"stop me?"

With a sneer, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but sarcastically said:

"Could it be that you still want to change my will?"

"so...Do not..."

It became even more sad... This prophet of the troll clan also had a bitter look on his face.

How could it change?

When the Troll King went deep into the void, everything was a foregone conclusion.

This is revenge from the depths of the void.

Not only their troll clan, but also the dwarf clan and even the Buddhist sect are in danger of disaster.

And all this...Just because...They led to the most terrifying existence in the depths of the void - the bloody original sin...

A terrorist group that should not exist in the void.

No one knows its origins or its members...

However, in the 'future picture' seen by the troll prophet, this original sin was stained with blood....It also raises the throne of the void high...

They are the lords of the void...He is also the true destroyer of the stars.


There was a sudden sound, but the prophet of the troll tribe could no longer hold on. A mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth, dyeing his clothes red, and even the last of his energy was dispersed....

"Tsk tsk..."

After smacking her mouth, Yu Ziyu also had a smile on her lips.

Then, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also stepped up


One step was like crossing time and space, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of the prophet of the troll tribe.

"Let me see what you spied."

While murmuring softly, Yu Ziyu's fingers were already on the forehead of this troll prophet.


With a roar, countless memory fragments rushed into Yu Ziyu's mind....

And just at the end...Yu Yu's eyes were fixed on the last memory fragment.

In that fragment of memory...It’s the vast starry sky...

The starry sky was actually divided into two, one side was infinite purple...Purple meaning is rising across the sky, but there are seven blurry figures standing there.

And the other piece...It seems like there are all the races in the starry sky menacingly...

"This is..."

In surprise, Yu Ziyu heard a"bang"’..

Accompanied by it was a streak of bloody thunder that shot straight down from the sky and hit the body of the troll prophet.

"Has the secret been revealed?..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu understood somewhat.

Just because, if there are no mistakes in the last memory piece, it is the scene of the confrontation between Void and Ten Thousand Races.

In a sense, it is also the real decisive battle.

However, what makes Yu Ziyu feel strange is that the outlines of the seven figures standing at the top of the void are a bit unfamiliar....

Are they really the Original Sin Seven?

Or is there someone else standing at the top of the void?

There were some doubts and confusions, but Yu Ziyu didn't dare to force it.

Now that he has mastered time and space, he deeply understands that the future is unpredictable.

What the so-called prophets and prophets see is just a tributary of time.

Even the closest thing is just a tributary.

And tributaries...The gap with reality is quite large.

Therefore, the 'prophecy' cannot be fully believed...If you really want to believe it, you can only believe in the legendary magical power - the great prophecy.

That's a prophecy of destiny...Enlightenment from the long river of time... if it is really predicted...So no matter how twists and turns the process is, the future will definitely come...

However, those who have practiced great magical powers and great prophecies are all burdened with the cause and effect of Nuo Da....It's not something ordinary people can bear.

For example, Yu Ziyu is unwilling to practice this great magical power.

How to practice if the rewards are not proportional to the cost?

This is suitable for a being with a spirit of dedication, but it is definitely not suitable for Yu Ziyu.

After all, Yu Ziyu is not the kind of person who would sacrifice himself for others....

Peeping into the future for others, only to have the consequences come back to bite you?

How can it be?

If Yu Ziyu is really like this, he is extremely stupid.

However, what Yu Ziyu didn't know was that it was precisely because he was aware of Yu Ziyu's character that the Imperial Soldiers' Sacred Sixteen Wings did not tell anyone about the 'Great Divine Power and Great Prophecy Technique'...

Although, this is also a great magical power, and it is the magical power of the angel clan.

But a character like Yu Ziyu can learn and be a ghost....

The Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings have long understood - for a guy like Yu Ziyu, if you are good to him, he will naturally be good to you....But if you sacrifice yourself for others, or bear the burden of great karma, that is absolutely impossible...

He only wants to prove the secret road...to this end...Even if you hide behind the scenes, you won’t hesitate...

The so-called 'fame and fortune' have nothing to do with him...

He even avoided fame and fortune.

However, it is precisely this kind of character that sincerely reassures the Imperial Soldiers' Sacred Sixteen Wings....

"Guys like Yu Ziyu can't attain enlightenment, so it's even more impossible for others to attain enlightenment...."

I sighed more than once in my heart...The Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings also repeatedly raised their evaluation of Yu Ziyu.......

At this time, Yu Ziyu didn't know what the Emperor's Sacred Sixteen Wings thought of him.

Seeing this figure that was pierced by bloody thunder and turned into blue smoke, Yu Ziyu was just silent for a while.

If the sky is revealed, a divine punishment will eventually come.

Even if he dies, his soul will be destroyed.

And this is not only a punishment for the troll clan’s prophet, but also a warning to Yu Ziyu..

"Interesting, really interesting..."

While sighing one after another, Yu Ziyu also glanced at the starry sky with interest.

I wonder if this heavenly punishment can kill him?

However, it must not be possible...

After all, his strength is becoming more and more terrifying now....

Ordinary heavenly punishment, it is not that difficult to erase him... and...Yu Ziyu is stupid again...How could he provoke divine punishment for no reason?

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu sorted out the troll prophet's relics, then collected a sixth-level spiritual grass nearby and chose to leave....

For void creatures, the starry sky is not a place to stay for long.

Just like the void will suppress the creatures in the starry sky.

And the starry sky will also suppress the void...

The two are mutual...

It's just that the void is more corrosive, which means that the suppression will be more terrifying. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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