Chapter 668 Illusion Art concrete, who is buried?

Boss Xu said cautiously: “Don’t underestimate the insects, especially some ancient poisonous insects. They are so powerful that one can easily poison high-level cultivators.”

Pang Guang smiled and said, “I don’t care about it, I must get some insecticide when I look back.”

Everyone knew the weaknesses of these guards, and no longer showed mercy.

They swarmed up, like slicing melons, and chopped off their heads.

At the same time, kill all the Illusion Art bugs hidden in it.

Yang Jian let out a sigh of relief and said, “This kind of bug’s Illusion Art is really amazing, but I still don’t understand why there are seven coffins. Is it a coincidence?”

As soon as his voice fell, he saw that the coffins rotted and turned into fly ash!

Everyone was shocked.

Mu Feifan is also a little unbelievable: “This is the visualization of Illusion Art, and the Illusion Art of these bugs is so strong!”

The rest of the people know little about Illusion Art.

Chen Zhihui asked: “What is the visualization of Illusion Art?”

Mu Feihua explained: “Illusion Art uses the enemy’s spiritual world as the object of attack to make them fall into hallucinations. This is a common Illusion Art method. But I heard that the strongest Illusion Art can make the enemy’s illusory damage For reality.”

Everyone looked blank.

Mu Feifan can only revolve the Illusion Art.

A pair of pupils flickered slightly.

In the next second, the air tore apart, and a huge palm emerged from it!

“I rely on it!” Pang Guang and the others suddenly disappeared.

Erha was even scared to the ground.

Then, Mu Feifan’s thoughts turned, and his palm disappeared.

On the other hand, this group of people has long been limp and dumbfounded.

Yang Jian asked in surprise, “What’s the matter?”

Mu Feifan: “What you saw just now was the illusion I created. It is illusory and can only cause harm to your spiritual world… But the strongest Illusion Art can make the illusion a reality and kill the opponent easily.”

This time everyone finally understood.

“Illusion Art is also terrible.” They thought with lingering fears.

Chen Zhihui said: “Brother Fan is terrible. What’s the difference between the giant palm just now and the real thing? Although it can’t cause real harm, I’m still scared to death.”

Everyone knows.

Even if Mu Feifan can’t make the Illusion Art concrete, but if you want to kill them, it’s very simple.

Mu Feifan smiled faintly: “Okay, let’s move on.”

A group of people walked to the end of the stone room.

There is a closed door there.

This time, everyone has been obedient, and they all stood still.

Boss Xu: “…What do you all think of me for?”

Pang Guang: “Hurry up and open Sesame.”

The corner of Boss Xu’s mouth twitched.

How do you feel like a thief who breaks the door?

He took out the Feng Shui compass and began to deduct it.

I don’t know how long it has passed, but Yang Solid can’t wait.

Flew out with one foot.


The door opened.

Yang Jian was overjoyed: “Damn, Old Xu, the magic stick’s opening technique is really effective, so he was kicked open so easily.”

Boss Xu was speechless: “I haven’t finished reading it yet, okay?”

Yang Jian:…

Pang Guang asked strangely: “King Dog, your feet are healed?”

Yang Jian: “Brother Fan didn’t know what spell was cast, my bones were all right at once.”

Everyone just remembered that Mu Feifan’s treatment methods were also very strong.


Is there anything he won’t?

A person is comparable to an army.

“I feel that we are getting closer and closer to the Great Emperor Moluo. Everyone should be careful for a while.” Mu Feifan exhorted.

“Okay!” When it comes to Emperor Moluo, everyone’s hearts are startled.

Encountered so many dangers along the way, they were all arranged by the Great Emperor Mo Luo before his death.

God knows what terrible future this guy has left.

Passing through a long corridor, they came to the next stone chamber.

This time the stone room is very wide.

To be precise, it is an extremely gorgeous Great Hall.

The walls in the hall are inlaid with countless night pearls, which is full of luxury.

“Is this Great Hall the main tomb of Emperor Moluo?” Shen Haojie was a little excited.

They saw a huge coffin standing beside the deepest wall of the Great Hall!

Because the coffin was too large, I thought it was an illegal building without looking carefully.

Boss Xu’s small eyes widened: “Oh my God, this coffin is too big.”

Chen Zhihui also looked dumbfounded: “Damn, is this Emperor Mo Luo an individual?”

I saw this coffin, thirty meters high.

Fortunately, the Great Hall has enough height, otherwise it really cannot fit.

A group of people, quite anxious, came to the giant coffin.

Pang Guang said very nervously, “Brother Mu, or let’s forget it, don’t get promoted and get rich, it’s important to stay alive.”

Mu Feihua stood still, lost in thought.

He is pondering.

Everyone was very cooperative and silent, waiting for Mu Feihua’s decision.

How can I know this second, the sudden change!

Just listen to the bang!

“What sound?” Everyone was shocked.

They were all waiting just now and did not notice the source of the sound.

Two Hawang Wang called twice.

Yang Jian’s expression changed drastically: “My Xiaotian Dog said that the sound came from the coffin.”


Everyone immediately raised their heads and looked up at the giant coffin.

Bang bang bang!

It’s really the sound from the coffin.

And listening to this movement, it seems that there is something inside that needs to be rushed out.

Everyone hurriedly took a few steps back in fright.

Mu Feifan’s eyes were cold: “It’s not whether we want to open it… but it doesn’t want to let us go.”


Soon, the huge coffin lid was pushed aside from the inside.

I saw smoke rushing out of the sky and sweeping the earth.

Everyone kept backing away, their expressions horrified.

Behind the smoke and dust, a giant silhouette is looming.

“What is that?” Everyone was full of doubts.

At this time, the other party finally revealed his true body.

When everyone sees it clearly, they only feel that the scalp is numb and the hands and feet are cold!

“This stuff… really isn’t a person!”

This idea flashed through everyone’s mind.

What I saw out of the coffin was a terrifying unicorn with a height of 30 meters!

It has three pairs of long legs with sharp claws at the ends.

The carapace is blood red, just like the color of Death.

A single horn rose up into the sky, looking very hideous.

Everyone never thought that the coffin was buried in the coffin to be Emperor Moluo, but unexpectedly it was a huge unicorn.

The unicorn fairy’s eyes were bloody, looking at everyone condescendingly.

Pang Guang’s face was pale, and he said half-jokingly: “How do I feel that it looks at us like watching a group of ants?”

But no one laughed.

The unicorn fairy who was once regarded as an ant by the human race, the positions of the two sides have changed completely.

The unicorn is aloft.

In front of it, the human race showed its insignificance and weakness.

How to do?

“Run!” I don’t know who shouted.

Everyone immediately recovered and fled in all directions.

I don’t know the hum of wings flapping from behind the unicorn.

When everyone saw it, they were shocked!

This cargo can fly!

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