Chapter 601 The Mystery of Chaos

But it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, and it’s normal. Who doesn’t have a few secrets.

Fortunately, this chaotic killing did not continue, and the scope was not large, so accidentally killing a chess piece buried by a son of God’s Domain was not too important, and the matter of giving two compensations passed.

Next, Lin Xiaote left a message in the group to ask, and left the snake country to go north to continue hunting the ancients.

Every time he finds a target, he will ask in the group. If no one claims it, or hasn’t paid attention to it for a long time, he will assume that it is not a player or pawn raised in the group.

All the way down, except for one of them, which was seen by a certain son of God’s Domain and let him go, most of them were unclaimed, and all were hunted and harvested by him.

In the past two years, he hunted and killed nearly 20 ancients of different strengths. They were basically between Sequence 3 and Sequence 2. The upper ancients of Sequence 1 encountered two, and one of them was run away. NS.

Sequence Zero didn’t run into it, but he felt that even if it happened, it would be nothing to do.

He is only Rank One himself, and he is able to suppress the same rank by using the strengthened Grand Judgment Technique. He is already very powerful in confronting a Rank Zero that exceeds his first rank. It is very difficult to counter-suppress and even kill.

Two years later, Lin Xiao drove to the Snake Country again in a carriage alone. Li Mei had been sent back by him. The next level he had to contact was not something she could face, and there was no need to pull her in.

In the Snake Country, he saw the White Snake, who seemed to be more powerful than two years ago, and two other incarnations of Sons of God’s Domain that he had never seen before, one Sequence One and one Sequence Zero.

Lin Xiao frowned slightly, and White Snake seemed to know that he was a little unhappy, and Transsion explained:

“I also felt that the two of us were a bit risky, so I called two friends over. Don’t worry, they will not participate in the division of our trophies. I will pay for their help.”

His face was a little slow, and he nodded and said:

“Now that’s the case, then I have no objection.”

Regardless of the spoils, that’s fine.

The incarnations of the two gods of the children of the gods have been completely integrated into this world, each obtained a law fusion, and now the form has changed greatly, and it is not much different from the ancients of this world.

The nickname Blood Demon of the ancient in Sequence One is blood. He has the talent to control blood, which is quite powerful.

And the ancient with zero sequence was nicknamed Thor, and the law he mastered was lightning. Its shape was a blazing white creature surrounded by lightning, entangled with thunder in its hands and feet.

The Lightning Law is quite violent. The Lightning Law mastered by Thor occupies about half of the entire law, and its strength is equivalent to Sequence Zero. According to the strength of this law, if you can get all the Lightning Laws, you will immediately be a god-level ruler, and it is extremely powerful. That kind of thing is comparable to a strong god-tier force.

It’s a pity that the Lightning Law is not easy to get together, and the remaining part is either lost or in the hands of other gods, and will not get it for a while.

Several people got together and began to conspire, and White Snake explained to them the situation of the God of Fear and Hatred to be dealt with, the most important of which was the situation in the kingdom of God in the star realm.

If you want to kill the opponent, you must enter the kingdom of the god of fear and hatred in the star realm, and behead his true body from the source.

This is equivalent to hacking into a god’s realm with medium divine power and slaying its true body in its god’s realm. The difficulty is staggering, and it is necessary to dispatch the real body and own god’s realm.

Well, only Lin Xiao and White Snake. The main thing that divides the spoils is the two of them. Blood Demon and Thor are just the favor of the White Snake to help. There is no need to divide the spoils. Naturally, there is no need to risk the real body. Only these two incarnations are dispatched, even if they are forced. There is no need to venture out into the real body to open God’s Domain.

Two months later, the prepared four powerful ancients left the country of snakes and went around for thousands of kilometers to an unmanned deep valley. They found a weak space in it, and from here tore the space into the Lord. In a small half-plane outside the crystal wall of the plane of matter.

If you directly tear open the crystal wall of the main material plane, there is a lot of movement, and most of the ancients who are close can feel it, which is not conducive to action.

This is a half-plane that they have prepared long ago. The area is pitifully small, less than a thousand square meters, but it can isolate their breath.

Through the thin demiplane space crystal wall, the violent chaotic energy outside can be seen. Affected by the chaotic storm, the chaotic energy from outside the crystal wall universe has penetrated into the world and has been mixed with the void energy in the void inside the world. , So that the normal void energy was infected with the power of chaos, which made the storm more terrifying, and the void creatures in the void energy of Life became more violent and fierce.

But these terrible chaotic energies had an inexplicable intimacy in Lin Xiao’s eyes. A finger covered with scales was pierced through this thin film, and he could feel the corrosive chaotic energy on his fingers. Of…stroke.

