"Is the Demon King coming?"

Suddenly, a colorful phoenix danced, and the palace was filled with nine-colored dazzling light....A girl wearing colorful clouds also slowly raised her eyes.

This is a girl who is as beautiful as a god.

She seems to have stepped out of a painting. Her beautiful eyes are like water. When she looks at her, she has an elegant and noble temperament that makes people attracted by her. She feels ashamed and dare not blaspheme.

It's like a veil made of colorful clouds, tied with a white belt.

The beautiful green silk is tied up with silk inlaid with emeralds, and a hosta with golden flowers is pinned sideways.

Noble, graceful...

But it is Ni Shang, who is known as"the most beautiful woman in the starry sky".

However, at this moment, with a wave of her right hand, the gauze brushed her face, covering her face, and then she walked out of the palace.

Now, I don’t know if it’s because her cultivation is getting stronger, but her appearance alone can capture people’s attention....

And this, to her, was quite annoying.

After all, no girl wants to be stared at...

And at this time, she was not the only one...In the dragon palace that reaches the sky,


There was a dragon roar, and a red dragon, a mixture of reality and reality, also emerged from the palace.

Dragon Clan——Dream Dragon...Another powerful life.

And now...

Feeling Yu Ziyu's breath, these powerful life forms all walked out to welcome

"I'm waiting to welcome the Demon King..."

"I'm waiting to welcome the Demon King..."...

Before anyone arrived, dozens of voices gathered into a wave that resounded through the starry sky.

Looking for the sound, one can suddenly see more than a dozen figures that look like the rising sun, flashing with hazy light, standing quietly in the sky above the Babel Star.

And these are the powerful men from various top forces who are sitting in Tongtianxing.


Nodding gently, Yu Ziyu also took a step forward.

In an instant, time and space are reversed, and everything changes.

And at the next moment, among the pupils of many powerful men who shrank, a figure wearing a golden imperial robe appeared in the sky above Tongtian Star at some unknown time.

The figure is hazy, and the true body cannot be seen.

Behind the scenes, the shadow of a giant tree that blocks out the sky and sun appears... and what's even more terrifying is...There were actually nine stars surrounding him.

Although, each star is smaller than the size of a basketball.

But everyone knows that this is more terrifying than the real stars.

The vast power gathered in the stars, making one strong person after another feel numb.

Yu Ziyu's great supernatural power - the Nine Realms of Heaven. As time goes by, the nine small and large worlds become more and more terrifying....

Let’s not talk about the perfection of the rules.

Just now, if it hits it, it will be like several stars hitting it hard.

Not to mention ordinary sixth-level giants, even seventh-level giants may not be able to withstand it.

And this is the Demon King...

A terrifying existence that dominates the world and dominates the stars.

And now..

"Demon Emperor invites..."

With a request, it was the Dragon of Dreams who took the initiative to welcome the Demon King into the Tongtian Star....


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also looked at these dozen figures, who looked like gods and demons.

In addition to the dream dragon and the colorful divine phoenix,...

And the Lord of Buddhism, the God King of the God Clan...The unparalleled genius of the Kunpeng clan...

Moreover, I don’t know if it was an illusion, but Yu Ziyu actually felt that the figure of the God King was a bit empty.

"It seems that the price of summoning the Creation Star Map is not light...."

With a chuckle in his heart, Yu Ziyu stepped forward and walked towards the deepest part of Babel Star......

And shortly after that...

Tongtianxing, the deepest part, is a huge palace.

Thousands of people were seated.

And just above the thousands of people, there are more than a dozen figures, quietly entrenched.

Every figure is like a god or demon, extremely terrifying.

However, the most terrifying thing is the figure sitting at the top, whose aura alone overwhelms all others.

The Lord of the Demon Court—the Demon Emperor, the first person under the starry sky.

And now...

He was respected openly, and the strong men from all clans also pushed him to the first place.

This is not only a recognition of his strength, but also a great respect.......

There was no delay or waiting. After Yu Ziyu took his seat in the first place, he went straight to the topic:

"In the past two years, I have been in retreat...I still don’t know much about the alliance. I wonder if you can explain a little bit about it."

"This is natural."

There was a slight smile, but it was Ni Shang, the colorful god of the Phoenix tribe, who said softly:

"Nowadays, the Void clan is powerful and has the power to overwhelm all clans, and...The Void Clan feeds on all races and is the real demon race....If it continues to grow, I'm afraid there will be endless disasters... so...We hope that all races will unite to defeat the Void Clan together..."

And at the moment Ni Chang spoke, in the distance, the master of Buddhism and even the God King of the God Clan stood up and said in unison:

"Lord Demon Emperor...The virtual master's terrifying strength has truly become a climate. If it is not suppressed,...I'm afraid..."

Saying this, both of them had a look of lingering fear on their faces.

Obviously, the original Lord of the Void shocked both of them quite a lot.


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also responded:

"Not long ago, I had a chance encounter with him...Powerful indeed."

After saying this, Yu Ziyu changed the topic and affirmed:

"However, the Void Clan is in the Land of Void...It is not easy to conquer...and, more importantly, although our race has a strong foundation...But now everything is in disarray..."

"And this is also the purpose of our coming here to discuss."

In response, the Lord of Buddhism also added

"My Buddhist sect is willing to produce eight hundred Arhats and three hundred Bodhisattvas...Hundreds of millions of Buddha soldiers...Just to kill the Void Clan..."


There was a moment of silence, and the corners of Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Eight hundred Arhats and three hundred Bodhisattvas are really a shocking feat.

You must know that the Arhat and even the Bodhisattva in Buddhism are both fruit status and a symbol of strength.

And these eight hundred Arhats and three hundred Bodhisattvas were at least fifth level, not even excluding some sixth level giants.

Such combat power, combined with hundreds of millions of Buddhist soldiers, is probably enough to kill an ordinary Taoist lineage.

On the other side...listening to Half Buddha's words, the God King of the God Clan also promised:

"Our divine race, all the gods in this world, are all willing to obey orders.."

One world of gods...According to legend, the clan has nine realms...

And the gods of a world are equivalent to one-ninth of the combat power...


There was a moment of silence, not only Yu Ziyu, but also other forces could not help but be shocked.

This is the first time that the Buddhist clan and the divine clan have reported their fighting power.

It should be because of the arrival of Yu Ziyu, the Demon Emperor.

However, the determination of these two major forces can also be seen. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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