At this moment, Yu Ziyu also anticipated the shocks of one big force after another.

But, what about the vibration?

Now that the invitations have been sent out, how many forces would dare not to come?

However, Yu Ziyu is looking forward to it the most...Or are there some clowns coming to cause trouble?

"Kyuubi, tell me, what should we do if the remnants of the elemental clan, shadow clan and other races come to cause trouble?"

In the voice that sounded like a smile but not a smile, Yu Ziyu was also full of amusement.

"Naturally, he was slapped to death."

Amidst the laughter like a silver bell, Jiuwei, who stood quietly not far away from Yu Ziyu, also said truthfully.

However, if you pay attention, you will definitely notice that Jiuwei's voice is a bit colder.

If you dare to break it, During the master's return ceremony, her nine tails are afraid that she will be in the Nine Heavens and the Nine Netherworlds, and she will kill all these remnants....

"Ha ha..."

With a loud laugh, Yu Ziyu also liked Jiuwei's sudden statement. , if a clown comes, he will naturally be slapped to death.

No, it's not just a clown, even if someone comes with imperial troops... He, Yu Ziyu, will suppress them.

Only in this way can he show his domineering power as the Demon King.

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's spiritual power also boiled slightly.

An indescribable expectation flickers in the depths of the eyes...

Now...He is always looking forward to the day when he returns to the grand ceremony......

And amidst such anticipation, Yu Ziyu also met several acquaintances.

For example, a big snake...

This general who suppressed the Shadow Clan, now a hundred years later, the fierce flames are even more intense.

Even if he turns into a human form, he can't hide his terror


Amidst the slight neighing, Yu Ziyu saw the big snake pacing in the distance.

A head of long green hair, fluttering in the wind...

Under the long golden pupils, there is purple eye shadow extending to the wings of the nose....

And that pale skin, as if it hadn't seen sunlight for decades...

And this is the posture of the big snake transformed into a human form.

Looking from a distance, there is a coldness coming... Just like the snake of the Nine Netherworld, there is something indescribably terrifying....

"Owner...The grand ceremony is already being prepared, and the guards are all over the solar system. If there is any abnormal movement, they will definitely be able to suppress it as soon as possible."


Yu Ziyu nodded slightly, relieved.

With the big snake deploying in the dark, why should he be worried?

It is worth mentioning that today’s big snake is also a half-step master...The powerful master...

It suppressed the entire Shadow Clan and even dominated the Shadow Clan's dreams. It was called a"very evil" monster....

This is how scary the big snake is...

But now, such a master with the most vicious reputation actually returned on his own initiative just to protect Yu Ziyu...

This shows that his loyalty...

"Even if I haven’t seen you for a hundred years, you won’t change...."

With a sound of admiration, Yu Ziyu also raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"Without the master, there would be no me.."

Didn't say much...Everything is included in this sentence.

But, yes.

From the cub to the cultivation to the present, Yu Ziyu can clearly see the growth of the big snake.

Among the original three cubs, the big snake was considered the most outstanding.

Of course, the six-eared and two-headed wolves should not be underestimated.

Now, both of them are sitting at the core of the Demon Court, and among them the two-headed wolf has a tendency to evolve into the three-headed hell dog. in this way...It can also be compared to the horror of the three deformed cubs back then....

And because of this...Humans also intentionally cultivate deformed cubs through nuclear radiation...

However, this kind of experiment cannot be seen in the light after all.

Except for a few people who know about Demon Court, most others don’t know much about it....

As for Di Ji Linger, who acquiesced in this experiment,...Everything is for the Demon Court...

As long as Demon Court can be strong, even if her hands are stained with blood, so what...

"The master is the towering tree of Demon Court, then I am the root of Demon Court....Everything is for the power of Demon Court..."

The words that almost became a motto made Di Ji Ling'er acquiesce to many cruel and inhumane experiments in the darkness of Demon Court.

No, it shouldn't be inhumane.

All I can say is, natural selection.

Each has its own rules of survival.

Compared with the mediocre life of most lives, such an experiment of darkness and hell may give birth to an astonishing genius....

So, it's worth it...

Of course, Ling'er acquiesced, but he would not personally intervene.

Most of this matter is done by Ling'er's servant, the vampire Butler Kai.

This vampire, who has followed Ling'er since he was a child, is now a half-step giant, and his strength cannot be underestimated.

In this way, he is also qualified to control the forces of darkness.

Under his leadership, many shady studies were carried out in an orderly manner.

It is rumored...Their research has already produced certain results......

"big snake...Did you encounter any difficulties when you first conquered the Shadow Clan?"

In this rare opportunity, Yu Ziyu also asked about Orochi's glorious past....

To suppress a clan by oneself...Only the big snake carrying the 'eternal inheritance' can do this....


With a murmur, the big snake looked startled for a rare moment.

Then, after pondering for a while, the big snake said truthfully:

"ShadowClan is weird and unparalleled...Although I suppressed most of the strong men of the Shadow Clan, there were still two lines of the Shadow Clan that escaped....Even if I can't find it..."

"That's okay."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu didn't care about this.

The Shadow Clan has eleven lines of inheritance.

Now, it's only two lines, which is pretty good....

For another person, it would probably be good if he could suppress one lineage, let alone suppress nine lines....

And at this moment, as if he thought of something, the big snake also raised his eyes and said with a smile:

"However, the master...He suppressed all the nine generals of the Shadow Clan, and then asked 'Eldest Sister Nine Tails' to seal them in masks....Now if the Lord needs it, he can use these nine masks to control the nine armies of the Shadow Clan...."


With a sound of surprise, Yu Ziyu was also curious.

Using nine masks to control the nine armies of Shadow Clan?

Is this possible?

However, at this time, he seemed to be aware of Yu Ziyu's thoughts, and the big snake also rarely explained:

"Master, most of the low-level life forms of the Shadow Clan have not yet developed their intelligence, and...Relying on Shadow Clan’s militarized management...The legions of the Shadow Clan will unconditionally obey their general, the king...."

"And now, if someone puts on a mask....This will awaken the Shadow Clan legions that are already sleeping in the Shadow Realm....Even more control...It's like a talisman..."

Having said this, the big snake also slowly raised his hand


Along with the roar, one after another black grimace masks with black mist all rose up from the palm of the big snake......

"ghost, troops one after another are waiting for their master to wake up....."_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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