Lord of Chaos, after he was promoted to Sequence Three, he has a deep grasp of the power of Chaos, and the power of Chaos has a great influence on him.

Before Sequence Three, his main power was the Law of Chaos, but after Sequence Three, his power could only reach Sequence Three because of the Law of Chaos he mastered. Now he is comparable to Sequence One, and the blank in between is naturally caused by Chaos. The power of filling.

In other words, the main power of his current incarnation is the power of chaos.

Lin Xiao doesn’t know if there will be any problems in the future. After all, the power of chaos is strong, but the power of chaos and the various clergy laws he masters belong to different power systems. There will be conflicts between the two. In the future, this incarnation will return. The power of this chaos…

The so-called Chaos Power is a primitive and very pure power.

As we all know, the initial explosion of the singularity gave birth to endless chaos, and the universe of billions of heavens was born out of endless chaos, which means that the universe of billions of heavens actually originated from chaos.

But it’s not chaos.

This involved the deepest mystery of the Chaos Void Sea, which Lin Xiao could not touch at all at the current level.

He only knows that there are no many rules in the Universe of Crystal Wall in Chaos. There are only the four most basic laws of origin, that is, time, space, energy and matter. These four origins constitute everything in chaos, including many. Crystal Wall Universe.

In other words, whether the main human world or the many crystal wall universes in the Chaos Void Sea are actually derived from these four sources.

These four origins cannot be grasped. Perhaps it is heard that someone obtains priesthoods such as energy or space. These are just the projection of the four origins on the crystal wall universe, not the real four origins.

For example, the material ancient priesthood that Lin Xiao’s life incarnation mastered was a projection of the material origin, not the real material origin.

But the origin is the origin, even if it is just a projection, it is far stronger than other priests.

To return to the subject, the so-called Chaos Power and the four sources are one and only half a dime, but this is not the point.

The so-called chaos refers to the state before the qi, form, and substance of all things are separated, primitive and pure.

And the power of chaos is the most primitive and purest, and contains all the characteristics of all things without any characteristics.

It’s a contradictory description, but Lin Xiao can only describe it like that based on Lin Xiao’s current knowledge.

Maybe when he gets stronger in the future, such as being promoted to a great god-tier power, maybe he will have a new understanding of Chaos.

Chaos is not compatible with the various laws in the Crystal Wall Universe, but it contains everything. At this moment, Lin Xiao is already facing a choice.

As his strength grows, the chaos power he now has surpassed the power given by the law of chaos. He personally feels not bad, because he feels that the power of chaos is much stronger than the power given by the law of chaos, but this time if he can successfully take it When it comes to the other part of the law of chaos, he needs to make a choice between chaos or chaos.

Normally, chaos is more suitable. After all, he is following the path of the clergy, but the chaos is not suitable for him.

Confusion, from the name of this priesthood, it can be seen that this is a priesthood suitable for evil gods.

His other incarnation already has the priesthood of darkness. If that incarnation returns in the future, he will have to figure out how to eliminate the priesthood of darkness, otherwise he will add another chaotic priesthood, and the two will interact, which may change his character.

Of course, it was him to change his character, but Lin Xiao was unwilling to change his current character.

If there is another problem with the power of chaos, it is the assimilation of chaos.

The power of Chaos fully invades, and even a Crystal Wall Universe will be corroded and assimilated. How could a deity with no medium divine power be able to withstand the assimilation of Chaos.

In the history of the main world, there are many children of God’s Domain who accidentally obtained the power of Chaos. They were very strong at the time by virtue of the power of Chaos. It is not a problem to challenge or challenge more, but as the power of Chaos continues to invade, it slowly erodes into their God’s domain. , Will eventually chaotic their God Realm, and eventually turn into a chaos.

God’s realm becomes chaotic, and the children of God’s realm relying on God’s realm are naturally not immune to being chaotic. In the end, these children of God’s realm who master the power of chaos turned into existences that are indistinguishable from those chaotic creatures whose Life is in chaos, and are no longer children of God’s realm.

Although there is a good fortune cube that can purify chaos, the purified chaos is also chaos…

It just purifies Impurities, the essence of chaos is there, there is no such thing as purification.

“What a love and hate power!”

He didn’t dare to bet whether he could get rid of chaos. The best way was to honestly integrate the Chaos Law, and when he returned, he would strip away the Chaos Law and exchange the priesthood for his own use with other true gods.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao sighed, looked up at White Snake playing with the beacon of space built on this half plane, and asked:

“Any questions?”

At this time, the white snake looked like a snake with a human head, and the snow-white scales all over his body looked very beautiful. He circled the stone platform with the space beacon a few times, frowning, and it seemed that the situation was not very good.

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