The most powerful life form, beyond the recognition of race, is an incredibly powerful life form....

Each one has a great reputation.

Originally, someone had intended to rank Yu Ziyu among the ten evil stars in the starry sky, but after thinking about it, they gave up.

Existences like Yu Ziyu are beyond the understanding of the world and are extremely noble.

Even if someone wanted to arrange it, they would not dare.

I only dare to call him 'Demon King'.

And also because of this...These people took the next step and chose the 'Golden Ant' in the Demon Court, listing him as one of the 'Ten Ominous Men in the Starry Sky'.

What is worth mentioning here is that...If in the hereafter...Tens of thousands of years, or even millions of years later, the so-called ten evils in the starry sky may be called the ten evils of the ancient times, or even the ten evils of the ancient times....

And for this, some people have even organized a language description.

Legend has it that at the beginning of the era, ten extremely ferocious creatures were born. They stood side by side in the sky and lived together on the earth....In heaven and on earth, I am the only one...’

And these are the ten evil stars in the starry sky...

It is better to say that it is the most powerful life form, rather than the major forces. It is the most terrifying life form. It is also a famous strong person... except for the Demon Emperor.

According to them, the Demon King is superior to the ten evil spirits standing in the starry sky...Shine with the sun and moon...... certainly...In Yu Yu's opinion, these are just false names.

Although it is somewhat interesting...Less true.

After all, the starry sky is mysterious and unpredictable...Many terrifying life forms are nameless...

Moreover, among the ten evil spirits in the starry sky, the Dragon of Dreams, the Colorful Divine Phoenix, and even the peerless genius of the Kunpeng clan are all worthy of their names.

But compared to them, the Golden Ant may not be worthy of such a title.

Although the golden ants are powerful, they are still a level lower than these few.

The reason why Golden Ant can be included in the"Ten Ominous Stars" is because it has a big backer, Yu Ziyu.

Yu Ziyu, they dare not line up...

So I took the next step and pushed the golden ant to the position of the"Ten Ominous Stars"...

I smiled in my heart. Yu Ziyu, who was on his way to the stars, couldn't help but sigh:

"They are afraid that the big snake under my command is ominous....otherwise...The big snake is even more qualified to become one of the Ten Fierce..."

Listening to Yu Ziyu's sigh quietly, Ling'er, who was telling Yu Ziyu the origin of the 'Ten Ominous Stars', also raised the corner of his mouth and said:

"Master, don’t underestimate the fifth brother. He is very powerful. Although compared to the Dragon of Dreams and the Nine-Colored Divine Phoenix, he is indeed a bit inferior....

"But looking at the stars, he is also ranked high..."...

Ling'er couldn't help but curl her lips as he spoke one after another.

His master is good at everything.

They just underestimated the strength of their subordinates.

Still treating them like children..

"Hum hum..."

As if out of anger, Ling'er also started to hum...


There was a loud laugh, but Yu Ziyu looked curious.

"Could it be said that Xiao Wu has grown up again?"

"That's natural."

Nodding, Ling'er's eyes also shone, and then he said excitedly:

"when you are in retreat...fifth brother...But I had a fight with the unparalleled genius of the Kunpeng clan...."

"In that battle, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, and several stars were destroyed...."

"It's truly earth-shattering...It was also in that battle...Only then did Xiaowu get the title of 'Ten Fierce People'..."

Ling'er became more and more excited as she spoke one after another.

Compared to her master's lording over the world and dominating the starry sky, she hoped to follow his master's subordinates one after another and dominate the starry sky.

Because, this is like this...They are truly qualified to share something with their master......

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but feel dumb.

It seems that Xiao Wu is better than he thought.

However, this is fine.

The better he is, the more relieved Yu Ziyu is.

And this time...Came over just in time to visit them.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also took Ling'er and rushed towards the central star field with one step in the air.

As for why I brought Ling'er with me.

Naturally, it was to let him see the world.

Moreover, this girl Ling'er is also clingy....

You might as well bring it with you......


The terrifying speed was like a thunderbolt, passing through the starry sky.

The layers of space are constantly folding.

This is...An escape method is an extremely clever use of space.

And now...Yu Ziyu's escape method is called"empty escape"’...In just one step, there are several asteroid belts away, which is absolutely terrifying when it comes to traveling in a hurry. certainly...Nowadays, when traveling frequently, you need to use the large starry sky gate...Otherwise, even if someone as powerful as Yu Ziyu rushed to the Central Star Region, it would still take several years.

And there is no way around this.

The starry sky is really too vast.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that this vast starry sky is still expanding....

"Tsk tsk..."

Smacking his mouth, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but have thoughts. Perhaps only a true half-step eternity, or even eternity, can he set foot in every corner of the starry sky, and even explore the chaos beyond the starry sky. With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu accelerated again....

And not long after this...The central star field is the most central planet. Babel Star...Compared with Blue Star, it is a vast planet hundreds of millions of times larger.


With a sudden shock, countless strong men couldn't help but raise their heads and look at the starry sky.

"This momentum?"

"So scary, beyond comprehension..."

"Who is this...

One exclamation after another, countless strong men showed horror on their faces.

I have to say, this momentum is truly terrifying.

It was like a bright sun in the sky, terrifying.

And at this moment, as if he thought of something, a figure couldn't help but exclaimed:

"This is the Demon King..."

"What, Demon Emperor?"

In the sudden response, countless people were startled.

Demon Emperor...The first person under the starry sky.

In this way, we can understand this momentum. Why is it so terrifying?

He was the only one, and countless strong men could not breathe under such pressure. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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