Killing, destruction, and even... destruction.

Where original sin has passed, only 'hell' can describe it

"quack quack……"

Suddenly, arrogant laughter sounded from the end of the continent.

Looking up, he saw a cold young man named Hengkong.

His face was wild, but full of arrogance.

One hand was already grabbing the head of a fifth-level troll, and with the force of his five fingers, the bones were deeply crushed.

As the blood splashed, the young man threw his leg again


After a series of afterimages, I saw the fifth-level troll turn into a cannonball and shoot towards the crowd.


A roar shook the mountains.

Looking up, I saw landslides and ground cracks.

As for the fifth-level troll, after carving out a gully of several thousand meters on the ground, it died and turned into a puddle of flesh.

And along the way, no less than hundreds of trolls were killed alone.

Not to mention the aftermath.

And this is the third king who is burdened with 'jealousy'. The original sin codename is also the cruel method of 'jealousy'.

Compared to other original sins, he is more violent, more arrogant, and his methods are the most cruel.

"This is just the beginning!"

Amidst the ferocious laughter, I saw this young man swooping down, turning into a ray of purple light, and rushing straight into the crowd of frost trolls.


"This time, he killed happily."

A sudden voice rang in my ears. When I looked for the voice, I saw a girl with four wings on her back and a face as perfect as an angel, standing quietly in front of Yu Ziyu. The fallen angel of the void codenamed"Fallen"!

"Whatever, anyway, void creatures kill without tainting the cause and effect."

A chuckle, but Yu Ziyu didn't care.

The void creatures were bred by the way of heaven. They are in line with the movement of the sky.

They are not so much killing as they are cleaning and cleaning the sins in the starry sky.

From the perspective of heaven, the existence of void creatures What he did was actually right.

Of course, this was only Yu Ziyu's one-sided understanding.

He didn't understand the specifics. After all, this already involved the origin of the Void Clan, which was beyond the reach of Yu Ziyu's current level.

But, just At this moment, as if thinking of something, Yu Ziyu also smiled and said bluntly:

"Is your mission accomplished?"

"One Void Feather is all it takes. The jungle troll tribe doesn't even have a sixth-level life form, so it's not worth mentioning."

Listening quietly, Yu Ziyu also agrees.

Indeed, of the five troll tribes, the jungle troll tribe is the weakest, and it is also the most impossible to resist the attack of the fallen angel Avril, who was the leader in the original sin..

And at this moment, as if he thought of something, Fallen'er also pursed his lips and smiled, and then, with one hand, he held up a ball of ice-blue light.

"Boss, this is a little one I found."

"This is?"

Astonished, Yu Ziyu also stared at this little creature that was only the size of a palm, but was extremely strange.

Yes, a little creature, a little creature with an icy blue luster.

【Race: Naga Banshee

Level: Extraordinary Level 2.

Natal talent: Incarnation of the sea - the incarnation of the sea, able to respond to the ocean and control the sea.


Sea Shield - Use the ocean to build a formidable defensive shield.

Tornado Summoning - Summoning a tornado can even set off a tsunami


Quietly staring at this creature with its lower body like a snake and its body covered with ice-blue scales, Yu Ziyu also looked surprised.

"The Naga clan……"

While muttering, Yu Ziyu also knew a thing or two about this little creature.

This is a creature that lives in the depths of the ocean of trolls and stars, and is also the overlord of the ocean.

The full name is the 'Naga Banshees' clan, because this race is a matriarchal society, women are extremely powerful, good at magic, and are the embodiment of the ocean, possessing extremely terrifying magic power.

And their magic power, in Yu Ziyu's opinion, is more like a kind of alien spiritual power, which is indeed a bit strange.

"I found this little guy among the jungle trolls. I heard that he was a little princess of the Naga clan and was kidnapped by the jungle trolls.……"

"Is that so?……"

In the faint voice, Yu Ziyu also glanced at this timid little guy.

"Bring her back to the void. If she can accept the baptism of the void and become a creature of the void, then cultivate her well."

"Yes, boss."

In response, the fallen angel Avril also had a happy face.

As the owner of the God and Demon Breeding Farm, she likes to train little guys the most.

And for such a rare race, the little guys are extremely talented and are her best. Love.

After all, such a race, after falling into the void, has the most amazing talents.


At this time, not paying attention to the joy on the face of fallen angel Avril, Yu Ziyu also raised his steps.

"I'll go to a place, and after you complete your mission, return to the void."

With that said, Yu Ziyu's figure disappeared into the long sky, leaving the fallen angel Avril alone, standing quietly.


The deepest part of the troll clan's star.

This is a place rarely visited by trolls.

Just because this is the location of the prophet of the troll family.

The prophets of the troll family have been passed down from generation to generation, and now they are the third generation, which is also the most mysterious generation.

Just, at this moment


Taking one step forward, the outline of a human figure was already in this place, gradually pulling out

"You.Finally...At......Got it..."

A sudden voice echoed in Yu Ziyu's ears.

Looking for the sound, Yu Ziyu suddenly saw a white-haired, extremely old-looking figure sitting cross-legged in the distance.

However, if this figure were to be known to other trolls, they might not be able to stop exclaiming.

After all, this troll is now the troll prophet.

And now the troll prophet is in his prime...How could it be possible to have gray hair?

"Hum hum..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu's lips turned into a playful look:

"You who have spied on too many secrets have also spied on my arrival.?"

"The great Lord of the Void arrives...How could I not notice it..."

A sad sound...The old man with a weathered face also smiled bitterly.

Lord of the Void...

Moreover, it may be the Void Clan, the most terrifying master. Such an existence will actually descend on the small troll family...


A sad laugh...The old man couldn't help but sigh:

"Time, fate...

In this sigh, this prophet also said sadly:

"do you know?"

"The great Lord of the Void, aware of your arrival...I spent seven thousand years of my life deducing...But even so... I can't see the chance to stop you...."_Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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