"He finally reached the sixth level..."

With a sigh, Emperor Crocodile's voice also had a hint of relief....


Somewhat stunned, Yu Ziyu was also curious about Emperor Crocodile's tone.

"Master, I don’t know something...Black Gold, among the few of us who are strong in physical training, has the best talent and the highest understanding...."

"But Golden Behemoth, me, and the red lotus beast have already reached the sixth level..."

"But black gold has been unable to break through...."


There was another sigh, and Emperor Crocodile was also puzzled.

When it comes to talent, Black Gold is truly excellent.

When it comes to cultivation, he is also the most diligent.

However, it is really puzzling that it was not until today, a hundred years later, that I set foot on the sixth level....

However, at this moment, Emperor Crocodile did not notice Yu Ziyu's increasingly playful expression.


After calling out, Yu Ziyu also took the initiative to ask:

"Did you know that human beings are so advanced in technology today, and even the methods of body tempering are full of tricks?...Why the 'real strong' still can't show off a few..."


There was some hesitation, and Emperor Crocodile was also stunned.

Human beings are the most intelligent.

But their bodies are weak.

Therefore, humans pay special attention to body tempering.

A hundred years ago, with the help of various technologies, humans who had repeatedly tempered their bodies were no less powerful than mutant beasts in the same realm.

But until Emperor Crocodile and others returned to the Nine Realms, there were only a few powerful humans who had truly reached the fifth level.

For example, Qinggang, Thorns, etc. have reached the fifth level, but they are no longer considered human beings....

This is really puzzling.

You know, human beings are known as the 'first race in all eternity'’..There should be no words to say about its potential.

However, today?

Becoming more and more suspicious, Emperor Crocodile also looked at its master.

"Owner...Do you know the reason?"

"Ha ha..."

After a chuckle, Yu Ziyu said bluntly:

"You only saw the various tempered bodies and strengthened bodies of human beings, but you didn’t see the genetic locks in their bodies...."

"Gene lock?"

Muttered, Emperor Crocodile was even more confused.

"Master, what is this gene lock?"

"Gene lock is the name of humans. Its real name should be the shackles of heaven...."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also continued:

"Thinking back to the beginning, the human race had many strong men, especially in the previous period. The human race had reached its peak. There were eight Eternal Lords alone, and there was a strong rise of the first immortal of the human race....

"At that time, the human race was overwhelming all races, and its power, even the law of heaven, could not be suppressed for a time...."

"even...Under the leadership of the human race, the human race was several times ahead of schedule and started a battle to seize the sky....However, it was with this battle that the era came to an end...."

"The human race is also reaping the consequences. The Heavenly Dao of the previous era chose to seal the potential of the entire human race at all costs....Tied with layers of heavenly locks..."

"Therefore, today's human breakthrough is much more difficult than that of other races...."

Narrating one after another, Yu Ziyu also rarely revealed this ancient secret.

As he spoke, he still couldn't help but sigh.

The first clan in the ages, a race born with a Taoist body, a spiritual body, and a race favored by the law!!

What a terrible race...But this is a race that has been abandoned by Heaven and has been shackled by Heaven....

The potential of this family is locked up.

It also locked the fate of this clan.

And this is the biggest reason why the human race has never risen so far....

With shackles and imprisonment, how can they rise?...

"Therefore, this is the reason why black gold has been unable to break through..."

With a murmur, Emperor Crocodile also looked at the domineering figure not far away, roaring upward to the sky.


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also admitted:

"Although Heijin belongs to the gorilla clan, after many evolutions, he can be considered a human race. As a human race, he will naturally have the"shackles of heaven", which are the seals flowing deep in the blood... And now... Borrow With this breakthrough, Black Gold finally broke through the 'gene lock'’..."

At this point, Yu Ziyu's eyes narrowed slightly, and he saw a strange object that looked like a lock in the deepest part of Heijin's body, slowly splitting into two.

And as this 'lock' was broken, a mysterious and mysterious power actually surged out from the deepest part of Heijin's body.

Even he couldn't help but look up to the sky and scream.

And the longer he roared, the more terrifying his breath became.

It seems like it will never end...

"The shackles of heaven are not only a calamity for the human race, but also a blessing for the genius..."

With a sigh, Yu Ziyu was also happy.

The reason why it is said to be a disaster for the human race is because it is a catastrophe for this human race.

However, for the true genius, it is also a kind of luck.

And all of this, despite the shackles of heaven, and still being able to reach the sixth level... This kind of talent is really intimidating.

But now, without the shackles of heaven, the black gold rises to the sky like a trapped dragon, unstoppable.

Let’s just say, the potential is unlimited. more than that...

He also has great luck.

The fate of the human race is also locked by the shackles of heaven.

And now, the black gold has broken through the shackles of heaven, which also means that the fate of the human race has a place to vent....

Looking for Yu Ziyu's eyes,


The golden clouds that came from nowhere actually turned into divine dragons and surged towards Black Gold's body....

That's luck.

Real luck.

The fate of countless human races converged, just to create the"first genius of the human race", and in this way, the human race can rise again...

Of course, this is not all the luck of the human race.

Just a small part.

More luck is still in the hands of Heavenly Court, headed by the strong men of the human race.

And now...Black Gold can only say that by breaking through the shackles of heaven, it has taken away a small part of the destiny of the human race in heaven.

And if this was known to Heaven, a mouthful of old blood would probably spurt out.

After all, this small portion of the human race's luck, coupled with the unparalleled genius who 'breaks through the genetic lock', may be enough to impact the realm of domination.

In other words, a human genius who can set foot on the throne has risen.

However, such a genius is not in the hands of heaven...

"Ha ha..."

With a smile in his heart, Yu Ziyu was also proud.

Not to mention anything else, Yu Ziyu felt very happy just by taking away a small part of the human race's destiny from heaven.

Yu Ziyu has no mercy for his enemies...

"Wait for Heijin to truly rise and become the number one human race, seizing more luck.....I want to see how you, the Heavenly Court, can fight with me...."

The corner of her mouth curled up, Yu Ziyu was also looking forward to it. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download it

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