However, at this moment, as if he thought of something, Emperor Crocodile also suddenly asked:

"Master, I remember that in Heaven, there seemed to be several sixth-order giants already....Among them, the Red Emperor, the Black Emperor, and the fifth brother Golden Ant have competed with them?"


Nodding, Yu Ziyu also admitted.

However, at the next moment, Yu Ziyu changed the subject and asked:

"Do you think they are pure human beings?"


There was a moment of silence, and Emperor Crocodile was also stunned.

Pure human being?

What this means is...

Before Emperor Crocodile had too many doubts, Yu Ziyu also said bluntly:

"The Red Emperor's body should be a spiritual snake, and then he received the Red Emperor's inheritance, one of the four inheritances of Heaven....thus becoming a giant...As for the Black Emperor's true form, although I haven't seen it, he must not be a pure human being...."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also paused before explaining:

"some inheritance...It reverses the essence of life, like the elemental fruit I gave Qinggang, and like the bloody vine fused with thorns....These will become their bloodline...And as long as their bloodline changes, the shackles in their bodies will be gone...."

"Therefore, among the current sixth-order giants in Heaven, there is not a single true pure-blooded human being....That's for sure..."...

Listening quietly, Emperor Crocodile also understood.

I see...

No wonder, none of those guys are inferior to others. It turns out that none of them are pure-blooded humans....

"Pureblood humans, lots of them...But for a pure-blood human to reach the sixth level, it is far more difficult than ordinary people imagine."

Speaking of this, Yu Ziyu also took a deep look at Black Gold, which was roaring up to the sky and exuding a terrifying aura, and said bluntly:

"You see, Black Gold's talent is unparalleled, and he practices even harder, but it's only now that he has reached the sixth level....You know, our Demon Court is the force with the deepest foundation under the starry sky. In terms of foundation alone, it is no less than any other force...."

"However, even with so much foundation and so many resources..."

After saying this, Yu Ziyu couldn't help but sigh at the difficulty of pure-blood human cultivation.

Talent, opportunity, and resources are all black gold that is not lacking, and this is it.

How can ordinary pure-blooded humans practice cultivation?

With a wry smile, Yu Ziyu also felt a little pity for the human race.

However, this is no one else’s fault.

After all, the human race was once glorious.

It's just a pity that all the sins will be borne by future generations...


While sighing, Yu Ziyu also raised his eyes again and looked at Heijin.

Like gods, like demons.

Roaring to the sky.

The increasingly violent aura spread across the heaven and earth.

However, it's not terrible.

What's really scary is that one after another terrifying runes actually appear all over Black Gold.

"primitive, savage...

With a murmur, Yu Ziyu's eyes flashed with light.

These are law runes, and what they represent is primitiveness and savagery.

However, it is worth mentioning that this is an extremely ancient law, and unlike conventional laws...They are more like a Tao, a trace of civilization.

As for Black Gold, the reason why these two laws appear on his body must be that he carries the primitiveness and savagery of the human race.

To put it simply, black gold represents one direction of human race’s growth, evolving in a more primitive and ancient direction....Develop your own potential to the fullest and tap into your most ancient bloodline.

And today's human race, because their brains continue to evolve, are evolving in a more intelligent direction... which indicates 'wisdom'...

Savagery and wisdom, opposite yet unified.

But it is the human race that carries the traces.

Just like an angel, it is the embodiment of light and speed.

Another example is the Titans, which represent growth and strength....

The human race now carries wisdom and barbarism......

"But, I wonder if Heijin’s Taoist body has been unsealed?"

After a murmur, Yu Ziyu was also curious....

The human race is all born with Taoism, and they are most close to the law, and this is also the most terrifying thing about the human race.

Why, all races communicate in human form.

One of the big factors is that the human body is close to the law and is most suitable for comprehending the great road....

The human race is the most perfect Taoist body among all races....

However, after the emergence of the gene lock, the so-called Tao body disappeared.

Locking their perception, even with the law around them, it is difficult for them to detect it....

Just, now...

Some expectations...Yu Zi also looked at Heijin


The corners of Yu Ziyu's mouth curled up slightly at the sudden call.

Looking for the sound, he looked around and saw the figure at the center of the spiritual energy storm. He slowly turned his head and looked at Yu Ziyu with burning eyes.

"Congratulations on your breakthrough..."

With a chuckle, Yu Ziyu also congratulated.

"Thanks to the master's kindness..."

As polite as ever, Kurogane knelt down on one knee and kowtowed. no rejection...

This is the way black gold works.

He pays most attention to rules.

When meeting Yu Ziyu, it is inevitable to salute.

And now...

Taking one step forward, Yu Ziyu also crossed the space and arrived not far from Black Gold.

"How does it feel?" asked softly, Yu Ziyu was also curious about Black Gold's breakthrough.

"feeling unprecedented...good..."

Amidst the faint laughter, Heijin also briefly described his own situation....

He has always known about the genetic lock of the human race.

Before that, he even took the initiative to find Yu Ziyu to discuss. To this end, Yu Ziyu also summoned the human elites from Blue Star to try to break through with high technology....

But...The result is inevitable.

If the genetic lock, that is, the shackles of heaven, were so easy to break, it would not bind the entire human race.

Either give up the identity of a pure-blooded human race and choose to break through.

Or bear the yoke of heaven and practice cultivation a hundred times more difficult than ordinary people...

And now, Black Gold has done it...

It took a hundred years, and with the help of plans formulated by the elites of the Blue Star human race and the massive resources of Demon Court, a breakthrough was finally achieved...

Compared with the harvest, his difficult breakthrough is worth it.

Just because the fate of the human race now gathered in his body has actually opened up his own deep power.

‘Primitive and barbaric are the two most ancient forces that can suppress foreign objects to a great extent.

As for how terrible it is.

It can be said that if Heijin activates the 'original power', then with him as the center, everything will return to the primitive and the Stone Age.

At that time, ordinary spiritual weapons and technology will be greatly reduced... or even ineffective...

This is the power of resist...

And barbarism, needless to say.

Means 'strength, strength, even violence'...’

Most suitable for practitioners with strong physical bodies like Heijing..._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - collection,

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