However, just when Kyuubi had this idea, a voice interrupted her thoughts.

"Don't think too much, this is my application of the law, it has not been integrated into the formation...."

Hearing this, Kyuubi was also startled.

"Haven't you integrated into the formation yet?"


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also admitted:

"Now it’s all supported by my spiritual power...It's okay for a short time, but for a long time, even my spiritual power can't support it...."

"All right..."

There was a moment of silence, and Kyuubi also knew that this was indeed a bit difficult for the master.

With the support of cultivation alone, let alone the current master who has only half a step to dominate, even a true master will find it extremely difficult to do so....

And this is the biggest difference between formations and individuals.

The formation is about borrowing from heaven and earth, but the individual himself is everything.

Although an individual is powerful, it is still a bit out of reach to compete with this vast world.

For now, only the true Eternal Venerable can compete with the vast world....

However, this is not important.

The important thing is that Yu Ziyu has initially mastered the laws of time and space, and his attainments in formations are not weak.

Given time, the two laws of time and space are integrated into the formation, and the problem should not be big.

At that time, the time formation that has disappeared for a long time will also reappear in the world.

It's just that Yu Ziyu is not interested in the formation now...

After all, with the supreme law of space and time on your back, so close to your eyes, how could you have time to study the formation?...

But at this moment


A sudden roar sounded in the distant sky

"This is?"

With a sound of surprise, Yu Ziyu also looked towards the end of the sky.

There, there was an extremely terrifying and weird aura, rising up

"It's black gold. This is the aura of black gold. Could it be that he is about to break through?"

Somewhat astonished, Di Ji Ling'er also explained immediately.

Black Gold...One of the top ten monsters in the Demon Realm...He is also the most mysterious subordinate of Yu Ziyu.

Just because he is very mysterious.

A brand new species was born in the world.

It was obviously a human being, but it had a body that was a hundred times more powerful than humans.

What's even more frightening is that his body is still gradually getting stronger, and he has the tendency to 'catch up with the Dragon and Phoenix', or even surpass the Dragon and Phoenix....

If most humans are Homo sapiens, then humans who are born for fighting...

"Go ahead and take a look."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also waved his right hand.


Along with the terrifying roar, time and space were reversed. When Yu Ziyu, Jiuwei and others appeared again, they had reached the deepest part of the small world of life.

Life is a small world with unlimited vitality.

Most importantly, it nourishes the body.

Strong men like Emperor Crocodile and Heijin who cultivate their physical bodies like to retreat in the small world of vitality.

And now...


The astonishing roar was filled with the most violent aura, rolling back to the heaven and earth.

In an instant, the world was shaken.

What is even more frightening is that the vast wind and waves continue to spread, affecting the entire small world of life, causing countless strong people to wake up from their slumber....

There was even a huge golden figure like a mountain in the distance, slowly raising its head.


The corner of her mouth curled up, and Yu Ziyu also took a step forward


There were ripples under his feet, and in the next second, Yu Ziyu’s foot had already touched a head.

"This is?"

The sudden surprise made Emperor Crocodile stunned.

But at the next moment, a playful voice suddenly sounded in Emperor Crocodile's ears:

"What, you forgot about me?"

"you are the master..."

With a hint of disbelief in his voice, Emperor Crocodile was also stunned.

Then, visible to the naked eye, the golden dragon eyes of Emperor Crocodile have a circle of sparkling crystals.

"You guy..."

After smiling, Yu Ziyu sat directly on the head of the crocodile, and then changed the subject:

"I just finished my retreat and came out to take a look...."

"Now, let’s look at Black Gold’s breakthrough..."

Listening quietly, Emperor Crocodile also nodded excitedly and said:

"OK, Master, OK, Master..."

Saying this, Emperor Crocodile also slowly raised his head, allowing Yu Ziyu to see Black Gold's breakthrough more comfortably....

In response to this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but curl up the corners of her mouth.

Emperor Crocodile is still as considerate as ever...

From now on, if anyone dares to say in front of him that people with strong limbs are simple-minded, Yu Ziyu will definitely slap him to death.

After all, Emperor Crocodile is the most distinctive example.

The well-developed limbs are terrifying, but the delicate mind is also terrifying.

If he were to fight against the Emperor Crocodile, he would not know how he died if he was not careful.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the body of the Emperor Crocodile should be at the fifth level... the fifth level, which is two levels short of Yu Ziyu's seventh level.

But it's also extremely scary.

At least, under the starry sky, the number of five-turn physical bodies that can be found is within ten fingers.

Every turn is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

Even for the Dragon and Phoenix clans, the most powerful clans who are best at tempering their bodies, it is not that difficult to achieve the fifth physical transformation.

It can be seen from this that the terrifying status of Emperor Crocodile is now...

It’s just that it’s not just Emperorsuchus...

Slowly raising his eyes, looking at the figure not far away in the deepest part of the spiritual energy storm, Yu Ziyu also narrowed his eyes slightly....

"black gold..."

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu also looked at Heijin, whose appearance had changed drastically.

A head of long black hair, with roots standing straight up into the sky.

Except for the head, chest and palms, the body is covered with red body hair, and every red hair is emitting a bright red light.

The red hair all over his body is so bright that the whole figure of Heijin is shrouded in hazy red light, which looks like the red flame burning in his body....

However, this is not the scariest thing.

The scariest thing is the red lightning swirling nearby...As if the breath has materialized, the red lightning is like a red snake, scurrying between the sky and the earth, making the black gold look like a god or a demon...._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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