Chapter 602

“What’s the matter? There is a problem with this space road sign?”

Lin Xiao, Blood Demon and Thor all looked at the white snake and asked.

The white snake frowned and said:

“The space beacon is okay, but the place where the beacon connects seems to be disturbed by some force and not stable.”

“Found it?”

Blood Demon continued to ask:

“Where did you put another point of the beacon?”

“There is a floating island in the star realm. I have explored that place before. There are only a few star realms wandering. There are no other ancients in the vicinity, let alone the kingdom of God.”

“what about now?”

“It seems to be disturbed by some force now, it is not clear intermittently, it feels like a large-scale astral storm passes through the interference, and the connection is intermittent.”

I didn’t say anything later. Everyone knew that whether it was interference from the astral storm or other reasons, it meant that this beacon could no longer be used.

If it’s just the interference of the astral storm, it’s okay. The main reason is that it might be discovered by some powerful existence that the beacon is setting a trap.

The natives of this world are not NPCs in the game. They also have super high IQs and will hunt them in ambush.

“Now what?”

Everyone looked at each other, and Shao Qing said to Thor, who rarely spoke:

“I have left a space beacon a long time ago. Although the location of the teleportation is far away from the God of Fear and Hatred in the astral kingdom, it is much faster than we are now slowly running over. If you Willing to pay a thousand crystallization of divine power, I will contribute this beacon.”

The white snake looked happy and said:

“That can.”

He looked at Lin Xiao and said sincerely:

“Well, it will save us a lot of time than if we run from here, and it also saves the danger that might be encountered on the road.”

Lin Xiao hesitated a little, and White Snake said again:

“Of course, it’s my pot this time. I didn’t hide the coordinates, so how about 70% of the crystallization of this thousand supernatural powers?”

“That’s it…”

Lin Xiao was about to respond when he suddenly felt his eyelids tremble, and suddenly became alert in his heart.

“It’s weird!”

Looking across the three of them, White Snake smiled sincerely, and the expressions of Blood Demon and Thor, which were indistinguishable from the previous ones, looked normal.

But when his strength reached his level, he suddenly had a warning sign, and this couldn’t be wrong.

He smiled slightly and said:

“Forget it, be safe, let’s build a new beacon and come again.”

The white snake looked embarrassed and said:

“In order to successfully borrow a large-scale war artifact this time, I need a lot of rental fees every day. This time is too long and can’t be spent.”

Lin Xiao spread his hands apologetically and said:

“This is very shocking, but for the sake of our safety, the necessary wait is worth it.”

He glanced at the three of them as usual and said:

“Well, wait another month to see the situation. At the same time, I will prepare a semi-sacred tool and be more prepared. We will come here again in a month.”

He looked at the white snake and said:

“Should you be able to afford one month?”

White snake thought for a moment and nodded:

“If it’s only a month and I can still afford it, and you say that safety is the most important, then we will come again in a month?”

“Okay, come back in a month.”

The group of people returned to the main material plane through the weakness of the space and returned to the snake country. He returned to the previous temporary residence as usual, and immediately communicated with the real body through the good fortune cube.

Lin Xiao, who had returned to Yanhuang No. 5 Super War Fortress, immediately found Xie Yufei, and sent her information about White Snake, Blood Demon, and Thor, and asked her to investigate the three through the channels of the Fifth Theater.

I didn’t pay attention before, but when the warning signs behind me carefully thought about the unusual appearance of Blood Demon and Thor, and their behavior, he could see that it was wrong.

Normally speaking, he is purely imagining, and has delusions of persecution. After all, he has no enemies in this world who will harm him.

But in conjunction with the fall of the Divine Emperor in Vientiane not long ago, he and Divine Phoenix and Yingfeng automatically entered a state of competition, and it was not sure whether it was one of them to get him.

Although it is not allowed to do it directly, it is within the scope of the rules to weaken the opponent in advance.

With their identities and the forces behind it, it is not difficult to find out the world where he, the incarnation of the gods, descended, and it is even easier to arrange secretly.

Based on Lin Xiao’s current state, he was promoted to weak and other supernatural powers, in charge of the giant battle group, and with the support of the fifth theater, the strength is still weaker than the two of them, but he has the qualifications to compete, if he can still maintain this Such a astounding growth rate, it is not impossible to overturn the two of them at that time.

Wouldn’t it be better to take precautions and choke to death directly from the source, as Lin Xiao would do the same.

The intelligence department of the Fifth War Zone is very efficient. It quickly found out who the White Snake, Blood Demon and Thor and their real bodies were, but did not find out any connection between them and the shadow wind and the Divine Phoenix, even their subordinates or There is nothing going south between friends and Divine Phoenix and Yingfeng’s friends or subordinates.

It doesn’t seem to be abnormal.

However, the intelligence department of the Fifth War Zone found that there was no relationship between White Snake and Blood Demon.

Very innocent relationship, but because it is too innocent, it doesn’t matter. This is the biggest problem.

