"you little guy...It's time to get up..."

A sudden sigh sounded in Yu Ziyu's ears.

Looking for the sound, there were eighteen golden wings slowly rising behind him.

Imperial soldiers, sacred sixteen wings.

But now, he looked at Yu Ziyu with eyes filled with relief.

The physical body turned seven times, and then, carrying the supreme law of time and space, stepped onto the dominator...This kind of talent shocks the past and the present.

Even if he has never heard of it.

Even in the past, the genius who shocked him the most - the first immortal of the human race, was only in the sixth reincarnation of his body. He was burdened with the 'Supreme Law of Creation' and set foot on the Lord....

However...Now...There is actually a person who surpasses the 'First Immortal of the Human Race'.

What's even more terrifying is...little guy...He also practiced several great magical powers.

"Tsk tsk...If you push it horizontally, you are talking about this kind of genius."

With a smile in his heart, Emperor Bingyi was not stingy with his praise...

But at this time, as if he was aware of Emperor Bingyi's thoughts, Yu Ziyu also smiled and said:

"Wings, I succeeded"

"Yes, you succeeded."

In response, Yi Ye said bluntly:

"Under the starry sky, you are the only one...Can push across the starry sky...Unparalleled in the world."

Listening quietly, the corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly.

"It's the best in the world...

While murmuring, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it.

However, he will not dominate the world as the Demon King.

After all, he is the divine tree enlightenment.

If it is too eye-catching, it will eventually attract people to covet you.

One or two strong men are not scary.

But what about ten hundred?

What's more, what if a force like Tianting risked everything, even breaking the imperial army, and struck an eternal blow, just to wipe out the genius of the era like Yu Ziyu?

Although, this is not very realistic.

But considering the terrifying background of the forces in Heaven and Buddhism, Yu Ziyu was also wary.

After all, no one knows how many imperial weapons they have.

I don’t even know if they have the courage to break the boat.

Therefore, Yu Ziyu will not gamble, nor does he want to gamble......

And to put it simply, even if Yu Ziyu is the best in the world, he will not act as a demon emperor.

If at this time, the Demon King ascends to the throne, dominates the world, suppresses all races, even conquers countless forces, and establishes the great Demon Court...It is also like a tower in the sky, it will shatter with one blow.

After all, such a 'demon emperor' only attracted attention again and again. covet, greed...

All eyes will be on it.

Perhaps, as long as Yu Ziyu shows a small flaw, it will lead to attacks from all races.

Moreover, he himself is not too clean. His body alone is the sky-reaching purple dragon of the Void Clan, the oldest king, which is enough to give all races a reason to attack.

However, the most important thing is Yu Ziyu's true body - the Divine Tree Enlightenment.

If a being like Yu Ziyu is refined by a strong person, it is estimated that there is a chance of setting foot in eternity.

And this, if you think about it, even Yu Ziyu herself is tempted.

In this way, how could Yu Ziyu dominate the world as the Demon King?

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu also had a playful look on his lips, and then he said bluntly:

"Wings, we may have to walk as 'void' for a while..."

"Void identity? Where to start?"

Sudden suspicion, Yi is also puzzled.

"I want to rule over all races as 'the most ancient emperor of the Void', and then lead the Void race to conquer all races and seize everything we need...."

"The Void Clan is the public enemy of all races. As the Void Clan, it is normal for us to conquer all races...."

"Moreover, in this way, we, the Void Clan, will attract the attention of all races and thus ignore the Demon Court and its sacred trees....Create more development opportunities for Yaoting..."...

Narrating one after another, the blueprint in Yu Ziyu's mind became clearer and clearer.

Now he has the strength to lead the Void Clan and hunt all races.

Moreover, the Void Clan and the Ten Thousand Clan are at full-scale war....This is also Yu Ziyu's opportunity.

If he can use this to plunder enough resources, Yu Ziyu may have a chance of hitting eternity....

As for the identity of the Demon King of Demon Court, it is a bit inconvenient after all.

You cannot attack all races at will.

From this point of view, the identity of the Void Clan is really convenient.

If you want to attack anyone, do it.

No need to worry, no need to be afraid...

If you really can't stand it, just run away.

Bearing the supreme law of time and space on his back, Yu Ziyu was confident that there were few people under the starry sky who could stop him.

Even if there is, it does not appear in this era.......

Listening to Yu Ziyu's voice quietly, a complex look flashed across Di Bingyi's face.

"This little guy really has the son of a 'man behind the scenes'..."

"Even though he has the strength to overwhelm all races, he is still extremely cautious....And his caution is not about the present, but about the future....The starry sky is too vast, and finally a genius has grown up...When they grow into masters and find good seventh-level spiritual soldiers or even eighth-level imperial soldiers, they will eventually be a threat to this little guy...."

"One or two is not scary, but ten or a hundred... So this little guy doesn't take any physical action from the beginning....

Whispering in his heart, the corners of Emperor Bingyi's mouth rose a bit.

This is the biggest reason why he likes Yu Ziyu.

No matter how amazing the genius is, he may still die young.

But for a talented person like Yu Ziyu who is so amazing and has such a good character, it is inevitable for him to grow up.

Just because what he thinks is far further than ordinary people, and much further...

"good...If you want to conquer the stars as the ruler of the void, then I will accompany you..."

The response was full of determination.

Then, in the eyes of Yu Ziyu who were a little stunned, the sacred sixteen wings of the emperor's weapon shook violently.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Along with the terrifying roar, countless void powers surged toward the Imperial Soldier's Sacred Sixteen Wings like ocean waves....

"What are you doing?"

Amidst the shock, Yu Ziyu was also a little confused.

"I am the sacred sixteen wings...These sixteen do not just refer to my sixteen wings, but refer to my various postures..."

"The Wings of Storm, which control the storm, are the incarnation of wind. This was the posture originally initiated by a master of the angel clan who practiced the laws of wind attributes...."

"Wings of freedom, this is the ultimate gesture of the strongest person in the angel family, who destroys illusions, is above the law, and opens up... symbolizing freedom from restraint...."

"And now...I'm opening a new attitude for you...Wings of the void, carrying the void, carrying the void on your back...Turn into wings of the void to protect you...

One after another, the sacred sixteen wings hanging behind Yu Ziyu burst into bright purple light, and their shapes were constantly changing...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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