And now, because of the arrival of the World Tree...The Void Clan actually has the potential to become a 'civilization'...

"Tsk tsk..."

Smashing her head and mouth, Yu Ziyu also showed a look of excitement on her face.

If a void civilization is really created...Then it is destined that the Void Clan will become stronger and stronger as they fight until they reach the pinnacle.

And think about it, too.

A civilization has a complete inheritance and cultivation system...

What's even more terrifying is that there is a nearly perfect war and plunder system that makes the country stronger and stronger as the war progresses.

Needless to say, the perfect war and plundering system that makes the war stronger and stronger as the war progresses. The Void Clan is a predatory race, so let’s not mention this.

However, the Void Clan does not have a complete inheritance...

The arrival of World Tree has made up for this....

Because, if the World Tree turns into a void world,...It will attract the attention of countless void beings.

And when the time comes, billions of void beings will gather...Its various inheritances will naturally fall into the depths of the void world....

So, a virtualThe prototype of civilization will also appear.

The more you fight, the stronger you become, and the transformation of its resources is extremely terrifying....

Just thinking about this made Yu Ziyu look excited.

If a terrifying aggressive civilization is created at the beginning of the era, then the future can be foreseen.

The entire starry sky will crawl at the feet of void civilization.

Unless a civilization of the same level appears, no one will be able to stop it.

The horror of civilization...Definitely something that ordinary people can imagine......

For example, the Dragon Clan and the Phoenix Clan can compete with the Void Clan based on their background alone.

But if the Void Clan turns into a Void Civilization, then it means that the Void Clan will become stronger as they fight....

Perhaps, in just tens of thousands of years, the entire Dragon Clan and even the Phoenix Clan will become part of the Void Clan...

Of course, this is just Yu Ziyu's imagination.

It's too early to talk about civilization now...

Rather than thinking about such long-term matters, what Yu Ziyu should do now is to take the World Tree back to the deepest part of the void....Return to the Gods and Demons Continent.

But before that...Ziyu smiled and said bluntly:

"You don't have a name yet, do you?"

"yes lord...

In response, Yggdrasil also looked expectant.

"Then your name is 'Rahir'’...Lahir who fell into the void..."

Suddenly murmuring, Yu Ziyu's eyes are deep and unfathomable


Whispering softly, the World Tree also shook violently


Just hearing a loud noise, countless void powers gathered, and then turned into three words that looked like purple divine characters, imprinted on the eyebrows of the World Tree

‘Lahir', this name given to Yu Ziyu was actually recognized by Ming Mingxu Kong...

However, it is also...

As a seventh-level life form...The existence of the World Tree is enough to attract Void's attention...

And falls into the void...It is also of great benefit to the entire void.......

And when Yu Ziyu named the World Tree...In the starry sky, a huge storm was also set off

"The Void Clan invaded the Protoss Clan..."

"What, my God, has the Void clan become so arrogant?"

"what is this...What’s really scary is that it’s the Gods. This time they fell, they fell hard...."

"It is said that the World Tree, the supreme sacred object of the Gods, was betrayed and severely damaged the entire Gods... and the Gods were even forced to have no choice but to summon up the foundation of the Creation Star Map...."

One exclamation after another...The stars resonate.

Countless powerful people and even powerful people were stunned.

Protoss...There is an ancient force in the starry sky, but such a terrifying force has failed.

Moreover, it was still a complete failure.

The sacred object betrayed and turned into a monstrous monster, sweeping across the entire divine race.

As many as hundreds of thousands of gods fell into a deep sleep.

Even the masters of the nine major divine systems were seriously injured. and...It is also because of the Creation Star Chart that the God King of this generation is a terrifying existence that looks down at the starry sky....It's the consequences of falling behind... one message after another...I don’t know where it came from, but it shocked the entire starry sky.

"Are you kidding me? Even the Gods didn't stop the invasion of the void?"

"Not only was it not blocked, it was even worse than our Buddhist sect....Even the World Tree is a betrayal..."

One after another, the eyes of countless strong Buddhists in the Buddhist world could not stop twitching as they exclaimed one after another.

They thought their Buddhist sect was miserable enough.

But now, look at the gods...Their Buddhism seems pretty good... at least...It's not as miserable as the clan, even the Creation Star Map was summoned...

And, more importantly,...The sacred objects of the Gods have been betrayed, and the entire Gods now have nowhere to rely on....

Holy object, it is the pillar that supports the entire God Clan, and it is also the object that suppresses luck.

And now...The fate of the gods collapsed, and the gods were really seriously injured....

It is estimated that tens of thousands of years will not be able to ease it....


Amid a gentle cough, a Buddha also attracted the attention of many powerful Buddhists.

Then, this Buddha also said with some worry:

"No one could have imagined the betrayal of the World Tree, a sacred object of the gods...but we must be on guard against it...."

As he said this, the Buddha also reminded:

"My sacred object of Buddhism...Bodhi tree...Although it is still just a sapling now.."

Listening quietly, many powerful Buddhists could not help but change their expressions slightly.

Bodhi tree...This is no less than the World Tree, the Divine Tree of Heaven and Earth.

But now, World Tree is actually betraying...Then the Bodhi tree, which is also the sacred tree of heaven and earth,...

Looking at each other, the powerful Buddhists one after another couldn't help but show a look of worry.

If the Buddhist Bodhi Tree suddenly betrays, then their Buddhist clan will probably be no better than the gods. ps:------------Ask for customization--------------

One more thing...Countless stronger...However, the race that really has the potential to develop into a civilization...Not many at the moment...

One is the God Clan, the Angel Clan...Use faith as a medium to spread the word among all races.

One is like the Void Clan, the Abyss Clan, and the Demon Clan...This extremely aggressive race has the potential to become a civilized force....

There are also civilizations that use their cultivation system to rule the roost, such as the technological civilization of the high goblins....Another example is the fairy civilization created by the human race...There is also division civilization, as for other develop into civilization...Most of them are a combination of multiple top forces..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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