
Suddenly, Yu Ziyu slowly opened his eyes.

And the very next moment,


What caught Yu Ziyu's eyes was a huge figure that seemed to be unable to accommodate even the void. overhead...Feet on the ground...

Boundless form...ferocious appearance...

And right above the head, there is a star like a furnace, shining in all directions, extremely bright.

A holy object from the gods - the World Tree...An extremely terrifying life form, but it was because of Yu Ziyu's unique ability that she woke up from her deep sleep....Transformed into the terrifying monster it is today


Speaking softly, Yu Ziyu did not hide the admiration on his face....

Powerful beyond his imagination...

Even he didn't dare to underestimate it.

And this is the world tree that can carry the entire world...The sacred tree that took countless resources from the gods to cultivate...

But it's a pity...

Qian Chao tried hard but failed in the end, and fell into Yu Ziyu's scheme.

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu's eyes also fell on Yggdrasil.

Although he created him, he did not really consider it.

And now...

Eyes narrowed...

And at the next moment, what came into view was...

【Race: Divine Tree - World Tree (an ancient sacred tree whose huge branches are enough to form the world)

Level: Extraordinary Seventh Level.

Born Talent: Carrying the World - A terrifying life form that can carry the entire world on its back. It is the support of everything. It has the most terrifying body under the starry sky....It can also purify spiritual energy and nourish the world....

The law of destiny - the world: born with the world on your back...This is the incarnation of the world, multiplying and nourishing all things...Its existence is the world... able to accommodate all things...

Special ability:

Awakening - Thanks to the awakening of the ancestor of the tree, he becomes a tree man. His powerful body and unrivaled will will be the most terrifying war weapon under the starry sky....

World-shaking power: The power that makes the starry sky tremble. Even one punch is enough to destroy the starry sky.

The Body of the World: A terrifying body that can rival a whole world...invincible and unrivaled.

Branch strangulation: The branches are like an unparalleled python, capable of strangulating everything.

Boundless Blood: Given by the 'Lord of the Void', the violent blood flowing in the body can greatly increase one's own strength.......

The natal magical power - One World: Transform into one world and suppress the world...Carrying all things...】...

Staring quietly, there was a hint of surprise in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

What a terrifying life form.

Not only is the combat power terrifying, but it is also a world that nourishes all things.

Think of this...Yu Zi couldn't help but be startled.

"I see your ability......You seem to be a big empty world..."

Hearing this, World Tree also shook violently.

Then, he grinned and said:

"If the master needs...I can..."

At this point, World Tree changed the topic and said bluntly:

"However, I have not truly fallen into the void yet. I need to transform into a void life form before I can transform into the void world..."

"Tsk tsk..."

Smashing her head and mouth, Yu Ziyu also had a look of surprise on her face.

I thought that he had just gained a dominant level of combat power.

But now, it seems that it is more than that.

To know...The void is chaotic and disorderly, and it is a truly boundless place.

But at this time...

If a big void world appears in the depths of the void... I am afraid it will attract all the void life in the depths of the void...

And how terrifying is a big world in the void?

The simplest way to put it...It means gathering spiritual power from one side, which can greatly increase the concentration of spiritual power.

If the concentration of the power of void in the depths of the void is 10, then the World Tree turns into the great world of void...The increase in the concentration of the power of the void alone is enough to increase it to seventy, eighty, or even one hundred... a terrifying increase of more than ten times.

Moreover, as a big world, it is also in line with the laws of the void, which can greatly enhance the understanding of the laws by void creatures....

It can be said...The emergence of a void world also means that there is the possibility of creating a void civilization.

And what is civilization?

It is a sublimation of the most peak power in the era....The middle and even later stages of every era are the so-called battles of civilizations.

It is also like the civilization of the gods that has multiplied to the extreme, and it is also like the angel civilization that has the angels multiplied to the extreme.

Has a unique training system and knowledge inheritance...This is the prototype of civilization.

However, this is not important yet.

What a civilization really needs is...There are creatures above the master that dominate the entire race and even the forces, and they also have a war and plunder system that gets stronger with each war.

And this is the real horror of a civilization.

Why, the gods have multiplied to the extreme and can be called a 'civilization'? Because they spread their faith, can plunder everything in other worlds, and will become stronger as they fight....A near-perfect war-plundering faith. why...The peak of Buddhism can also be called a 'civilization', because Buddhism is also a belief...Like the gods, they are also representatives of faith-based civilizations.

Compared with this kind of civilization...Another type of civilization is even more terrifying...

That is the legendary abyss civilization...It is an ancient race, the Abyss Clan, that has multiplied to its peak and united multiple top races and even forces to create a terrifying civilization.

It once became the most terrifying existence in the era, plundering all races... and those were also the dark years for all races....... a civilization...A race that has multiplied to its peak and has a war and plunder system that gets stronger with each war can be called a civilization.

However, more of them are like the Abyss Clan, uniting multiple terrorist forces... even the Buddhist...Among the forces, there are also all kinds of people, including the Dragon Clan, the Wind Clan, etc....

This is civilization...

And at the end...When a civilization rules the entire era...Then this era can be called the 'Civilization Era'’...

For example, the Era of the Gods, its full name is the Era of the Gods Civilization.

It's also like the most ancient era, the era of prehistoric civilization... the era...There are countless countless.

But there are only a few eras that truly build civilization.

And every era of civilization...They are all so bright that it is unimaginable.

Just like the previous era, the fairy civilization was led by Heaven, and it was also the previous ancient era, the demon era....... ps:-----------Custom------------

This chapter was a bit laborious to write, and I don’t know if everyone can understand it.

Continuous reproduction is destined to sublimate power.

Until it becomes civilization...Civilization can be said to be the pinnacle of Era power...Any force that has the potential to become a 'civilization' is extremely terrifying.

Because the reproduction of a civilization means constant plunder, and the more war it takes, the stronger it gets....Until he dominates the entire era, he will be unshakable and create the glory of the era. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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