Yes, this is just the beginning...

In other words, this is just the beginning of Yu Ziyu's plan. With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu allowed the Original Sin of the Void to rage...

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, the corner of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

"Here you go..."

Suddenly murmuring, Yu Ziyu felt an inexplicable resurgence of energy...

This was the aura of the imperial soldiers....

If you guessed correctly, it should be the dwarf clan’s imperial weapon—the Forging God’s Hammer....

The dwarves are famous for their weapon refining.

His imperial soldiers...It is also a hammer, with the intention of tempering thousands of soldiers, and is very domineering.

And now...The movement of this Pulse Planet may very well have awakened this ancient existence....

"Is this breath of emptiness?..."

Sudden murmuring, full of vicissitudes of life...

Along with it, bright thunder suddenly erupted at the end of the starry sky.

There is even more raging fire.

In a blink of an eye...At the end of the starry sky, thunder and fire continue.

And amidst this terrifying thunder and ground fire, a giant war hammer as big as several thousand feet slowly rose into the sky.

"Click, click...

Lightning after lightning intertwined in the heart of the hammer...The dim starry sky is as bright as day

"What a domineering spirit..."

Feeling this terrible energy, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but sigh. but...It's not enough.

At least, it's not enough for him.

"You guys continue...Leave the rest to me..."

Yu Ziyu's voice suddenly sounded in the hearts of many original sinners, but it made them really let go of their worries....

And at this moment


Take one step and time and space will rotate...Yu Ziyu's figure disappeared into the starry sky in the blink of an eye....

At this time, if someone pays attention, they will definitely be able to see...In the deepest place of the dwarves...A place like an altar...

I don’t know when a figure appeared...

Figure, blurry, seemingly present but not present...But no one dwarf strongman noticed...

And right on that altar,


Flashes of lightning flashed across the sky, and a silver hammer two to three meters long slowly rose.

The lightning exploded more and more, seeming to destroy everything.

The extremely terrifying Qi machine suppressed countless dwarves and took countless breaths....

The Dominance of the Imperial Weapon's Forged God Hammer...World famous.

So far, no one in the dwarf clan has been able to take charge.

However, this does not affect the reputation of the Imperial Weapon's God Hammer....

Just because, there are no less than twenty seventh-level artifacts he created... casting gods, casting gods...Forged into a divine weapon...

And now...Feel the breath of void coming from distant stars...This ancient existence also chose to wake up.

However, at this moment, as if he noticed something, the Imperial Soldier God was startled.

Then, thunder light gathered, and the ground fire surged even more...


There was just a roar, like the sky collapsing, and a corner not far from the altar shattered like a lens.

Moreover, it was even more completely broken....

Exposing the boundless gaps in space...

"Even the time and space I am in have been defeated...."

With a chuckle, amidst the disbelieving gazes of countless dwarf warriors, a slender figure slowly appeared in the shattered sky.

This is a humanoid figure.

It carries six wings on its back and drags six tail-like feathers.

And just such a figure, filled with purple meaning...It actually has an extremely terrifying power that overwhelms the entire planet.


In an instant, the world was darkened.

Visible to the naked eye, continuous and thick waves of purple clouds are already surging, covering the sky.

And the earth was dyed purple

"This is..."

"Are you kidding me?"

"How can it be? Is this kind of power really something that the sixth level can possess?"...

Exclaimed one after another, the expressions of countless powerful dwarves changed greatly.

The momentum alone can influence and change the celestial phenomena.

It would be too incredible to affect the entire planet. only...Compared to these short-sighted dwarves, what was even more shocking was the Imperial Weapon’s Divine Hammer....

"I really didn’t expect that existence like you would appear in the void."

Especially incredible...The God-Forging Hammer couldn't help but tremble. supreme law...

This is the breath of the supreme law...

Only a being who carries the supreme law can change the celestial phenomena in a single thought like this.

No, what he changed was not the celestial phenomena.

Looking up, all over the planet are...This Lord of the Void...that vast law...

He actually used the power of law as a thread to weave the entire planet, thus creating such a terrifying vision.

Thick, ink-like purple cloud waves continued continuously, as if they were about to crush the entire planet.

And he is the only one, independent on the planet

"Ha ha..."

There was a chuckle, but Yu Ziyu couldn't care.

Instead, he clenched his fist fiercely,


A punch strikes down, like the power of heaven...Before the punch came, the terrifying momentum was already reversed.

But at this moment, without waiting for the Imperial Soldier's Divine Hammer to react,


This punch seemed to span space and even time, and landed on him fiercely.


Just hear a loud noise...The imperial weapon's divine hammer, which had rarely left the altar, turned into a stream of light and flew out, reaching the end of the horizon.

Wherever they passed along the way, air waves were rolling, flattening thousands of miles of mountains and rivers.

"You guy?"

There was a sound of surprise, and the distant Imperial Soldier's Divine Hammer suddenly paused, and then, an old illusory figure actually appeared next to the Divine Hammer.

However, at this time, this illusory figure of Canglan, His face was extremely complicated, and there was even a hint of disbelief.


In the midst of the murmur, the experienced Emperor's Forged Divine Hammer had already noticed something.

However, at this time, it seems that this is not the time to hesitate.

Because, at this moment, the figure from the depths of the void actually stepped on time and space, and in one step, it was pulled closer to him.

He raised his hand and punched down, and another terrifying punch fell violently.

What was even more terrifying was that, at some point, a purple light flashed away.


A sound breaks through the air...It was a purple flying knife that looked like a crescent moon...

The seventh flying knife of Yu Ziyu's Glorious Galaxy - the Void Flying Dagger, is also his Void Magic Weapon.

And now...Yu Ziyu used this legendary imperial weapon to hone this magical weapon of the void....

With this, this sixth-level spiritual soldier was promoted to seventh level.

This is unlikely for other imperial soldiers.

But it is not difficult for the legendary imperial weapon to make a living by forging the hammer.

It just depends on whether he is willing or not...

As for whether he is willing?

With a sneer, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but murmur in her heart:

"Does he have any choice?"

_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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