"Master, I wonder if you are satisfied with this Shadow Clan regiment?"

Having said this, Orochi also bowed and handed over the remaining eight masks:

"If the owner is satisfied..."

Before Orochi could finish his words, Yu Ziyu interrupted:

"No more...This is equivalent to military power...And I'm not interested in military power or anything like that..."

After saying that, Yu Ziyu also raised the Jiying mask in his hand and said:

"I just want a mask to play with....Occasionally summon a regiment...It should be quite grand...."

With a smile, Yu Ziyu also looked forward to it.

And it is worth mentioning here that there is a very interesting thing about ShadowClan...

That is...They are shadow beings, and they can summon the legion wherever there is a shadow. so...Yu Ziyu can summon an army behind him with just a surge of spiritual power.

In the blink of an eye, a legion stands behind him....

Just thinking about it is quite impressive.

Moreover, it is convenient to have a ShadowClan regiment with you....

Compared with the clumsiness of the tree people, the shadow clan has natural advantages in skill and agility....It's a good starting point.

And if this was known to other forces, their jaws would probably drop in shock.

The Shadow Clan, the most elite legion, could only act as helpers for the Demon Emperor, and then support themselves....

However, right now, Yu Ziyu really doesn't need the Shadow Clan Legion to fight for him through life and death.

After all, he alone can be invincible in the world...

If it weren't for convenience, Jiying Legion wouldn't even be qualified to stay by his side.

And now...Holding the mask in her right hand, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power is also surging.


With the terrifying roar, the entire Jiying mask was shattered into pieces, and then poured into Yu Ziyu's body....

It is convenient to summon the Shadow Legion with a mask, but Yu Ziyu prefers...Turn it into your own ability.

As for the Shadow Clan's Ji Shadow General, he was naturally devoured by Yu Ziyu, including his fate.

In this way, Yu Ziyu is the shadow general of the shadow clan and has absolute control over the shadow army.

And at the moment when Yu Ziyu swallowed the mask...Many soldiers of the Jiying Legion were shocked, and then their eyes were filled with brilliant expressions...

"I wait...Meet the general..."

"I wait...Meet the general...."

They shouted in unison, but ordinary people couldn’t understand them....

Simply because this is the language that belongs exclusively to the Shadow Clan.

However, at a glance, countless soldiers of the Jiying Legion were kneeling on one knee, facing Yu Ziyu, with a flash of fanaticism deep in their eyes....

Compared to mask manipulation...Yu Ziyu's alternative method of controlling the Jiying Legion was even more direct.

Along with this, the entire Jiying Legion was filled with a flash of life.

Rather than like the previous walking dead...

"You and others...Do your best and I will definitely not treat you badly...."

With a warning, Yu Ziyu simply sprinkled a rain of vitality to nourish these soldiers of the Jiying Legion.

The long-term sleep made their bodies stiff.

And now...What Yu Ziyu does is to awaken their vitality, vitality, and even vitality.

Let the entire Jiying Legion be more prosperous than before......

"Congratulations to the owner, you have gained a legion..."

With a pursed smile, Kyuubi next to him already said congratulations

"Compared to the gains of the Legion, I am more pleased with the growth of Orochi.."

He quietly praised the big snake. Yu Ziyu also changed the subject and said with a smile:

"After a while, the safety of the Demon Court Ceremony will be left to you."

"Yes, master."

In response, the cold young man transformed by the big snake also promised:

"My subordinates will definitely not disappoint you."

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely terrifying aura also rose up.

Vaguely, Yu Ziyu saw the shadow of a strange snake in the sky, looking up to the sky and hissing behind the cold young man.

That was the true form of the big snake, and also the aura of the big snake that had climbed to A kind of vision after the extreme.

Although it is just a shadow...The terrifying momentum still made the sky darken.

Looking up, the billowing dark clouds cover most of the heaven...

The terror of a half-step master is far beyond what others can imagine.

But now, the great snake's momentum alone has shaken the entire heaven......

"He is truly a little guy who cannot be underestimated."

Praising secretly in his heart, Yu Ziyu also raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

Now he has many strong men under his command.

However ,...There are only a few powerful people that he really cares about.

One is the nine-tailed sky fox, the head of the mythical beasts...Good at sealing, unparalleled in weirdness...The strength has reached the sixth level peak.

One is the golden ant, which has been extremely powerful throughout the ages. Although it is only at the mid-sixth level, its combat power is far beyond the imagination of the world.

Even Yu Ziyu once doubted whether this little monster could lift a planet and then smash it at the enemy....

And except for these two...The next two are his three disciples and the big snake in front of him....

Not to mention the style, the peak strength of the sixth level is known as the"Demon Court Valkyrie". Under the eyes of death, all living beings are equal, and the combat power is truly terrifying.

And the last big snake...step master...Dominate 'fear' and devour the power of the soul...And then continue to grow, it can be said to be a real giant....

And these four...Now it can be said that Yu Ziyu's subordinates are the most terrifying existence.

Even compared to these four people, Zi Lian should still be half a step behind.

However, if Zi Lian can make his Void Divine Weapon grow, he will evolve again...I'm afraid that compared to these four guys, they are no less generous....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu was furious....

At this time, he couldn't help but think of a strong man again...

"Contemporary Shenlong Zhilan..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu's eyes couldn't stop flickering.

Lan.. With the help of Shenlong, he has achieved rapid development, and his own cultivation has reached the realm of half-step domination....He should also be considered a giant....

It's just that Lan, Yu Ziyu has never seen her several times after all....

Whether it can be trusted is still unknown....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but smile and said:

"It seems that I have to go there myself..."

Saying this, Yu Ziyu also had the idea of ​​​​leaving for the Shenlong Altar..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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