Chapter 667: The Ultimate Weapon? Fight with you

Yang Jian leaned back: “Be careful, I let the dog bite you!”

By now, Boss Xu is already on his head and has to send it.

“Let you see my ultimate killing weapon!” Boss Xu’s face sank as water, and he was obviously ready to make a big move.

Mu Feifan saw that this was terrible.

Why is Lao Xu ready to work hard?

Boss Xu then yelled: “Eat me a large clove of garlic!”

This earth-shattering momentum shocked everyone.

In countless surprised eyes, Boss Xu really took out a circle of large cloves of garlic.

A long distance away, you can smell a pungent smell.

Yang Jian trembled: “Nothing is going to happen, no poison is involved.”

Boss Xu didn’t care so much, he just stuffed garlic into his mouth.

Yang Jian was hotly rolled on the ground: “Ahhhhh! Old Xu, I don’t share the same spirit with you, so I actually use biochemical weapons.”

It’s time for Erha to show his loyalty and protect the Lord!

I saw it hiding far away in the corner of the stone room, staring dumbly with big eyes, and didn’t know what was going on.


Although you are dead, but I keep the tinder!

You can go with peace of mind.

Pang Guang got a lot of energy at this time, and jumped up and said, “Brothers, take advantage of this now, take this dog in one fell swoop!”

Chen Zhihui and others also rushed forward.

Mu Feifei didn’t think the situation was right.

If this goes on, Yang Jian will be beaten to death even if he is not killed.

“Wait!” He raised his hand.

The terrifying Spirit Power was suppressed severely.

Everyone was immediately imprisoned in place, unable to move.

They were all shocked by Mu Feifei’s profound Spirit Power.

Upon seeing this, Yang Jian hurriedly said, “Brother Fan, you have to be the master for the little brother.”

Pang Guang snorted: “Whoever, death is imminent, still quibble here.”

Mu Feifan said: “Calm down and show Yang Jian the contents of the coffin.”

He lifted his imprisonment.

Pang Guang and Chen Zhihui rushed forward and carried Yang Jian to the coffin like a prisoner.

At first, Yang Jian’s face was full of irritation, but when he saw inside the coffin, his face changed drastically!

“Fuck! What’s going on?” He was shocked.

Pang Guang triumphed: “How about it? It’s broken, you can go on sophistry.”

Yang Jian: “…how do I know this product looks like me?”

Boss Xu: “Don’t pretend, your expression keeps changing just now. Judging from my years of experience in demons and exorcists, you are 80% a monster.”

Yang Jian was speechless: “I kicked the coffin cover and got my ankles cramped. I was afraid of losing it.”


When everyone heard it, they were shocked.

Mu Feifan frowned.

Suddenly a flash of light flashed.

He said: “Open another coffin!”

Yang Jian hurriedly aimed at the coffin beside him with a kick.


The coffin lid flew again.

Pang Guang: “Aren’t your feet smashed?”

Yang Jian: “Isn’t I out of the desire to survive?”

Pang Guang made a cut, and suddenly after seeing the situation inside the coffin, he was stunned.

Yang Jian saw it too, and his face was full of surprise: “The guy inside has such a bright head, it looks just like you.”

Pang Guang was really depressed this time.

Because in the newly opened coffin, the person lying there is exactly the same as him.

The main thing is that there is no hair.

This time, everyone no longer doubted Yang Jian.

Mu Feifan felt that something was wrong, and said, “Open all the coffins.”

Let’s do it together.

Five other coffins were also opened.

As a result, the people lying inside corresponded to several of them.

It’s all like everyone.

Yang Jian counted: “One, two… seven, we have seven people, exactly seven coffins.”

Chen Zhihui was already frightened with cold hands and feet: “What the hell is going on? Why are we lying inside?”

Pang Guang said suddenly: “Don’t you think it’s weird, why are there seven coffins? We happen to be seven people? Is this prepared for us?”

When everyone heard it, they were even more embarrassed.

Mu Feifan’s eyes were cold.

He looked at the guy in the coffin who was exactly the same as himself, and sneered: “This Moluo the Great, really can play tricks, thinking it looks like us, I don’t dare to do it?”

In the next second, Mu Feihua made a decisive move.

Take it with one palm!


The coffin burst.

Smoke and dust are everywhere.

When everyone saw it, their expressions changed drastically.

Yang Jian sighed: “Don’t mess with Brother Fan, Brother Fan gets angry and even hits himself!”

Everyone agreed.

At this time, the green smoke dispersed.

The “Mu Feifan” in the coffin was revealed before.

It stood up and looked quite strange.

At the same time, the people lying in the other six coffins also jumped out.

Seven “people” stand side by side, with a weird style of painting.

Boss Xu was speechless: “I rely on, look like us, and feel like looking in a mirror.”


Mu Feifan suddenly thought of something.

He took out the phantom mirror he had previously obtained in Dragon Palace.

This mirror can create Illusion Art, and it can also be broken.

“Let me see, what are you guys on earth!” Mu Feifan held up the phantom mirror.

The brilliance flowed on the mirror surface, turning into a divine light, shining on the past.

The seven “people” were shrouded in light, as if ice and snow melted, and they immediately struggled.

Soon, their true form was revealed.

It turned out to be seven skeletons in armor.

Look at the dress, it should be the guard of Emperor Moluo during his lifetime.

“My God, is this their true form?” Shen Haojie was shocked.

Mu Feihua nodded: “They used Illusion Art just now and became like us.”

Pang Guang said grinningly: “Damn, you have become like me, but you have become a little more handsome, even the hairstyle is perfectly copied.”

Chen Zhihui smiled and said: “What’s wrong, Pang Da Master, do you still want the other party to grow hair for you?”

Boss Xu shouted: “Brothers, rush, kill them first!”

Shen Haojie took the lead, and the sword was tumbling!


One of the guard’s arms was directly chopped off.

Shen Haojie was overjoyed: “These skeletons are too weak.”

However, the guard’s loss of an arm did not affect anything.

It roared and culled.

Shen Haojie was taken aback.

How is this like the zombies driven by the demon tree before?

Is there no pain?

On the contrary, it was Yang Jian who was angry.

He flew out, kicking a guard’s head like a football.

In the next second, the guard who lost his head immediately looked like mud.

Paralyzed on the ground, turned into a pile of dead bones.

Yang Jian laughed loudly: “Brother Fan’s method is still effective. These guards are the same as zombies, and their weaknesses are their heads.”

At this time, a small flying insect appeared on the head that flew, making a buzzing sound.

“What’s that?” Everyone hurriedly looked at Boss Xu.

Boss Xu watched for a long time, and finally hesitated and said: “It must be the bug that made the Illusion Art… just call it the Illusion Art bug.”


Named on the spot?


Shen Haojie split the Illusion Art bug in half with a single knife, and said, “It’s another bug, the hobby of Emperor Mo Luo is too unique!”

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