"If I have a chance, I’ll go to the depths of the void for a day...."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu also had the idea of ​​​​expanding the power of the void....

The Void Clan is the most mysterious.

But because of the Tongtian Purple Dragon, he has the possibility to conquer the Void Clan.

And wait for him to truly conquer the Void Clan and establish a divine dynasty unique to the Void Clan in the boundless land of Void....he believes...Everyone will tremble because of this.

However, this is not a rush.

In other words, he can't do it now. , after all, the land of void is too vast. It is the backside of the starry sky, but it is even more desolate than the starry sky, and even the planets do not exist.

Therefore, it is definitely not an ordinary difficulty to truly unify.

According to Yu Ziyu's guess, it would be possible at least half a step into eternity.

What is worth mentioning here is that the Void Clan has the most strict hierarchy....

In this way, this race has the highest value of conquering.

Like all the races in the starry sky, even if you conquer them, you may be stabbed in the back one day.

Compared to this, the Void clan, whose spiritual intelligence has not yet been enlightened, is a good choice....

Thinking of this, Yu Ziyu's desire to become stronger became even stronger.

His future is not limited to the Western Star Region.

East Star Region, Beida Star Region...The sea of ​​chaos outside the five star regions...And the most mysterious place of void...

This one after another is where his eyes are focused....

"I'm looking forward to seeing a wider world..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also surged with spiritual power.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Accompanied by loud noises one after another, the world was shaken.

Immediately afterwards, a sacred tree that covered the sky and sun rose from the ground.

It is huge and boundless.

It's like holding up the whole world.

Thousands of branches are rippling like divine chains, spreading divine green light.

The tree roots are like dragons, drawing their necks and roaring.

And more than before, there were strange phenomena appearing on the left and right sides of his tree body.

The vision was a bell, as huge as a star, spinning endlessly.

A strange phenomenon is a diamond-shaped crystal. The bright light flashes from time to time, and there are layers of ripples spreading in a trance....

And this is Yu Ziyu's current posture.

The more he practiced, the more terrifying and mysterious his posture became.

Evolution towards a more perfect direction is his way of cultivation...

"I will definitely merge time and space...turn it into time and space..."

With a murmur, revealing a touch of determination, Ziyu also chose to close her five senses and sink her mind into the sea of ​​laws.

"Blah blah blah, blah blah..."

Faintly, like the sound of rolling waves, it echoed in the nine realms.

Looking for the sound, I don't know when, in the sky above the nine realms, there was a vast ocean shadow, slowly emerging.

Vast and boundless.

It seems that the sky in the nine realms is a corner of its boundlessness...

This is the sea of ​​law, the key to stepping into domination.

And now...What Yu Ziyu has to do is to perfectly integrate time and space, and then successfully carry the"Sea of ​​Laws"’


Taking a deep breath, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but murmur.

"What is time?"

"What is space?"

"Time is king, space is respected...Time is endless and eternal, while space is unbounded and eternal...."...

The murmurs one after another completely explained Yu Ziyu's understanding of time and even space.

However, I don’t know if this is an illusion.

Just when Yu Ziyu started to murmur, the sea of ​​laws that seemed to submerge the sky of the nine realms began to slowly boil, and the rolling of the waves became more and more terrifying....

And at the same time, the deepest part of the starry sky...an endless place


A faint bell rang, suddenly shaking this boundless place.

And at the next moment, a vicissitudes of time and ancient voice actually echoed in this boundless land.

"You've already come to this level?..."

It seems like a sigh, but also a surprise...The entire boundless land began to become brighter.

Look in the direction where the light is coming from...

There, there is an ancient clock as big as a star...

However, this ancient clock seems to be awakening from its deep sleep, and it seems to be truly resurrected.... inside the clock...The phantoms of all races in the mountains, rivers, land, stars, and skies are constantly emerging.

And outside the clock...It is surrounded by the sun, moon, stars, earth, water, fire and wind. all of a sudden...The entire Yin land is dazzling because of this ancient clock.

Five colors of light illuminate the heavens...The Holy Power of Chaos shocks the world...

The Innate Extreme Dao Imperial Weapon—Chaos Bell, is the oldest and most terrifying imperial weapon.

It has existed since the prehistoric era.

However, such a terrifying imperial weapon is a mystery to all races.

Just because, except for the prehistoric era, when it showed its divine power, the other eras were silent... it didn't even participate in several famous battles to seize the sky....

In this way...The reputation of this innate imperial soldier is rarely known to the world.

Some people even doubted the existence of this imperial weapon. only...Now... it wakes up...The induction from the underworld made it finally wake up from its deep sleep....

And the reason for waking up...It's because he felt the breath of 'time' and 'space'......

There is a rumor among the heavens, but it is true.

That is the Chaos Bell of the Innate Imperial Weapon - infinite in mysteries and infinite in creation. It can imprison time, suppress space, reflect the attacks of any treasures and divine weapons, and ignore the damage of all magical powers and spells. It has both attack and defense, and you can be invincible if you put it on your head..

Although this is just a rumor, it is indeed somewhat credible.

And all this is because the Chaos Clock really carries the 'origin of time' and the origin of space....

Time and space form a world of their own, interpreting the mountains, rivers and earth in the clock, giving birth to all races... It can even be said that the Chaos Clock originally carries a vast world.... only...This life is difficult to recreate in the starry sky.

After all, the world has changed, and the ancient world nurtured in the prehistoric era is incompatible with this starry sky. If it comes by force, I am afraid that there will be punishment from heaven....

And this also shows the true terror of the Chaos Clock!!

It actually carries a complete, vast and terrifying world.

No wonder...It would be so terrible.

It was so terrifying that even the Eternal Venerable was particularly afraid. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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