
A sudden murmur echoed in the air.

Looking up, I don't know when a woman with a slim figure in a colorful dress was standing quietly by a lake in the deepest part of the small world of life.

She is graceful and luxurious.

He seemed to be the most noble person in the world.

The whole body is filled with colorful lights.

Even if she stood quietly, there were spiritual flowers blooming one after another under her feet.

It's like a vision, it really mesmerizes people's eyes.

Seeing this woman, I believe many people will have a sentence in mind: 'Beauty is like a flower in the clouds'...

And this is the first impression this woman gives people...

This is the colorful spirit flower, which first followed Yu Ziyu, and is also the most mysterious member of the Demon Court.

Just because she rarely appears in the Demon Court and has been in seclusion for a long time.

But now, when Yu Ziyu pulled the sea of ​​laws, she finally broke through.

The sixth level aura is like substance.

He even transformed into another form and appeared between heaven and earth....

The wonderful flowers of heaven and earth are no less than the sacred trees of heaven and earth.

And what are the sacred trees of heaven and earth?

Those are the ten sacred trees that stand on top of the sacred tree, the most top and most terrifying sacred tree.

Just like the sacred tree of enlightenment, it can enlighten all kinds of ways.

Just like the sacred sycamore tree, it upholds the flames of Nirvana, is immortal, carries the 'Phoenix', and is the most pure tree....

Every sacred tree of heaven and earth has a great reputation, and its sound shakes the heavens.

From this, one can also imagine the horror of the strange flower of heaven and earth - the colorful spiritual flower.

No, it shouldn't be called 'Colorful Spirit Flower'.

Just because, now she has a vague sixth color...

Therefore, it can be called 'six colors'.

And her real race should be the legendary Momentum Flower, dressed in nine colors, taking root at the end of the long river of time....

"Wucai, you finally woke up"

"Long time no see, sister..."

Calling one after another, looking for the sound, it was the Bull Demon and the White Tiger, walking towards them.


Nodding gently, without being rude, Wucai Linghua also smiled slightly and said:

"It’s been so long, if I don’t wake up, I’m afraid you will all forget me"

"How is that possible."

With a loud laugh, Bai Hu also said bluntly.

However, this was obviously not the time to reminisce about the past.

He raised his eyes and looked at the illusory ocean covering the sky. Bai Hu, Niu Demon and others all had serious eyes.

The stronger they are, the more capable they are. Aware of the terror of the sea of ​​laws in the sky above their heads.

If this 'ocean' were to be pressed down, the nine realms might not be able to bear it.

But now, their master is holding it up by himself.


Take a deep breath and look at the deepest part of the sea of ​​laws, the illusory tree shadows that hold up the world....

Blue and purple dragons accompany each other.

Nine illusory stars linger.

There are even thousands of tree roots, causing the neck to scream.

Even the bull demon can't help but look sideways

"Master, it’s really getting more and more terrifying...."

Speaking of this, Niu Mo also sighed sincerely:

"Believe me, Master, it is not difficult to carry the Sea of ​​Laws on your back. If even he cannot carry it, no one under the starry sky can carry it."

This is not an exaggerated statement by the Bull Demon.

It's just because the master has already turned seven physical bodies, and his combat power is comparable to that of the master...

It would be incredible if such geniuses of the era cannot carry the Sea of ​​Laws on their backs....

In response, Bai Hu also nodded and laughed:

"That is...The master is willing to bear it, now we just wait for the grand ceremony..."...

But listening to the voices of Bull Demon and White Tiger, Wucai Linghua narrowed her eyes slightly, and a hint of unnoticeable worry flashed deep in her eyes.

If it were a sea of ​​laws, the owner would naturally be able to carry it.

But... but...Is it really as simple as the master carrying a sea of ​​laws?

Slowly raising his eyes, his gaze seemed to be looking through the sky. The colorful spirit flowers had already seen a"deeper and more terrifying sea of ​​laws" gathering together.

That's the breath of time...

As the Flower of Moment, adhering to the 'origin of time', she is naturally no stranger to time.

But now, the ocean of laws that symbolizes 'time' is quietly gestating above the master's head....

"Master, you don’t want to..."

As if she had realized something, Wucai Linghua also opened her small mouth slightly, with a hint of disbelief....

"Is this the rhythm of carrying two seas of laws?"

She exclaimed in her heart, but the colorful spirit flower became more and more unbelievable.

It is not difficult to carry one sea of ​​laws.

But if you carry two at the same time, the difficulty is probably increased several times or even more than ten times.

However, at this time, the colorful spirit flower What Huadu doesn't know is that Yu Ziyu is more than just carrying two seas of law.

Only when 'time' and 'space' perfectly blend together and turn into the supreme 'sea of ​​time and space chaos', can Yu Ziyu take the initiative to carry it?...

And what does that mean? mean...supreme law...This eternal and vast law has finally descended into the starry sky.

At that time, the power of God was so mighty that it was hundreds of times more powerful than it is now. It was feared that it would affect even a small half of the void....

Even the starry sky will shake.

Carrying the sea of ​​laws on its back, the momentum is huge.

And carrying the 'Supreme Sea of ​​Chaos'’...That momentum is probably much more terrifying than the momentum of Yu Ziyu achieving the seventh physical transformation.......

However, at this time, Yu Ziyu didn't know the vibration of the colorful spirit flower.

However, I guess Yu Ziyu wouldn't care if he knew about it.

After all, he is in some trouble now

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The increasingly terrifying roar shook the world, and even Yu Ziyu's mind was shaken.

That is, the sea of ​​laws is pressing down.

It's not terrible, though.

What is really scary is that above this sea of ​​laws, there is a sea of ​​laws that is still gestating.

Time is the most powerful and mysterious force.

It is very mysterious and can be touched by people.

Because of the five-color spiritual flower, Yu Ziyu has the natural talent to contact the law of time.

Then, due to encounters, he condensed the seal of law - the gear of time.

However, this does not mean that Yu Ziyu truly understands 'time'.

Compared with the space of feeling all the time, Yu Ziyu obviously has too little contact with time.

And in this way, not to mention fusing time and space, even pulling the sea of ​​time laws is difficult....

Pulling the Sea of ​​Laws tests the understanding of the Laws and the condensation of the Seal of the Laws, while carrying the Sea of ​​Laws is a test of the physical body....

Therefore, to ascend to the top as a master, especially a master with powerful laws and achievements, not only requires amazing understanding, but also a strong physical body....

And this is also the reason why most strong people pursue the fourth and fifth turns of the physical body.

As for the six or seven turns of the physical body, don't even think about it. That's not something ordinary geniuses can touch. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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