Whether or not Divine Phoenix and Yingfeng want to deal with him, they will definitely pick themselves out. There is no doubt that they can do it with their skills and relationships. There is no need to worry about it.

It doesn’t matter if you can’t catch their flaws, just catch the flaws of the White Snake.

A few people who had no connection, and had only occasionally communicated in this strange Otherworld channel before, suddenly got together. This cannot be said to be abnormal.

However, White Snake introduced to Lin Xiao that they were friends. This was different from what was found, so there was a problem.

Compared with White Snake’s statement, Lin Xiao believed more in the intelligence department of the Fifth Theater.

Therefore, after reading all the information found, Lin Xiao could conclude that there was a problem with the White Snake and Blood Demon.

Now that there is a problem, he will certainly not continue to follow the past stupidly, and he will not even think about ambushing when the time comes. It is a fool’s behavior. In this world, he has no power. It is a pity that he has no power to ambush. Why? Is it a temporary blessing by the will of the world?

Half a month later, White Snake suddenly rushed to Lin Xiao’s temporary residence at the same time as Blood Demon, and broke in without knocking on the door. The three of Lin Xiao who were sitting in the stone room looked very ugly.

“Has it been discovered?”

The white snake whispered:

“It should be, I just said don’t make any small moves, just wait until you enter the star realm and turn your face and start your hands. If we are besieging him with the power of the three of us, can it be overwhelming?”

Blood Demon snorted and said nothing.

Thor said with an ugly face:

“Now that I was found there is nothing to say, find him and kill him.”

“Where to find?”

“Come here!”


The three of them changed their faces and looked indoors. Lin Xiao, who had been considered a phantom by them before, slowly opened his eyes and looked at them.

“Fuck, the law of phantoms!”

Bai Snake’s face was quite ugly, which meant that Lin Xiao had heard all of what they had just said.

It was possible to argue before, but now it’s impossible to argue if it is heard directly.

Being caught directly is very angry, and the key is not to find anyone more angry. This is just a phantom, and it will be shattered without them. The three looked at each other, and the white snake suddenly snorted and waved the phantom out, and said to the two of them:

“I have a way to deal with him, but I have to pay a sufficient price.”

“Tell me.”

“The first step is to offer him a reward in our channel in our name. At the same time, we also offer a high reward in the indigenous relationship that we have been operating over the years. As long as we find him, start the battle of God’s Domain.”

“The son of God’s Domain is not allowed to civil war, but we only need to not kill his real body, as long as we weaken and plunder his God’s realm, severely hurt his God’s real body, and destroy this God’s incarnation.”

“I will offer rewards for indigenous relations. Who will do the rewards on the channel?”

The white snake looked at the other two, Blood Demon was silent, and he said coldly:

“You found me, do you want to stay out of it at this time?”

Blood Demon sighed and said:

“I’ll give the reward, I don’t have a good reputation anyway.”

“A reward is offered to raise a little bit, anyway, we don’t need to come out in the end.”

“I know.”

“By the way, what if he returns directly? We can’t restrict him from returning directly.”

“No, as long as he feels upset, he won’t return. He will definitely find a chance to take revenge. He was a goddess when he was young, young and vigorous, how could he return so sullenly.”

Said White Snake confidently.

Five days later, Lin Xiao, who had left the Kingdom of Ley, found a reward for the owner in the adventurers’ association in the city while passing by a certain city, and directly took out several fragments of the law to offer the reward, which was quite attractive to the indigenous people. .

Soon there was a bounty for own in the channel, a large plane plus ten godheads with a level higher than fifth-level and lower than ninth-level, and the priesthood is optional.

This news suddenly blew up a bunch of diving people, and in a while, thirty or forty children of the gods appeared from the diving state, and they discussed what was going on.

The White Snake and the others didn’t know that Lin Xiao could also watch him hear these words on the channel. They opened their eyes and said nonsense to give him a reason to grab a piece of the law of war fragment, which immediately aroused the interest of several children of God’s Domain.

War is a very powerful rule in any world, and the god of war is one of the best god-tier in any world. For this reason, many children of God’s Domain are moved.

To be reasonable, this kind of structure cannot withstand scrutiny, but it cannot withstand suspicion. Even if most of the children of God’s Domain are not convinced, they will always be willing to try, not to mention that the rewards are enough to impress some people. Good son of God’s Domain.

Lin Xiao just watched for a while and left a sentence:

“I didn’t snatch the law of war!”

It’s useless to explain, but you have to explain it. As for whether you believe it or not, it’s someone else’s business.

Next, Lin Xiao used the Transcendent Godhead ability to change the form to change his image. As for the strange horse pulling the cart, he let him go, and mixed into a caravan alone and quickly disappeared into the vast crowd.

For a moment, he is actually looking for an opportunity.

They can only stare when they return directly, but as Bai Snake said, if there is a little sullenness, they will not return so sullenly, and they have to give them a little bit of color.

Of course, Lin Xiao is not an impulsive person, he must be sure enough to stay, otherwise he ran away early.

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