
There was a sudden roar, time and space rotated, and a vast vortex also rose above the troll family star.

And in that whirlpool, a figure with six wings on its back slowly disappeared.

Yu Ziyu finally chose to leave.

The troll clan was left alone, devastated and full of ruins.

Nine out of ten of the strong ones have gone, and the core inheritance of the five major tribes has been cut off.

A large number of natural and earthly treasures disappeared....

It can be said that the troll clan is useless.

If we talk about the troll clan in the past, there is still the possibility of competing for the starry sky.

So today's troll clan...I'm afraid it will be difficult to protect myself...

And this is the original sin of void...

Wherever it passes, not a blade of grass grows.

Only, everywhere is devastated...and a ruin......

And not long after that, one after another big forces in the starry sky began to shake.

"Have you heard about it? On the planet of the Trolls, the Void Clan has arrived."

"Moreover, it seems that he is more than just a Void Emperor...There are six or seven..."

"No, this is not an exaggeration. The real exaggeration is that these Void Emperors are all in human form....So powerful that it’s terrifying...Even the famous troll Tsunayoshi from the Forest Troll Club had his head screwed off....The body is still looking for the head even now..."


Exclaimed one after another, countless forces couldn't help but be horrified.

More than one Void Emperor?

One by one, all in human form.

This is not good news.

Even guys with a more sensitive sense of smell have smelled something.

And At this moment, another piece of news came from the troll clan..

"Original sin, they claim to be the original sin of void..."

This is the last cry of the troll clan, a dying sixth-level giant....It also truly shocked many forces.

Original Sin of the Void!!

Claims to be the 'Original Sin of the Void'. what does that mean?

Needless to say...

To a certain extent, the chaotic and disorderly forces in the void began to unite.

In this way, its threat will increase geometrically.......

"Is the news about Original Sin of the Void confirmed?"

After asking, in the depths of the Dragon Clan, the Dream Dragon also looked cold.

"Reporting back to the Dragon Emperor, the news of the Original Sin of the Void has been confirmed... and up to now, it has been confirmed that there are five people...Suspected to be six people...Of course, except for the possibility of more people"

"Moreover, each of them is in humanoid form...The scariest thing is...They are all Void Emperors, with extraordinary sixth-level strength."

Listening quietly, many Dragon Emperor-level beings couldn't help but remain silent.

In their view, this news...But something is wrong. after all...

However, at this moment, as if something had occurred to him, a Dragon Emperor, namely the Three Six-Winged Light Dragon Emperor, took the initiative and said:

"Have you found out why they invaded the troll clan?"

"Not detected."

Shaking his head, this strong dragon man also responded.

However, the next moment, as if he thought of something, this strong dragon man also said with some doubts:

"But, according to our investigation...These original sins of the void seem to appear silently...The trolls didn't even notice it"

"To know...In the past, if void creatures wanted to invade the starry sky, they would have to tear apart the starry sky barrier, and the commotion they would cause would be huge enough to spread thousands of miles away....

Listening quietly, many Dragon Emperors couldn't help but look at each other.

Does this mean that the Void Clan has found a more subtle way to invade?...

At this time, what many dragon clan experts didn't know was that the Void clan had a monster named Yu Ziyu.

He is in charge of 'time and space', and he is also burdened with the 'sacred sixteen wings of the emperor's weapon'. The so-called starry sky barrier is useless to him.

As long as he wants to, he can easily cross the barriers between the starry sky and the void, and still have time to hum a tune....

This is his innate ability...It will also be the ability of the Original Sin of the Void that is most feared by all races.

Quietly, suddenly...

Without even the time to prepare, they will be greeted by the Void Clan’s violent and torrential attack....I believe any race would be horrified if they knew it....

However, at this time...This is not the time to be proud of this. Just because, under the leadership of Yu Ziyu, the mysterious Original Sin of the Void has found another good prey.


Among the murmurs, one figure after another looked at a fiery red planet not far away with burning eyes.

This is a branch of the dwarf clan...

It can also be said to be a base camp for the dwarves.

And the dwarves?...Among the Xingwan clan, they are all famous and powerful clans.

The most famous one is this race, which is good at refining weapons.

Divine weapons emerge in endlessly, and their power is even more extraordinary. so racial...Naturally, it is coveted.

Nothing else to say...Just the seventh-level artifacts alone make even Yu Ziyu look at them with envy....

Whether it is the Demon Court or the Void Clan, what they lack is the so-called foundation.

And these magic weapons have real foundations....

However, considering that these magic weapons may not see the light of day...So...It can only be used by the Void clan.

After the real robbery, let the Void Emperor's"weapon" be smelted and turned into a Void Divine Weapon....The strength of the Void Clan will be greatly enhanced. in this way...It can also be imagined...Why did the fallen angel Avril, the Void Emperor Invisible, the Void Emperor Weapon, and others have intense eyes after knowing that this is a base camp of the dwarves?......

"The dwarves are very strong, and they also have imperial soldiers... so they are no better than the trolls...."

"Of course, this is just a branch of the dwarf clan...Not a real clan star...Therefore, it is unlikely that the imperial soldiers will be in charge..."

"And what you have to do is to spread the reputation of the void within a limited time, and then plunder what you want....If there is a revival of the imperial soldiers...I will take action to defend you from one or two..."

Yu Ziyu said one after another, with a smile on his lips and expectations in his eyes.

Since he set foot in the Dominion, he has not really had a head-on confrontation with the imperial soldiers? _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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