Yu Ziyu has always considered himself a decent gentleman.

This is true even if he is the master of the Demon Court and the world calls him the 'Demon Emperor'.

In this world, there are only eternal interests.

If the benefits are big enough, Yu Ziyu doesn't mind selling something....

And now...When it comes to Xu Feidao's promotion, Yu Ziyu doesn't mind using some threatening methods.

Such as now

"Boom, boom, boom...

The roar intensified, and the battle between Yu Ziyu and the Imperial Soldier's Divine Hammer, which had transformed into an illusory figure, became more and more intense.

It actually hit the planet and flew straight into the starry sky.

However, this is, if someone is proficient in the laws of time and space, he will definitely be able to detect it...The confrontation between the two of them went beyond the starry sky... actually into a space-time.

An area that cannot be found or invisible to outsiders. Together with time and space, it is an area that is different from the starry sky.

"What do you want to do, guy?"

It's like I noticed something...The Imperial Weapon's Divine Hammer also looked at the strange time and space around him....

I have to say that this supreme law, time and space, really amazed him.

To casually create a time and space that is different from the outside world is a method that cannot be achieved even in ordinary eternity.

However, this guy...

In a daze, the eyes of the Emperor's Forged Divine Hammer also shined brightly.

Just, at this moment


A flash of purple light broke through the air, spanned time and even space, and fell violently on his hammer body.


The sound of gold and iron resounded throughout the space, but it also attracted the eyes of Forging God Hammer.

"Sixth level...God of destiny..."

With a murmur, the Forging God Hammer also recognized the quality of this flying knife.

Divine Weapons of Destiny are what they call them in the starry sky. Divine weapons that adhere to the will of the stars or the will of Heaven are the so-called divine weapons of Destiny.

This type of magic weapon often has the ability to communicate with destiny. certainly...Such a magical weapon holding the will of the void is naturally called a magical weapon of the void.

However, what puzzled this Imperial Weapon-Forged Divine Hammer was that this Void Divine Weapon stopped beside him just after hitting him.

After slowly rotating, there is even a touch of desire.

"This is..."

In the midst of surprise and doubt, the Emperor's Forged Divine Hammer also vaguely realized something....

"Forge it to level seven...In exchange, the void..."

A faint voice suddenly echoed in this space... at the same time...The Imperial Weapon Divine Hammer also noticed that the figure walking out of the void in the distance suddenly became polite.

It is completely different from the cold and cold figure in the outside world before.

"you guy..."

Amid growing confusion, the Emperor's Forged Divine Hammer looked at Yu Ziyu with a strange light.... time passes slowly...Half a day has passed by now.

And at this moment,


Amidst the sudden roar, a vast purple vortex opened...

And looking at this vast purple vortex

"Are you leaving so soon?..."

A sound of doubt...One was a cold young man who was holding a strong man from the dwarf tribe. He was also slightly startled.

But for a moment, as if he thought of something, this cold young man did not hesitate.

Instructions for the boss...Even he, the third king who is burdened with 'jealousy', dare not disobey..


In the blink of an eye, 'Jealousy' also took the initiative to drop the strong dwarf in his hands and flew towards the whirlpool in the starry sky.

And at the same time...

"Unfortunately, I don't have time to play with you anymore..."

Amidst the somewhat aggrieved voice, a girl who looked like a lolita hidden in the depths of the mist also raised her eyes and looked at the purple vortex that suddenly appeared in the starry sky.

That is the entrance to the void and the call of the boss.

And for the boss...All his original sins were to do as he was told...

Without the boss, they would not be as strong as they are today.

Without the boss, they would not be able to cross the starry sky barrier at will... So, to a certain extent, the boss's order is everything...

"Next time, I’ll play with you again..."

Amidst the words full of grievances, this little loli who was hidden deep in the mist also tightened the toy in her hand....

If you look closely, you'll see that it's a female dwarf....

Moreover, this female dwarf is also the famous genius of this branch of the dwarf clan - Aluo...

It's just a pity.

This female dwarf, who is at the peak of the fifth level, has now shrunk dozens of times, and has really turned into a toy doll, held in the arms of the little Lolita.

And this is the unique ability of the Void Divine Weapon possessed by the Void Emperor....She can turn her favorite things into the dolls she wants.

A very weird, but also extremely terrifying ability.

Just because, if this ability is maintained for a long time,...Then the existence that turns into a toy doll will be irreversible...Permanent toy doll figure. and...He will gradually become conscious and obey the invisible words of the Emperor of the Void....

And this also shows how terrifying the Void Divine Weapon possessed by the Original Sin of the Void is.

No, it's not as simple as being scary.

This is simply because every Void Divine Weapon has a unique, but extremely terrifying ability.

Like the invisible Void Divine Weapon of the Void Emperor, its exclusive ability is to transform the defeated into dolls.

It’s also like the fallen angel Avril’s void weapon-Purple Shadow, which can ask people’s hearts...No matter who is entangled by the purple shadow...Will confess and be lenient... reveal all the secrets.....

The exclusive abilities of the Void Divine Weapons are each more bizarre than the last, but they also truly elevate the horror of original sin to a new level... and it is worth mentioning that...Yu Ziyu is a little afraid of the exclusive abilities of these void weapons.... certainly...It is undeniable that this is the exclusive ability of Yu Ziyu's Void Flying Knife. It is even more weird and terrifying....

However, relatively speaking, the conditions for activation are also extremely harsh. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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