
The roar intensified, and the sixteen wings that covered the sky and sun continued to shrink, turning into three pairs of wings.

These are purple wings, three pairs, six paths...

Like the wings of an angel, purple meaning spreads, and the ends of the wings are each trailing a phoenix-like feather, which looks extremely mysterious and mysterious.

When the six feathers swing gently, you can see the star-like purple light sliding out from the end, and then slowly disappearing, forming a cold and aloof trajectory....

Moreover, I don't know if it was an illusion, but when the form of the sacred sixteen wings changed, even his breath changed.

It lost its original holiness and instead gained a taste of emptiness.

The purple spirit fills the air, it is mysterious and extraordinary, and it feels like it is swallowing everything.

"This is..."

In shock, Yu Ziyu also noticed this pair of wings, which had come behind him


Pressing hard against her body, Yu Ziyu felt an indescribable force pouring into her body.

That is the power of the void.

It is also the power of the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings.

However, compared to the past, the emperor's sacred six wings now made Yu Ziyu's expression change again and again.

Just because he actually felt that the wings seemed to be an extension of his body...Just like his arms, and like his legs... with a thought,


The six wings have spread out, bringing countless purple feathers flying in the void.

"This is the Wings of the Void...Wings that belong exclusively to you..."

In the soft response, the voice of the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings actually revealed a hint of weakness.

"What's wrong, Wing?"

After asking for the first time, Yu Ziyu was also a little worried.

"Every form of mine is needed, I deduce it by consuming the source...And this time, the Wings of the Void consumed a lot of origin....

Hearing this, Yu Ziyu also sighed slightly:

"Why bother? Your previous forms were pretty good too..."

"No, it's different...

Interrupting in time, Emperor Bingyi's voice became more intriguing, and then explained:

"You have to understand that the current form belongs to you...uniquely yours...Although he currently only has the power of a seventh-level ultimate weapon, it will grow with you....Waiting for you for half an eternity...An exclusive imperial weapon, the Void Wings, will bloom for you...."

Speaking of this, the Emperor's Sacred Sixteen Wings also smiled and said:

"And this is my biggest secret..."

"The biggest secret?"

Somewhat stunned, Yu Ziyu was suddenly startled.

Just because, at this moment, he also wanted to come.

This should be the reason why the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings chose him.

As for why?

Naturally, it is because the Wings will choose the host, Then it develops a new form unique to the host.

The higher the talent and strength of the host, the stronger the form of the wing will be.

This will promote the growth of the wing itself.

Maybe...Wings have more than sixteen forms in this eraless world.

Instead, only these sixteen forms grew.

Wings of Storm, Wings of Light...And the final form - Wings of Freedom...

While thinking about it, Yu Ziyu also realized more and more...

At this time, as if he had seen through Yu Ziyu's heart, Emperor Bingyi also sighed:

"This is how I evolve and how I practice...so Tzuyu depends on you next....The Void Wings will grow with you. The stronger you are, the stronger it will be....If you can step into eternity, then it may become the ultimate form that transcends forms, just like the wings of freedom....And Wings of Freedom, my ultimate form, has power comparable to that of a top-grade imperial weapon...."

Speaking of this, the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings also had a hint of success.

Everyone in the world thinks that the 'Sacred Sixteen Wings' are mid-level imperial weapons.

But who knew that his ultimate form was a true top-grade imperial weapon?

Moreover, it is a terrifying imperial soldier with extremely strong growth potential among the top-grade ones....

Extend into countless forms.

The growth of any form is an evolution for his body.

The stronger its host...Its power will become more terrifying...

And this is the most terrifying thing about the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings.

Of course, the Imperial Soldier's Spear of Destiny should be very clear about this.

Because Wing's ultimate form was defeated by the Spear of Destiny in that battle, and even more so, it was sealed...

As a result, he became what the world considers to be a mid-level imperial soldier.’

"Hum hum..."

While sneering in his heart, Emperor Bingyi couldn't help but think about this old friend.

"If this little guy steps into eternity...I will accompany him and suppress you..."...

After a simple exchange, Yu Ziyu's understanding of Emperor Bingyi became more and more profound.

"Growth Imperial Soldier...

While murmuring, a glimmer of light flashed in the depths of Yu Ziyu's eyes.

This way of growth of Yi is really terrifying.

If he could choose a genius who truly amazes the world, he might be more than just a top-grade imperial soldier.

Just like that human immortal, if he becomes Yi's host...now Yi...I'm afraid...

With this thought in mind, Yu Ziyu shook her head fiercely.

It seems that his potential is weaker than that of human immortals?

It's just that the human immortal has grown up, but he has not.

In terms of true potential, he is not inferior to anyone.

Feeling proud, Yu Ziyu also raised his right hand slightly


As if sensing something, the purple wings on his back suddenly fell down, gently carrying Yu Ziyu's right hand.

"This time I condensed the wings of the void, and my origin was consumed a lot, so I fell asleep for the time being....You should practice well and wake me up if you need anything....


Nodding slightly, Yu Ziyu also understood.

Things like origin are the most precious.

As for the Wings of Condensed Void, if the wing that consumes its origin does not fall asleep in time, its power may be affected.

However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Yi reminded again:

"You can rest assured that the current Wings of the Void are an extension of your body. No one will recognize that they are from the Imperial Soldier....No one will recognize me..."

"So, if you really want to become the King of the Void and walk in the world...So the current posture is quite suitable...."

"Carrying six wings, the feathers are flying...As the purple intention spreads, a slender outline is also pulled out from the depths of the void...."

With a touch of ridicule in his voice, Yi was increasingly satisfied with the current form of 'Wings of the Void'.

It fits Yu Ziyu’s current temperament very well.

Evil, strange...Make you especially afraid...

This...It will also be the master that Xu will welcome in the future.’——The king of void that transcends all, the absolute master of void..._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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