The World Tree is a sacred object of the gods and a true seventh-level life form.

However, because of the deliberate ripening of the gods and some methods... this world tree is more like a spiritual weapon, rooted in the star space and has no sense of sanity....


Now, it's different...

Just because, as the 'ancestral ancestor of wood', Yu Ziyu awakened it from its long slumber.

No life wants to be bound.

No one is willing to become a slave...

Even as a sacred object of the gods...World Tree is also full of resentment and even hatred towards the Gods.

It hates, hates the gods for depriving it of its freedom.

It hates, hates the gods for sealing its sanity...

Indescribable hatred and resentment filled the starry sky... making it revive at this moment, it turned out to be so ferocious and terrifying

"Roar, roar..."

In the low roar, the sound shook the starry sky, and the stars were trembling.

An unprecedented life form awakens at this time

"Boom, boom, boom..."

During the terrible vibration, it was visible to the naked eye that the countless trunks of the World Tree were intertwined and turned into giant arms holding up the sky.

And under its feet, the tree roots kept circling and lingering, gradually turning into ferocious and thick legs.


There was another roar, and the terrifying sound waves swept across the starry sky, creating ripples in circles.

Like a trapped beast emerging from its cage, or like a trapped dragon ascending to the sky, at this moment...The entire clan stared dumbfoundedly at this dark monster that had been eroded by the purple spirit and turned into a purple tree monster.

"Hahaha...Tremble under your holy relics.."

Laughing wildly, echoing in the starry sky.

However, Yu Ziyu rushed towards the void vortex without looking back.


As soon as his six wings were spread out, his entire figure was submerged into the depths of the void vortex.

As Tree

"Hum hum..."

While sneering in his heart, Yu Ziyu didn't care.

Just because it has been awakened.

Tyranny, hatred, everything, fills his heart.

Now it needs to vent, and it needs to use the entire God Clan as a gap to vent its anger.

As for the Gods, will they seal him again?

Yu Ziyu can say with certainty that it is impossible.

The current God Clan absolutely cannot do this.

And the reason why it is so certain is because Yu Ziyu not only awakened the World Tree, but also injected"blood from the Lord of the Void" into it.

The abbreviated"Boundless Blood" is the essence and blood of Yu Ziyu's purple dragon. It adheres to the supreme and infinite law and has the power of the Dragon Clan and even the Void Clan.

It can greatly improve the combat power of the World Tree after it is demonized.

You must know that the World Tree is a seventh-level life form created with all the resources of the Gods. Its powerful physical body is not even much worse than the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree.

And such a powerful body, supplemented by Yu Ziyu's boundless blood’...The powerful monster was created at this time.

Although the God Clan is powerful, it is difficult to suppress him.

It's good to be able to repel it.......

However, at this moment


Amid the sudden cough, Yu Ziyu had transformed into a human form, her face also pale.

‘The"Boundless Blood" was his essence and blood that was given to World Tree, which was also a huge loss to him.

If he doesn't make up for it in time, his vitality will be severely damaged.

"Don't let me down, Yggdrasil..."

There was a deep expectation hidden in the depths of his eyes, but Yu Ziyu crossed his knees in the depths of the void


Taking a deep breath, the power of the void rolled back into the sky, wrapping Yu Ziyu's entire body....

Breathing, recovery. it's necessary...

However, just when Yu Ziyu was adjusting his breath, the Gods ushered in a real catastrophe.


With an earth-shaking loud noise, in the distance, two giants with their feet on the starry sky were fighting fiercely.

A purple meaning filled the room, like a demon.

Countless purple branches, like boundless snakes, swept across the starry sky, and the thick dragon-like limbs stretched across the starry sky.

As soon as the punch landed, the starry sky shook.

Even the stars trembled.

The other one, stepping on stars and holding a starlight axe, is clearly a starry sky giant summoned by the Gods' creation star map....

The world tree that fell into the void...And the projection of the God of Creation summoned from the creation star map...

These two old enemies who have been entangled since birth are fighting together again.

And the reason is that they are entangled.

This is because the God King of Creation achieved eternity by stepping on the corpse of the oldest World Tree, and then sealed the descendants of that person and turned them into sacred objects of the Gods.... so...It’s not just the hatred of this generation of World Tree.

Generation after generation, generation after generation, the World Tree has become a sacred object of the gods, and resentment gathers at this time.

Visible to the naked eye, behind the monsters raging in the starry sky, there are actually shadows of towering giant trees....

The cause of the past, the effect of today...

Even Yu Ziyu didn’t expect it...His sudden whim actually turned into a real catastrophe for the gods.


A sudden roar echoed in the starry sky.

But I saw that shocking monster with its feet on the starry sky, punching fiercely


A punch blasted out, destroying the world and destroying the earth. The shock wave alone swept through an asteroid belt....It even shook the entire divine domain of the God Clan.

If the giant transformed by starlight had not stopped him in time, the entire divine realm would have been destroyed by this punch.

And here, the gods are also lucky...When the changes in the World Tree were detected, all the nine divine realms rooted in the crown of the World Tree were lifted into the sky in time.... otherwise...I'm afraid that the entire family's inheritance will be destroyed in one day....

However, even so...The entire Protoss suffered heavy losses due to the sudden change in the World Tree. The number of casualties among the Protoss alone was no less than tens of millions....

And now, the casualties are still expanding.

Just because this monster, which is resentful towards the entire God Clan, is still wreaking havoc in the starry sky, destroying everything it can destroy. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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