Looking blankly at the nine masks rising from the big snake's hand, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop twinkling.

"This is ShadowClan’s tiger talisman...."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also looked expectant.

Then, slowly raising his hand, Yu Ziyu also chose a good-looking mask.

And the moment he took over the mask, a cold breath came from


A soft snort exploded in the air.

Visible to the naked eye, the entire mask shook violently, and even a wisp of cracks appeared.

How dare you try to bite him back? You really don't know how to live or die.

However, just after Yu Ziyu snorted coldly, the mask suddenly regained its composure, became as docile as a cat, and gave off a very comfortable and cool feeling.

After all, they bully the weak and fear the strong.

Facing an existence like Yu Ziyu, surrender is inevitable.

And at this time...Looking at the mask, the big snake on the side also introduced:

"Master, the mask in your hand is the mask of the Extreme Shadow, and it is also controlled by the Extreme Shadow Legion...."

"And the Extreme Shadow Legion...He is the ultimate master of the Shadow Clan. He is the smallest in number, but also the most terrifying....According to human terms, they are special forces among special forces....Good at various killing techniques..."

Listening quietly, the corners of Yu Ziyu's lips curled up slightly.

"Is that so?..."

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power also surged.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the tsunami-like surge, endless black mist visible to the naked eye surged out of the mask.

What was even more surprising was that the ground where Yu Ziyu was was actually filled with shadows one after another, until the entire ground was covered and turned into darkness.

And just in the darkness...There are waves of ripples, and there are figures one after another, rising slowly from the earth.... one, two... three...

In just a few breaths, tens of thousands of densely packed black figures appeared behind Yu Ziyu.

They were dressed in black, and their faces were hidden in the black, with only the pair of deep eyes looming.

Every figure is as tall and straight as a pine tree.

The momentum is even more extraordinary...

And upon closer inspection, one can surprisingly find that among them, the most inferior ones are all fourth-level extraordinary ones....And some individuals have even reached the fifth level.

The Extreme Shadow Legion is the most terrifying legion among the nine shadow clan legions.

Known as the 'Ultimate One', he is a being who is truly born to kill.

And the number of people... is not that many.

Only thirty thousand people...

Compared with several other corps, 30,000 people who could move up to one million, or even thousands, are really too rare. only...Less is less.

But all of them can be said to be elite.

Just like in front of Yu Ziyu, the lowest level is the fourth level of extraordinary... and it's not just that....

Ordinary fourth-level shadow clans are not qualified to join the Extreme Shadow Legion.

The corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and the big snake also suggested:

"Master, you can order them...They will obey you absolutely, even if you ask them to commit suicide, they will not hesitate..."

Listening to Da She's words, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but narrow his eyes.

If it is true as Orochi said, then this Shadow Clan's army is really capable.

It’s no wonder that an organization like the No. 1 in the world can be established.

But now...Let’s try it first.

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu also said:

"Let's show it off..."

The words fell without any response....Some of them just disappeared one after another.

Looking in the direction in which they disappeared, one can clearly see them turning into black light one after another, shooting straight towards the sky.

Fast, really fast...

Far beyond the ordinary fourth level speed...

What's even more shocking is that each of them actually turned into dim light and escaped into the darkness, traveling at an even more terrifying speed.

"This is Shadowclan's Shadowmeld...Traveling through the shadows...It is also ShadowClan’s greatest means of standing in the starry sky...."

"really not bad."

With a compliment, Yu Ziyu did not hide his admiration.

The fourth level can actually burst into a speed that can catch up with the extraordinary fifth level?

This shadow escape is very interesting....

However, at this time, it seems that there is more than just this surprise

"Boom, boom, boom...

Amidst the sudden roar, Yu Ziyu also saw that on the distant plain, black streams of light began to collide one after another.

Along the way, it tore apart the heaven and earth, and pierced the sky.

However, what is even more shocking is their speed, ruthlessness, and accuracy....

With his extremely sharp skills, he is simply the most top assassin....

"The Shadow Clan are born assassins, and the members of the Extreme Shadow Corps are assassins among assassins....Possessing unparalleled combat power..."

Hear the introduction of Orochi...Yu Ziyu also asked curiously:

"So, ShadowClan shouldn't be weak....Now I'm really curious, how did you spend a hundred years to suppress the entire Shadow Clan?..."

"quack quack..."

Amidst the extremely cold laughter, Orochi responded without hesitation:

"Owner...Have you lost my fundamental strength?"

Having said this, the big snake also paused and continued.:

"What I control is fear...And in the past hundred years, I have used fear to continuously devour the hearts of the people of the Shadow Clan... little by little, little by little...But, fortunately, it was not long before the spirit recovered....ShadowClan hasn't really grown up yet...Otherwise, I may not be able to eat them all up..."

"It seems that your luck is also good."

The corner of his mouth curled up, and Yu Ziyu also understood a little bit....

This should be the so-called 'dimensionality reduction blow'...With the eternal inheritance and the cultivation of Yu Ziyu, Orochi grew up one step ahead of schedule, but the Shadow Clan has not really grown up yet... The power of the two is no longer the same dimension....

In this way, the big snake can naturally overwhelm the Shadow Clan...

Moreover, one more thing worth mentioning is that...That is the Shadow Clan’s imperial weapon—the Shadow Blade....During the encirclement and suppression of Yu Ziyu, he recovered once...It is difficult to recover again...

And this should be the reason why the entire Shadow Clan was completely defeated.... ps:-----------Ask for customization-----------

For the last gift of Tongtian Jianmu that everyone mentioned...There are several other stone monuments left....this thing...The protagonist also discovers...Ahem (Actually, Crimson also kind of forgot about it.)

However, it’s not a big problem....After all, the protagonist has indeed not discovered the words on the heart of the Babel tree until now. It is also correct to say that he does not know the locations of the other stone tablets....

This...Soon, the protagonist discovers that it is not too late..._

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