
His right hand turned into a claw, and under the horrified gazes of countless protoss, that terrifying monster traveling across the starry sky actually grabbed a star with one hand. yes stars...

Compared with Blue Star, it is more than ten times larger.

However, at this time, in the hands of this monster, it was as big as a bullet


With a terrifying roar that shook the starry sky, this monster that turned into a world tree actually smashed the planets in its hands towards the divine realm.

Destroy the divine realm at all costs.

Even if it endures the slashing of the starry sky giant, it will do so at all costs.

Just because it hates the divine realm, and even more hates the gods who enslaved it


Amidst the earth-shattering roar, the planet in the hands of the monster actually passed over the starry sky giant and hit a corner of the divine realm.


Just hearing a loud noise, there was a terrifying explosion in a corner of the God's Domain.

Along with it, countless powerful gods were drowned in this terrible explosion.

The gods, although said to be indelible.

But in such an earth-shattering explosion, most of them had a hard time surviving.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that the Divine Realm has countless powerful gods, which is the foundation of inheritance.

If this kind of inheritance is destroyed, this powerful person from the God Clan will lose half of his skin even if he doesn't die.

Just like the God of Light, if his inheritance temple in the divine domain is destroyed, it will be a problem for him to spread his faith in the future.... so...Quietly looking at the corner of the divine realm that was submerged in the explosion, countless powerful gods had their eyes red.

"I am going to kill you...



With one roar after another, hundreds of powerful gods rushed out.

And it's not their fault.

Just because, that corner of the divine domain is the place where their inheritance temple takes root.

Now that the inheritance temple has been destroyed, they can almost say that their cultivation has stopped here.

Even survival is difficult.

How can such a big hatred keep them from being red-eyed.

However, a red eye is a red eye. In front of the terrifying monster they made with their own hands, they are really like a mantis trying to control their chariot. They do not know what they can do.


Just a roar, the sound waves set off were enough to knock them away.

Moreover, what is even more terrifying is that a huge fist like a star has covered the sky above them.


There was a sudden loud noise, but the starry sky giant punched in front of these dozens of powerful gods.......

The violence continues...

However, the Gods are ultimately the top class.

Even though they suffered heavy losses due to the sudden change in the World Tree, they still made amends and even saved them soon after.

And now, as countless divine powers continue to flow in, the starry sky giant galloping in the starry sky is becoming more and more powerful, and it has a tendency to suppress the world tree that has fallen into the void. only...World Tree is also careful, and is actually keenly aware that the giant in the starry sky cannot leave the divine domain too far.

"Hoo, ho, ho...

There were roars one after another, as if laughing wildly, and the face that appeared on the tree was particularly ferocious and even terrifying.

But at this moment, in front of the gods, this terrifying monster actually tore apart the starry sky with both hands.


Visible to the naked eye, a huge crack in the void is open.

"I...return...meeting...Coming back..."

The extremely hoarse voice revealed rawness.

It seemed like he was speaking for the first time.

But, yes.

Ever since he had intelligence, it had lost control of his body and was imprisoned in a dark space with no light.

How could he learn to speak like this?

Right now, this extremely awkward sentence...He learned this only after he had just devoured a protoss and acquired part of the memory.


"Beast, I'm going to kill you..." curse, roar...But the powerful ones from the God Clan could only stare at it from a distance in the God's Realm without daring to take even half a step forward.

Not because of anything else, just because this monster is truly terrifying.

It's horror in the true sense of the word.

The entire protoss was almost exploded. exist like this...Apart from scolding, they had no other choice

"Hum hum..."

With a cold smile, the corners of the tree's mouth suddenly cracked, like cracks in the void, eerie and terrifying.

Then, never looked back...This tree man transformed from a world tree has stepped into the void and rushed towards the unknown void.......

Although it is not very intelligent, it deeply understands who will save him.

I also understand who awakened it from the seal

‘The Ancestor of the Tree, the terrifying existence imprinted on the deepest part of his body, was this ancient existence that awakened him.

Then, it was given by the 'Lord of the Void'...At the beginning of his awakening, he burst out with terrifying combat power.

However, this kind of combat power cannot be maintained. so...it chose to open...

Now it needs to return to those two people...

"Step, step..."

Step after step, the entire space passage was trembling.

A ray of violent will that was invincible, marching forward bravely, and destroying everything was revealed, and it knocked down the entire protoss. It was in this battle that such a shocking fighting spirit was born.

And just with this level of fighting spirit, even the sixth-order giants might not have the courage to take action.

At this moment, if he paid attention, he would definitely be able to see a red-hot sun hovering in his palm.

And this is a real star.

Treating stars as playthings, this is the monstrous monster that frightens the entire protoss....

And now, it is holding this star high, shining to the extreme, illuminating his way forward.

And that...The flames were so hot that they twisted the space, burning everything along the way.


The wanton laughter resounded throughout the entire space.

But it is moving forward indomitably, walking straight towards the dimension where the void is....

And not long after...


In the deepest part of the void, a figure so huge that the entire void seemed to be unable to accommodate it suddenly knelt on the ground on one knee.

"I, World Tree, pay my respects to the Lord of the Void..."

With rare respect, this extremely terrifying figure also stared quietly at the figure slowly sitting cross-legged in the void storm.

Although the current figure is as small as dust.

But he could clearly feel that an unprecedented terror was entrenched not far away.

And this is the master of the void that transcends everything...He is also the true owner of the boundless blood flowing in his body...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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