"This is my current attitude..."

With a murmur in her heart, Yu Ziyu also looked at a purple pool not far away.

This is the power of the void turned into substance and condensed, like a pool in the starry sky...

And now, through the pool, what Yu Ziyu sees is, just as Emperor Bingyi said... The purple meaning fills the air, and six purple streaks The wings tremble slightly...At the end of each wing, there is a feather that slides, bringing out purple light spots like stars...

And these purple light spots, as they fall, outline one after another cold arc....

At first glance, it looks very mysterious and cold.

However, this is not important.

What's important is the figure carrying the pair of six wings.

The face is hidden in the haze.

The figure is very slender and looks a bit thin.

However, even so, the nobility and extraordinaryness of this figure are still vaguely visible.

He looks like an emperor walking in the world, with a compelling temperament.

And if you look carefully, you will notice his eyes even more...It's so fascinating, and there's a vague sense of absurdity in the intertwining of time.

Yes, time is intertwined...

It's unclear, the way is unclear.

But it makes people tremble...

And this is Yu Ziyu’s current posture...It is also the gesture of him about to set foot in the starry sky

"void...king beyond one...Known as 'the most ancient emperor'’..."

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu also had something to worry about.

Just use the identity of Tongtian Purple Dragon.

And his current human form is regarded as the transformation form of the Purple Dragon.

As for the real Purple Dragon, let’s go to sleep and accept the guidance of the supreme and boundless law.......

As Yu Ziyu carries the supreme law of time and space, his understanding of the supreme law becomes more and more profound.

Each supreme hair is unique, and the conditions for choosing its successor are even more stringent. like infinite law...The Lord must come into contact with the three top laws - growth, transformation, and devouring...

And this is still the most important.

Most importantly, the host must sleep frequently...Consciousness becomes hazy.

Only in this way will the supreme and infinite law control its body and lead its growth......

And Yu Ziyu’s purple dragon is because it is Yu Ziyu’s second body....Yu Ziyu rarely knows how to control consciousness...

In this way, due to a combination of circumstances, he actually won the favor of the Supreme Infinite Law... He smiled in his heart. Yu Ziyu was secretly amazed.

This supreme law is really different from the ordinary...

Like in the legend, that line of suspicion is reincarnation, which is also very strange.

A genius who is always sleeping,...But sleeping, half a step into eternity...

And that seems to be the realization of reincarnation.

Dependent origination and cessation are all in reincarnation. Every time you sleep, it is a reincarnation.

And then he even created the extremely terrifying magical power of ‘Dameng Sanqian’...

"Thinking about it this way, in addition to the supreme law of time and space...Other supreme laws...They all seem extremely weird...The word 'fate' is needed..."

"And the word 'Yuan' is the most wonderful thing..."

Amid repeated sighs, Yu Ziyu was also thankful...The supreme laws of time and space he practiced did not have such stringent requirements.

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu ignored one thing.

That is the supreme law of time and space. Although there are no other stringent requirements, the threshold is indeed outrageously high.

Whether it is time or space, it is very difficult for humans to set foot on it.

The two laws of cultivation can be integrated and transformed into time and space. The difficulty is so great that it is probably even more outrageous than other supreme laws....

In the void, the most indispensable thing is time.

During this period of time, Yu Ziyu gradually began to adapt to his current posture.

To be more precise, the pair behind him look like the purple wings he was born with.


Accompanied by a terrifying roar, the purple wings on Yu Ziyu's back were suddenly rolled up, creating a huge wind and wave....

And the wind and waves, as if materialized, turned out to be like roaring purple waves.


Visible to the naked eye, the void with a radius of hundreds of thousands of miles is swallowed up by it, and even the space is annihilated.

"Not bad, I feel a little familiar now...Use it like your own limbs..."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also satisfied.

These are the wings of the void. To be more precise, they are wings that belong exclusively to him....

As if he was born with it, every move he makes is caused by Yu Ziyu’s thoughts....

And this is also the terrifying thing about the Imperial Soldier’s Sacred Sixteen Wings... the form he created...It truly gives the host a pair of wings, not as simple as a weapon.

What’s even more frightening is that this pair of wings will grow as the host grows....

Regarding this point, Yu Ziyu’s understanding has become more and more profound.

"if i were human...The pair of wings given to me are enough to make me a member of the feathered clan...."

While muttering, Yu Ziyu was satisfied.

Just because such a pair of wings is really helpful to him.

Moreover, when necessary, he can also use this pair of wings to draw the power of the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings.

To put it simply, this pair of wings is an existence independent of the Holy Sixteen Wings, but it is also the medium for the existence of the Imperial Soldier's Holy Sixteen Wings.

It's no wonder that the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings claim: 'No one can recognize that this pair of wings is his origin....’...

And just when Yu Ziyu was familiar with the extra pair of wings, a sudden voice woke Yu Ziyu up.

"Owner...The void has summoned"

"It has been summoned....."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also stood up


A terrifying momentum shot up into the sky.

Visible to the naked eye, in the deepest part of the void, a purple tornado that penetrates the sky appears.

"This is..."

"This kind of momentum?"

"Oh My God..."

One after another, countless void creatures who had been summoned not far away raised their heads in disbelief.

Vaguely, they all saw a figure walking slowly towards the deepest part of the void.

"Step, step.."

Every step you take is like stepping on someone else's heart...

These powerful men of the void, who are kings in the void, can't help but feel excited.

Sixth level?

No, definitely more than that...

Even a half-step master cannot have such an overwhelming momentum. _Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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