Chapter 600

In the home of the snake where ten thousand snakes reel, a kilometer-long giant snake reeled in front of a huge stone pillar. It was not far from the other side of the stone pillar, which was hundreds of meters high. The huge sound was like thundering one after another.

This ancient snake incarnation of the descendant called the White Snake has been alive for tens of thousands of years. He has descended into this world and started business very long ago. Now there are two ancient incarnations in his hand, one is the one in front of him. White Snake, another far away from the other side of the world, is a powerful ancient with zero sequence.

Unlike Lin Xiao playing soy sauce in this world, White Snake regards this world as his main strategy world, and prepares for the conferment of gods early.

After knowing Lin Xiao’s coming, he was silent for a long time before saying:

“The Law of Chaos is the foundation of my incarnation. Normally, I can’t give it to you.”

Lin Xiao did not answer after hearing it, but waited silently for his next word.

Even if it is not certain that it cannot be given, it means that it can be traded.

If you can’t give it under normal circumstances, what about abnormal conditions?

The white snake said:

“Everyone is smart, and I don’t want to make a mistake. I have a plan that has been prepared thousands of years ago. Let’s listen if you want to join.”

“Please say.”

“I have two incarnations descended in this world, one is the white snake, and the other is stronger than the white snake. I have already taken a fancy to the law of fear mastered by the gods of fear and hatred among the three main gods of the Kingdom of Ley. I need you to participate in me. If you can kill the God of Fear and Hatred to gain the law of his control, you will not only get the Law of Chaos in my hand, but the God of Fear and Hate himself also has a part of the Law of Fear. Can be more powerful.”

“Go straight into the kingdom of the god of fear and hatred?”

Lin Xiao was quite surprised by the courage of the white snake, and shook his head without thinking about it.

“The risk is too great. The ancients who can be called gods in this world are at least comparable to medium divine power, and strong are comparable to strong god-tier power. No matter how bad the god of fear and hatred is, it is also medium divine power. It depends on the two of us. Go hunting for a medium-sized divine power, or in the other side’s divine country, this is either you crazy or I’m crazy.”

The white snake said:

“Of course it is not the three incarnations of you and me. This time I will be in my real form. I have another incarnation and a god, and will open the door of the gods, and use my gods to suppress the gods of fear and hatred. Suppress its strength to the lowest level.”

“Or not.”

Speaking of this, Lin Xiao had a doubt and couldn’t help asking:

“If you are in the realm of the gods, and your strength is strong enough, it is not bad for my incarnation? Why do you plan to implement the plan that has been prepared for thousands of years when I arrive? To be honest, you can’t help but let me Doubt your intentions.”

Bai Snake heard a strange look on his face, and then suddenly laughed and said:

“Brother, you should have not been in this world for a long time. It is estimated that it hasn’t been a long time for you to consecrate the gods. Some things may not be known.”

“Appreciate further details!””Of course, I’m asking you not to just ask your avatar to take action. Although your avatar is powerful, it is definitely not enough to change the situation of this degree. What I invite is your real body, all your power.”

He frowned, and was about to speak, White Snake continued:

“The kingdom of the gods in this world is not the same as the kingdom of true gods in other worlds. I don’t know what rules are caused. If our incarnation enters the kingdom of the gods of the astral world, the kingdom of the gods will be affected or stimulated by unknown rules and will automatically open. Instead of docking, you will be involuntarily involuntarily at that time, and you will have to do your best.”

“There is such a thing?”

Lin Xiao was half-believing, and believing was a little bit bigger than being suspicious, because this kind of remarks were easy to reveal and it was unlikely to deceive himself.

If so, the behavior of the white snake just now can be explained.

“How about it, do you want to try it. Since both of us are true gods, and there are many incarnations, it is very possible to kill the god of fear and hatred.”

Lin Xiao did not answer, but the expression on his face was strange.

At this moment, his thoughts flew to other places all at once.

If, according to White Snake’s words, in this world, entering the astral realm, the God’s realm will automatically connect, then…Is it possible to ambush a bunch of true god-level subordinates in the own God’s realm, and then attack the astral realm? When the God Kingdom summoned his men to come out, use his own God domain to suppress his God Kingdom, attack with all his strength, and kill him in God’s country in one fell swoop?

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao suddenly became excited, and his thoughts were like a runaway wild horse that couldn’t hold back.

“If this is possible, wouldn’t it be possible to kill different ancient gods’ plundering laws in this way?”

Not only ordinary ancient gods, even those ancient existences with strong god-tier power can be hunted down.

After all, he knew a lot of bigwigs, and many of them owed favors to others. It would never be a problem to use these favors to inspire them to make a shot once.

It doesn’t need much, even if it only kills an ancient existence comparable to a strong god-tier power, that is a great advantage.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao’s breathing became hurried, which was too tempting.

