At this time, quietly listening to Yu Ziyu's narration, one after another the void emperors looked expectantly.

They never reject war.

But now, all races are not really wary of him.

Take advantage of them when they are not prepared and take them by surprise.

If we attack the dwarf clan again, I believe that all clans will not realize it immediately.... and...This is not heavy...

The real point is...The strong men of the human race have also set foot in the depths of the void....

The purpose of original sin is - blood for blood, tooth for tooth.

Revenge must be repaid, that is necessary......

"Go ahead."

As soon as he finished speaking, there were bursts of streams of light. There were six streams of light, which had already broken through the planet's barrier....Breaking through the atmosphere...Go straight to the planet of the dwarves

"Boom, boom, boom...

There was an instant roar, and several streaks of purple light rolled up in the sky.

Looking up, in the horrified gazes of the powerful dwarves one after another, the sky was dyed purple for half the day, and with it, the thick dark clouds rolled back....

Terrible and appalling.

What is even more frightening is the six strands of Qi that soar into the sky and do not belong to the stars.

"This is?"

Amid the exclamation, a strong man from the dwarf tribe had already picked up the hammer....

"Void clan..." sudden murmur...Lei Luo, the patriarch of the branch of the dwarf clan on this planet... also has a stern look on his face....

I originally thought that the Void Clan would invade all races on a large scale, so let’s just talk about it.

Didn't expect...He actually came.

He was still charging towards the dwarves with such ferocity.

"Do you really think that we, the dwarves, are the same trash as the trolls?..."

Amidst the violent shouting, thunder raged, and the endless thunder gathered on the battle ax in the hand of the leader of the dwarf branch.

The seventh-level high-grade magic weapon——Thunder Battle Ax...Stand strong and sink, defeat everything...

It’s a real offensive weapon....

And now, a hand-held ax...This leader of a branch of the dwarf clan has missed the mark with one step.


With a loud noise, the thunder light all over the sky gathered together and turned into a furious dragon, slashing towards the purple stream of light coming from the sky....


The dragon roars vastly...Raging dragons are scary.

Thousands of feet long, covering the sky...

In an instant, the sea of ​​thunder was like clouds raging in the sky...

The power of one blow was so terrifying.

And this is the power of a giant holding a seventh-level artifact....

Really scary...

But, seeing such terrifying power,...The purple light that came towards him did not retreat but advanced, and the purple intention it brought was even more turbulent.

"He is truly a rare strong man...."

Amidst the laughter that was like a silver bell, a purple whip like a spiritual snake struck out from the purple stream of light.


With a crisp sound, the sky was shattered like a mirror.

But this whip, which was like a purple spiritual snake, flickered frequently and went straight towards the thunder dragon.


A faint neighing could be heard, but the spirit snake and thunder dragon in the sky were strangled together.


There was a roar, and everything seemed to freeze.

The eyes of countless people are focused on...

I saw, above the nine heavens, a naked old man about one meter tall with well-developed muscles holding a thunder ax and slashing hard at a girl with four wings on her back and a face like an angel.

And this girl, holding a purple whip, stood in front of Thunder Ax.

Original Sin of the Void...Avril, the fallen void angel codenamed Fallen.

And the purple whip in her hand is clearly her unique void weapon—Purple Shadow.......

"Are you the original sin of the void in the rumors?"

With his eyes slightly focused, this old man from the dwarf race said coldly.

"Yo yo...Your breath is pretty good, right?..."

She looked completely unconcerned...but upon closer inspection, Avril's pupils still shrank slightly.

It seems that the spread of news about Wanzu was indeed underestimated....

But, not important...

Today, their Void Original Sin has set their sights on this place.

The corners of Avril's mouth raised in an arc, and the purple whip in Avril's hand flashed fiercely.

"Swish, swish..."

In the blink of an eye, countless purple spiritual snakes were indeed seen pulling out from the sky and strangling towards this strong man of the dwarf tribe....

And here... looking at the purple spiritual snakes that were shooting towards them, this strong man from the dwarf tribe did not dare to be careless.

He tightened the battle ax in his hand. As the spiritual power surged, he slashed towards Avril with even more terrifying power.

"Boom boom, boom boom, boom boom..."

One after another, in the fierce collision, the entire sky was flooded with blue thunder and purple....

And that was the battle between the sixth-order giants.

It's really terrifying to the extreme...

This is the branch of the dwarf clan....If you change to an ordinary planet, there will be no strong people....Their aftermath alone is enough to destroy the entire planet....

What is worth mentioning here is that...The fourth-level strong man is like a natural disaster in human form. Wherever he passes, there are corpses everywhere....

And the fifth level strong man...He has regarded the continent as nothing, but he can easily shake the continent, and his physical body can even cross the stars....

And the sixth level...Just two words...Explosive Star’...

Even for an ordinary sixth-level giant, it is not difficult to explode the star.

However, these kind of planets are just ordinary planets.

It's like the Holy Light Star of the Angel Clan, and it's like the planet in front of you where the Dwarves live....These are no ordinary planets.

This kind of planet has given birth to strong people, so it naturally has the foundation of strong people. In terms of strength alone, it is far stronger than other planets....

Although it is not invincible, it will be even more difficult for a sixth-level powerhouse to shake it.... like now...war...The full-force collision of one sixth-order powerhouse after another only affected the celestial phenomena of the entire planet.

The wind and clouds are rising, like the end of the world.

The terrible aftermath turned into a vast wind and wave, sweeping across the entire planet...

The sound alone made countless dwarf tribesmen deaf.

As for the collision of the bright spiritual lights, it was as dazzling as the sun, and even many dwarf clan members shed tears of blood...

However,...This is just the beginning..._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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