With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also suppressed his thoughts.

This time in retreat, it was a blessing to be able to realize the 'fracture of time and space'.

And in this way...You can also be bold in other matters and even layout. after all...Now that he possesses life-saving magical powers to such an extent, his safety should be guaranteed.

The corners of her mouth curled up, and Yu Ziyu slowly stood up.


Along with a roar, a slender figure also stepped out from another time and space.

And at this time, if you pay attention...Behind him, there was an afterimage following him...

This is the mark of the rupture of time and space...

If Yu Ziyu uses this kind of magical power, he will return to the time and space where the mark is located in an instant....

Everything is a return.

It's like time flows backwards.

Of course... only Yu Ziyu could notice this.

As for others, they will only feel it fleetingly, but they will not discover anything.

Time and space are extremely mysterious forces.

It's not something that ordinary people can perceive.

Even if he is as powerful as a master, he will not have too much contact with these two powers.

Space, okay...In order to facilitate the journey or even escape, there will be more or less contact with others.

But time, then...

No, it should be said that there is not much contact with this kind of power.

It requires talent, but also opportunity.

And Yu Ziyu was lucky enough to understand the law of time because of the magical moment.

After smiling, Yu Ziyu also glanced at the afterimage behind him thoughtfully.

Like his mirror image, like his shadow.

And this was him ten seconds ago.

However, Yu Ziyu believes that as he continues to perfect this magical power, it will become more bizarre and even terrifying.

Maybe...More than ten seconds in the future...

Even return to tens of seconds ago...

Of course, this is just what Yu Ziyu thinks about......

And at this moment,

"Master, you are finally out of seclusion..."

With a sound of surprise, Nine Tails also appeared in front of Yu Ziyu from afar.

"What's wrong?"

As he asked softly, Yu Ziyu was also a little stunned.

Could it be that there is something else that can't be done now?

But at this time, it seemed that Yu Ziyu was guessing, and Jiuwei also said frankly:

"Just half a year ago, the God Clan, Buddhism, Dragon Clan, Phoenix Clan, and many other forces discussed forming an alliance to fight against the Void Clan...."

"And the leader of Buddhism has even elected you as the leader of the alliance.’..."

"But, at that time, you were in retreat...I can be silent..."...

He spoke one after another, and Kyuubi's voice was also filled with excitement. leader...

This is not a simple word.

Just because, to a certain extent, this means that many big forces recognize his master.

It means even more...His master already has a very important position in the starry sky...

And about this...The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and Yu Ziyu also made a subtle arc.

"Finally, we’ve come this far..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu was also proud.

Everything is according to his plan.

Although, this position of alliance leader is very likely to be in name only, but was temporarily granted to Yu Ziyu by many forces in order to resist the Lord of the Void......Let him take the lead.

But, it’s also pretty good...

This is a good beginning.

If he grasps it well, Yu Ziyu can truly assume the position of leader of the alliance and turn his false name into his real name.’...

It is also the one that truly gives him the supreme authority to control the starry sky....

As for how to do it? how to do?

Yu Ziyu understood even more deeply

"Combine the vertical and horizontal, understand it with reason, and move it with emotion...Really let many forces recognize this alliance...Then, follow my orders.."

Smiling, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

But now...It’s better to go and have a look...

"where did they discuss..."

After asking, Yu Ziyu also said curiously

"Reporting back to the master, they are now in the central star field...The place where the Tongtian Divine Tree took root..."


While muttering, Yu Ziyu also nodded.

Then, he greeted Kyuubi and said:

"Then let me take a trip now..."

"Um...I send you off respectfully..."

Bowing slightly, Jiuwei also looked at Yu Ziyu's back.

And the very next moment,


There was a roar, light and shadow intertwined, and Yu Ziyu's figure turned into a sudden roar and disappeared between heaven and earth in the blink of an eye.......

And at this time...central region...On a vast planet...The clouds are shrouded and the fairy sound is faint...

There are also beautiful buildings and jade buildings emerging in the sky...

This is the Babel Star.

At the beginning, the planet where the Tongtian Divine Tree took root...

And because, here you can directly listen to the sky, practice here, and understand the laws, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Therefore, Tongtian Star has also become a battleground for all races.

But...Because Yu Yu, the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan, the Kunpeng Clan and many other factions have performed outstandingly and have amazing heritage...... so...The entire Tongtian was also divided into eight, each controlled by a powerful force.

The Demon Court controls some of them.

Like the White Tiger and the Golden Ant who went out to suppress heretics before, they are now practicing on Tongtian Star.

And the reason why the White Tiger and the Golden Ant are in Tongtianxing now...It's also because of two things.

One is the Tongtian Star, where strong men gather, and the geniuses of all races gather here.

And the second one...There are constant conflicts.

Every moment, there was a brutal fight. so...Guarding is a must.

As for the Demon Court, the famous God of War, Golden Ant, is reassuring.

The extreme power shook the heaven and the earth, and he defeated countless powerful foreigners.

And it is also because of this that the golden ants have a name among all races: the Ten Fierce Stars of the Starry Sky....As famous as the peerless genius of the Kunpeng clan, the dreamy dragon of the Dragon clan, and the colorful divine phoenix of the Phoenix clan......

It is the most powerful life form in the true sense.... ps:------------------Ask for customization------------------

Got angry...If I eat too much of that spicy food, I feel a little uncomfortable....I can't even speak...hahaha, so I was delayed in typing...

I'm sorry....Fei works hard now. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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