces?

If the Dragon Clan and Phoenix Clan were to send out such troops, I’m afraid there would be some...

However, at this moment, Ni Chang, the colorful phoenix, seemed to notice Yu Ziyu's gaze and looked back with a smile...


With a smile, the entire palace became more beautiful....

"The Buddhists and Gods have such determination, and we are also shocked. However, if our clan wants to dispatch such troops, we still need to ask the various elders for instructions."

Speaking of this, Ni Chang took the initiative and said:

"Moreover, the world tree of the gods...Now it has fallen into the void...According to the rumors, he is probably also an incredible combat power, comparable to the gods and rulers...."

"in this way...Want to suppress the void...I'm afraid..."

As Ni Sang spoke one after another, there was also a hint of worry in his words.


Nodded, the Dream Dragon of the Dragon Clan also recognized it.

Today's Void is not just one Void Master.

Instead, it is two real masters.

One of them has the world's combat power to severely damage the God Clan....

With a slight frown on his brow, the Dream Dragon of the Dragon Clan also suggested:

"This matter needs long-term consideration...Don't be hasty..."


Listening quietly, many forces nodded one after another.

It's none of your business, just hang it up high.

This is quite normal.

Moreover, more importantly, the Buddhists and the Gods all dispatched such troops. If they dispatched...I am afraid that the number of troops cannot be reduced.

And this is enough to break their muscles and bones... so...

There was a moment of silence, and the entire palace also became quiet....

"Sure enough, it is difficult for all races to unite..."

There was a chuckle in her heart, but Yu Ziyu also understood.

It would be strange if all races could unite...

It's still possible for them to join forces.

But it is absolutely impossible for them to truly unite and become a force.

Interests and disputes are not allowed.

And this is what Yu Ziyu hopes...


A sudden chuckle attracted everyone's attention.

Looking for a voice, he actually saw the Demon King slowly standing up and saying softly:

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long term, and there is no rush...."

"Let’s take a rest today. Let’s talk about it some time later."...

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Ziyu was also filled with spiritual power.


There was just a roar, and time and space were turned upside down. Yu Ziyu's figure disappeared silently into the palace, leaving one strong person after another looking at each other....... left the palace...Yu Yu also rushed to Demon Court's station.

It is also a main hall.

However, now, the people of Demon Court are gathered together

"Goodbye, Demon King...

"Goodbye, Demon King...

Amidst the chorus of calls, several figures were already prostrate.

Looking up, he saw Yu Ziyu's acquaintances, golden ants, white tigers, etc.

However, compared to the past, today's golden ants are truly extraordinary.

Dressed in golden scales, his figure is majestic and extraordinary.

Like a golden-armored god of war, just standing there gives off an unruffled power.

Eyes narrowed...However, Yu Zi noticed that the golden ant actually had an extra magical power.

【Supernatural power - extreme power: step on the path of power and overwhelm people with power...Able to condense the body's strength into one point in an instant, and deliver a terrifying punch that far exceeds the limit....Its terrifying power, even if it can defeat the master, is not inferior by half....】

Staring quietly, Yu Ziyu finally understood why this guy was able to fight against the unparalleled genius of the Kunpeng clan?

"Not bad, really and not bad, Xiao Wu, you have grown up again.."

With soft praise, Yu Ziyu also did not hide the praise in her words.


Grinning, the golden ant was extremely proud.

This is a terrifying magical power that he realized at the moment of life and death, and it can deliver a most brilliant blow.

If this magical power cannot catch the eyes of the master, then...

However, at this moment, the white tiger on the side seemed to have thought of something, and he also took the initiative to say:

"Owner...Didn't you discuss an alliance with those guys?"

"discuss? It’s just that they all have their own agendas.. Moreover, this is a big matter and it will take a certain amount of time...."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu showed expectation:

"I believe that many people will come looking for me these days"

"Coming to find you?"

Suddenly stunned, Bai Hu was also a little stunned.

"Yes, come and find me."

Nodding, Yu Ziyu also affirmed:

"Today, I am very important, and every word and deed can affect the entire starry sky....So people will come to inquire about it, covertly or covertly."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also looked at White Tiger, Golden Ant and others, and ordered:

"Please keep your mouth shut and don't reveal my intention to join the alliance."

"Yes, master."

Amidst the chorus of responses, Di Ji Ling'er, who was not far away, twitched her eyes.

If she really didn't want to reveal it, she wouldn't have said it in front of everyone.

Especially here, there is Bai Hu who can't control it. The guy who keeps his mouth shut.

After a few bottles of wine, I guess he will say something like pouring beans.

And about this, not only Ling'er, but even the golden ant also made some guesses, with a strange look on his face. To Bai Hu.

At this moment, Bai Hu seemed to have noticed the strange looks from everyone. Bai Hu also waved his hands repeatedly and said with a hint of panic:

"Don't worry, don't worry, what I won't say is...absolutely..."

After saying that, Bai Hu promised:

"If I let something slip, I will definitely apologize....Seclusion for a hundred years..."


Yu Ziyu said with a smile

"That is..."

Patting his chest, Bai Hu was also sure.

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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