“How about it, how are you thinking about it!”

Bai Snake looked at Lin Xiao with a smile on his face. Seeing his reaction, Bai Snake felt that the matter was stable.

Lin Xiao nodded as he expected:

“You can cooperate once, but the distribution of the spoils has to be changed. If you say that I will also dispatch the True God and God’s Domain, I also have to take huge risks, but you directly divide the greatest benefit. I didn’t even drink much soup. This distribution Obviously not equal.”

“The spoils of war are easy to say, I only need to fear and hate the priesthood and the kingdom of God, besides all the laws collected by the god of fear and hatred and the things in God’s domestic inventory all belong to you, how about?”

“Don’t underestimate these. This god of fear and hatred has lived in this world for millions of years. It is incomplete, but the number is large enough. The most important thing is that the kingdom of the god of fear and hatred can be cultivated into your god domain. This value is not low, and the total value is not more than the fear and hatred I took away. The law is worse.”


This is what Lin Xiao thought. The huge kingdom of God can strengthen the realm, not to mention that it is possible that the god of fear and hatred has all the remaining chaotic laws in his hands.

“Choose wisely, you will know that this choice can’t be wrong.”

“I hope so, by the way, when will the action start?”

“Within two years.”

“so long?”

“This is preparation time. In addition, there have been disputes between the three main gods of the Kingdom of Ley recently due to the uneven distribution of benefits. It seems that there may be a battle between the gods of fear and hatred and the god of Eternal Night. At that time, we may be able to help. Weaken them.”

“All right!”

Lin Xiao shrugged and said:

“I’ll leave this to you. I’ll go around when I have time to see if I can hunt down a few more ancients.”

“Wait a moment.”

The white snake said:

“It’s useless to kill more of these weak ancients. I have a private channel here. It is full of true god-level gods’ sons who descended in this world and intend to develop in this world. Look, get to know more people.”

“After all, you will definitely have an avatar resident in this world after this action. Regardless of whether you focus on this world or not, it doesn’t hurt to know more people.”

“In addition, many people have left behind and chess pieces in this world, and there are many ancient people who have been subdued by them. Your random killing can easily destroy other people’s plans. Learn more about it so that you don’t end up with others in vain.”


The channel in Bai Shekou is the channel in the usual sense. Although the power of the main world is involved here, because there is no military to attack this world, there is no outpost, and normally they cannot communicate with each other in this world.

However, there are many powerful true gods who have applied for a private channel with their own rights. Although the children of God’s Domain below the true gods who have descended in this world know that there is this channel, they cannot join.

White Snake shared the private channel, and after passing the verification, Lin Xiao found that a light curtain bounced in front of him, and entered a private channel that was slightly deserted.

An unfamiliar name entered the channel, and no one responded for a long time.

Lin Xiao stared at the channel members who were in their early 100s for ten minutes, only then did a person code-named White Snake, Aite, expressed his welcome and left a sentence:

“Everyone is like this. I usually don’t pay attention to anything here. If you have anything to do, you can directly Aite everyone.”

Lin Xiao shrugged, expressing understanding.

After all, this channel has lasted for tens of thousands of years, and even talkative people will get tired of talking for tens of thousands of years.

After thinking for a while, he said a word on the channel and then retired.

Soon after I left, I sensed that there was someone in the channel Aite himself, and when he opened it again, a Zheng Aite named Andes Condor said to himself:

“My incarnation is in the Andes Mountains, south of the Kingdom of Lay, and I have time to come and play.”

Just about to respond, someone Ai Te himself:

“I have one of my subordinates to the east of the Kingdom of Ley. I lost contact some time ago. Did you do it?”


“It won’t be so coincidental!”

He quickly asked:

“I don’t know what your subordinate is called and what does it look like?”

“Human form, black scales all over, head like trumpet, master the law of phantom.”

Lin Xiao…

He didn’t answer for a long while, and soon led the other side to ask:

“It’s you?”

He replied awkwardly:

“If you guessed it correctly, I did kill it. I was chasing the rager at the time, and I just saw your subordinate was there. I didn’t recognize it at the time. I thought it happened to be together…”


At this time, the white snake said to him:

“It’s true, it is indeed his subordinate.”

Lin Xiao was quite embarrassed, then the man said:

“Those who don’t know are not guilty, return the Law of Mirage to me.”

Lin Xiao coughed, and replied with some embarrassment:

“I have used the Law of Phantom, but I still have several laws in my hands. You pick two?”

After a while, the man replied:

“Just send two.”

“Where are you, I will send it to you?”

“No, you are at the White Snake, you give it to him, I will fetch it.”


I don’t know if it is an illusion, he feels that this person does not believe in himself.

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