However, just half a month later...

In the stunned eyes of Golden Ant, Jiuwei, and even Yu Ziyu, a white-haired, burly-looking young man actually came to the main hall carrying a thorn stick on his back.


There was a moment of silence, and the corners of the eyes of many figures could not stop twitching.

This thorn branch is not an ordinary branch.

It is Yu Ziyu’s incarnation, the Thunder God Tree, carrying the thunder branches...The branches were entangled with fine thunder, and every ray of thunder was enough to penetrate the earth and even the sky.

And now, carrying these branches...

Click, click...

Visible to the naked eye, lightning struck each young man one after another.

Along with this, the white-haired young man's face kept twitching, as if he was holding back huge pain.

And this young man is naturally the human form of a white tiger.

"Master, I'm here to apologize..."

In the voice full of grievances, Bai Hu actually knelt on his knees in the main hall.

"What's wrong?"

Suddenly playful, Yu Ziyu was also a little curious.



One meal, one meal...Bai Ye said sadly and angrily:

"A brother of mine from the Dragon Clan brought me several bottles of the best spiritual wine...Then I got greedy for a while...At once...Just told you that you intend to join the alliance..."


Suddenly burst into laughter, and not far away, Ling'er burst into laughter.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a white tiger.

Still as unreliable as ever... but...He is reliable, and he put it to the right use today.

And this is also the purpose of the master.

What I want is for Bai Hu to spill the beans. What I want is for Bai Hu to let the air leak out of his mouth.

"Owner...Still under control..."

With a murmur in his heart, Ling'er also looked at the figure sitting on the throne not far away.

Wearing a golden imperial robe, he looked like a god or a demon.

The figure is invisible, only vaguely appearing...

This is his master...

The more unfathomable it becomes, the more terrifying it becomes....

It turned out that even Bai Hu was scheming.

But...If you make a mistake, you have to bear it.

The corner of her mouth curled up, and Yu Ziyu also smiled and said:

"in this way...Just go and keep your promise...Seclusion for a hundred years..."

Saying that, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to:

"I hope you can take a half-step to dominate after exiting seclusion..."


It became more and more bitter, but Bai Hu could only nod in agreement.

If you make a mistake, you must bear it. it is necessary...

Of course, Bai Hu also understood that the master was doing it for his own good.

He is not of a leisurely nature....

Now, in retreat and reflection...Practicing is also good for him.

Just, just...

As if he thought of something, Bai Hu slapped his mouth fiercely.

"Greedy for a cup, greedy for a cup... Now it's a big deal, right?..."

"Ha ha..."

Seeing Bai Hu's self-blaming look, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth rose slightly unnoticeably.

Although, he is plotting against Bai Hu.

But it’s also a test for White Tiger...

If he doesn't change his temper, he will cause serious problems sooner or later.

At least...Before he changes his nature, it is impossible to reveal important plans to Bai Hu....


With a sigh in her heart, Yu Ziyu waved her hand and opened a vortex leading to the small world of life...

There, retreat is a good choice.

"go ahead...white tiger..."

"Yes, master."

In response, Bai Hu also took the initiative to walk towards the small world of vitality... and not long after Bai Hu left...Everyone's suppressed laughter could no longer be suppressed and burst into laughter....

"White Tiger, I really failed this time..."

"Haha, he is indeed the third brother..."

"However, Sister Ling'er laughed out loud from the beginning, so Bai Hu should have noticed it."

"I guess, but with Third Brother’s slowness, I’m afraid it will take some time..."

One after another, the hall couldn't help but become noisy.

And here...

Except for Golden Ant and Ling'er, the others are also our own people.

Like the various origin elves who have lived in the nine realms for a long time.

Or like the daughter of thorns who settled in the small world of fog...There are no outsiders... so occasional noise is okay....

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Ling'er also took the initiative to ask:

"Now that the news about White Tiger has been leaked, there must be more people coming to test the master."


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also agreed.

Just a few days ago, Dream Dragon came to see him...

And these two days...Presumably, strong men like Chang Shang and Half Buddha will come to look for him one after another...

And this is Yu Ziyu, the first person under the starry sky...

No matter who it is, they will look at his statement.

If he really agrees to join the alliance...Presumably the formation of alliances will be greatly accelerated. but...At this moment, something seemed to come to mind, and Yu Ziyu couldn't help but smile:

"It seems that it will take a few more attacks from the Void Clan to force all races to join forces..."

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also had concerns in his mind.

Now, all the powerful ones are gathered together.

All the top forces have lost their combat power.

It's a good opportunity.

Moreover, Yu Ziyu also needed it, and the Void Clan found a stone tablet for him.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu changed his mind and was pulled directly into the depths of the void. then...

Deep in the void, a purple hall

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The terrifying aura continued to rise, and a cold voice echoed throughout the starry sky.

"Go invade and fight...."

"Your carnival is here again..."...

And at the moment when this sound fell

"Boom, boom, boom...

As the auras rose one after another, there were actually as many as seven figures rising into the sky.

Every step is like a god or a demon.

Terrible to the extreme...

And these are the Void Clan, who have recently stepped into the sixth level of the Extraordinary, or the Void Emperor who recently joined Yu Ziyu's command... a total of seven...But under sin, the sequence is ten, eleven, twelve...until sixteen...

Each one is a humanoid void creature.

Either old, handsome, male or female...Regardless of the situation...

And now...Under the command of Lord Kong, they will be divided into seven groups and attack each small clan. and besides them...The original core members, namely Zi Lian, Fallen Angel Avril and others, will use the name of attacking all races to truly find the stone tablet for Yu Ziyu..._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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