A world, especially a complete and vast world.

This is not Yu Ziyu's nine realms, comparable to the new tenth realm.

If we talk about a planet, it carries life.

Then a complete and vast world carries a civilization.

For example, the starry sky today can be said to be an 'extraordinary civilization in the era of spiritual energy recovery'.

From this, it is also conceivable how terrifying a world truly large enough to support a civilization would be.

And this is what Yu Ziyu longs for most.

If his tenth realm can give birth to a complete and powerful civilization, then his power will increase geometrically until it is immeasurable.

It is even possible to fight against eternity.

However, Yu Ziyu could only imagine this.

After all, the civilization carried by the Donghuang Bell has gone through epochs after epochs, and has been reincarnated several times in countless calamities.

In this way, the Chaos Clock is given unimaginable power.


And at this time,

"You actually want to fuse the laws of time and the laws of space and turn them into time and space?"

A rare surprise, the sound of the Chaos Clock is also more intriguing.

This is not a simple thing.

Even that person failed to do it.

And that person is naturally his companion—— Demon Emperor Donghuang.

However, thinking about it, Chaos Bell is also relieved.

In the prehistoric era, the world has been multiplying for tens of millions of years, and the laws of heaven and earth are complete. Even the laws of time and the laws of space have grown extremely horribly.

And such a situation In the past, it was extremely difficult to carry them or even integrate them.

In this way, Donghuang also failed several times. But now, it is different.

Just because this is a new world, there are gaps in the world, and the law of time Even the laws of space have not really grown up.


"The possibility of this little guy merging time and space and turning it into the supreme law of space and time exists."

While muttering, Chaos Clock was also thoughtful.

And here, it is worth mentioning that the more complete the world, the more terrifying the laws.

Similarly, the strength of the laws is also different in the new world and the ancient world.

Just Take today's world as an example. This world has not yet grown up and is very fragile in all aspects, even the so-called laws.

In this way, in this era, it is easiest to bear the burden of the laws and the master of realization..After all, the weak law will also reduce the burden

"If this little guy meets by fate and fuses with him, he will become the supreme being, and even more burdened, even I will have to look up at him."

Amidst the rare laughter, Chaos Bell raised his eyes and looked into the endless distance.

His eyes spanned time and space....In an instant, he had fallen onto the vast sea of ​​laws.

It even landed on that one, rooted in the sea of ​​laws, like a sacred tree supporting the nine heavens....

Time is your companion, and space is your companion.

Even more so, the blue and purple dragons looked up to the sky and screamed

"What a genius...

With increasing appreciation, Chaos Clock's face, which has been calm for hundreds of millions of years, has a wave of fluctuation.......

But at this moment,

Yu Ziyu felt gradually suffocated by the vast sea of ​​laws above his head.

Unimaginable pressure oppressed his body and even soul.

The body is still fine. After seven turns of physical body, it is already in the state of immortality. Even though there are all kinds of oppression, Yu Ziyu is still invincible.

But the soul...

"Click, click...

There were crisp sounds one after another, and Yu Ziyu seemed to see his soul being shattered....

"To pull the sea of ​​laws, you must endure great pressure...and this pressure is calamity and good fortune...."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also felt that his soul, which seemed to have been shattered, was actually being reorganized.

Moreover, a lot of impurities are discharged.

This is the mystery of the sea of ​​laws.

Can temper the soul and sharpen the will...

If we talk about cultivating the physical body, we are taking the path of nine turns.

So cultivating the law, in a larger sense, means walking the path of the soul.

Only by understanding the law and the soul conforming to the power of the law...Only then can we truly bear the law...

There is an essential difference between the two...

And now, Yu Ziyu is enduring the tempering of his soul again and again while pulling the sea of ​​laws.

And at this time, if someone sees the depths of the Nine Realms...You must be able to notice that countless spiritual trees and spiritual flowers all flew out with a flash of spiritual light and gathered towards Yu Ziyu.

This is the origin of all spirits...

When I noticed that Yu Ziyu was going through the catastrophe,...These spiritual flowers and spiritual grasses that were cared for by Yu Ziyu all lost their vitality and contributed their own strength.

And this is Yu Ziyu.

After all, it is the divine tree that has attained enlightenment, enough to be called the ancestor of all trees.

Yes...All trees and flowers are sentient.

As for how important these auras are...

Visible to the naked eye, these spiritual lights embellish Yu Ziyu's body, making it dazzling.

However, more spiritual light poured into the deepest part of Yu Ziyu's body - the place of the soul. then... a little, a little...This spiritual light is all integrated into Yu Ziyu's soul, nourishing it......

Why do people in the world yearn for heavenly materials and earthly treasures?

Not only for cultivation, but more often, for the purpose of nourishing and replenishing the body during the tribulation...

And now, with the sacrifices of thousands of flowers and trees, Yu Ziyu's soul is also proudly nourished....Like a small grass in the strong wind, it becomes taller and taller...

And this can be said to be the most indispensable 'wealth' in practice and in the land of wealth lovers.

However, as a sacred tree, Yu Ziyu does not need to plunder...

"Ha ha..."

With a smile in her heart, Yu Ziyu was also a little moved.

Of course, what we should be most grateful for are the five sacred trees in the deepest part of the tree world.

It was they who took the initiative to lead Wan Mu, just to help Yu Ziyu.

Moreover, one should also be grateful...One person.

The colorful spiritual flower that just woke up...The strange flowers of heaven and earth are one level higher than ordinary sacred trees....

When she regained consciousness, when she realized that Yu Ziyu needed help, she actually took the initiative to lead Wan Hua... in this way...Only then will there be as vast aura as stars, constantly gathering..._

Fei Lu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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