Chapter 666: One Is Not Enough? Accept him

Pang Guang rushed in first, then turned around and said, “Old Xu, it must be a coincidence.”

Boss Xu was so angry that he pointed at Pang Guang and yelled: “I actually look down on my door-opening technique… Open the door with Zhima!”

In the next second, Pang Guang only heard a tearing sound, and he was cold behind him.

When everyone saw it, it turned out that the back of the opponent’s robe burst directly, revealing his inner shirt.

Boss Xu: “Do you believe it now?”

Pang Guang said hurriedly: “Believe it, the gangster knows spells, who can stop it?”

Boss Xu is a little strange.

Why do you always feel that these words are like scolding him.

Everyone stepped inside the door.

At this moment, the ladybugs outside will also fly in.

Xia Yuchan turned his head and pushed gently.

Suddenly, the terrifying space giant whizzed out.

All the poisonous ladybugs were pushed away, smashing their brains to the ground.

“Can this door be closed?” Xia Yuchan asked coldly.

Boss Xu was frightened by her aura, and said hurriedly: “Yes, you can… close the door!”

The next second, Shimen landed again.

Pang Guang and others were dumbfounded.

Is this okay?

Those ladybugs that were suppressed got up one after another and flew over again.

But at this time, Shimen has completely landed.

Just listening to the bang, bang, and bang, it was obvious that this group of bugs couldn’t fly in.

Everyone was overjoyed.

Boss Xu touched the goatee and smiled, “I’m more accomplished in the closing skills of the next step.”

The environment behind the door is a long corridor.

They continued to move forward and passed smoothly this time to the next stone room.

As soon as I arrived at the door, everyone was stunned.

“There are no bugs this time?” Pang Guang asked cautiously.

Because of his timidity, he stood at the end of the line.

Chen Zhihui smiled bitterly: “There are no more bugs.”

Pang Guang breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a fierce expression: “Huh, when I go back, I must buy more insecticide and take it with me.”

“There are no bugs, but there are more pleasant surprises…” Chen Zhihui added.


This stone room has more space.

There are seven coffins inside!

The atmosphere looks weird.

Mu Feifan said, “I’ve come here, go in and take a look.”

He goes in first.

Xia Yuchan followed closely.

Then, everyone dared to step in.

I saw seven coffins, placed in the middle of the stone room, and nothing else was unusual.

Yang Jian asked: “This is not the place where Emperor Moluo sits and transforms.”

Shen Haojie was surprised: “Why is this Emperor Mo Luo preparing so many coffins for himself? Is one not enough?”

Mu Feifan is also a bit weird.

The design of Emperor Mo Luo is too strange.

Calabash baby?

Seven flowers on a vine?

“Just open it and take a look.” Mu Feifan said.

By now, he also wanted to see what the real body of the Great Emperor Mo Luo was.

Pang Guang nodded: “Promoted to get rich, I like it the most!”

Mu Feifan urged: “Open one first.”

Chen Zhihui asked: “Which one should be opened first, I have a dark face, you choose.”

Yang Jian was speechless: “Open the blind box? Let me come!”

He rushed up, facing a coffin, and flew out.


The coffin lid was kicked, and after flying in the air several times, it hit the ground.

Chen Zhihui was stunned, and it took him a long time to say: “Good footwork!”

Mu Feifan glanced at Yang Jian deeply.

The national football team lacks players like you.

At this time, Boss Xu was bold and looked into the coffin.

The next moment, he was struck by lightning.

“What’s wrong with Old Xu?” Pang Guang was a little strange.

Boss Xu hurriedly blinked at him.

Pang Guang: “You have an epilepsy?”

Depend on!

Boss Xu rolled his eyes angrily.

He pulled Pang Guang aside and whispered: “Look inside the coffin.”

Pang Guang also looked inside the coffin curiously.

Then, his performance was like the boss, even more exaggerated.

Almost slipped to the ground.

“Fuck! What is going on in this special?” Pang Guang was startled.

At the same time, he couldn’t help looking at the other person curiously.

Boss Xu hurriedly broke Pang Guang’s head back, and cursed: “Don’t give me trouble.”

Pang Guang’s heart shuddered, and he understood.

At this time, Mu Feifan sensed the abnormality and secretly transmitted his voice: “What’s the matter?”

Boss Xu: “Brother Mu, the things in the coffin are a bit weird…”

Mu Feifan approached quietly and looked inside the coffin.

One second later.

His expression instantly froze.

Because of the person lying in the coffin, Mu Feifan had praised his good footwork before.

No one else, it is Yang Jian!

what happened?

Mu Feifan’s Yu Guang glanced at Yang Jian who was standing not far away.

If the real Yang Jian lies in the coffin, who is this Yang Jian next to him now?

Or is it that Emperor Mo Luo looks exactly like Yang Jian?

Many questions circulated in Mu Feifei’s mind.

However, the most urgent thing now is to pay attention to Yang Jian next to him.

Before figuring out whether he is a man or a ghost, one must beware.

Mu Feifei quietly gathered the rest of the people in a corner.

They saw the situation inside the coffin one after another, and their expressions were beyond shock.

At this moment, everyone is secretly observing Yang Jian not far away.

Pang Guang whispered: “Damn, this kid has a problem 80% of the time. Look at his expression, which is ever-changing. It must be that his mind hasn’t grown well after he became a soul.”

Yang Jian’s expression is indeed constantly changing.

He felt a little too frizzy.

The kick just now kicked the lid of the coffin away, and the effect was immediate.

But embarrassingly, he seems to have gotten his ankle.

“Fuck, if I say it, wouldn’t it be embarrassing. No, I have to be patient, but it hurts so much.” Yang Jian’s expression was sometimes hideous and calm.

Endured a lot of pain.

But this scene fell in the eyes of the rest of the people, but it seemed meaningful.

Boss Xu took out a talisman from his arms and said, “Brother Mu, I’m going to collect this evildoer!”

Mu Feifei hesitated: “Wait…I think something seems to be wrong.”

“Brother Fan, don’t be benevolent at this time, in case the corpse is cheated, we are all done!” Chen Zhihui said hurriedly.

Mu Feifan:…

Are you putting Yang Jian on trial?

It’s too sloppy.

Mu Feifan had no time to say anything.

Because at this time, Boss Xu, like a flexible leopard, slipped behind Yang Jian.

Yang Jian was suffering from a pain in his feet, cold sweat.

He suddenly remembered that he hadn’t seen what was in the coffin.

It was all delayed by the feet.

When he turned around, he saw Boss Xu coming out from behind, and at the same time he raised a talisman, yelling: “Eat you Xu Daoye a big pocket!”


Yang Jian’s forehead was immediately stamped with a talisman.


Pang Guang and others cheered immediately.

Boss Xu was hit with a hit, and he was overjoyed: “Monster, you can’t walk a round in front of Master Xu Dao.”

Unexpectedly, Yang Jian took the Fu Lu down speechlessly and said, “Old Xu, are you sick?”

Boss Xu was dumbfounded: “Damn, what kind of monster are you, you are not even afraid of my charms?”

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