Chapter 665: The Secret of Eternal Life? Veteran performance

Xia Yuchan’s words aroused everyone’s deep thoughts.

Everyone has truly experienced the benefits of spell augmentation.

However, this effect will disappear once it leaves the path of Dharma and God.

Just like a person, who has been in a high position for a long time, and suddenly asked him to give up all this. How many people can do it?

Therefore, there are more and more people on the way of Dharma and God.

In fact, the ancestors of the locals who were born here came from all planes.

However, the ancestors were reluctant to leave, and eventually died here, leaving their descendants.

After Mu Feifan listened, his expression was calm, and his voice faintly said: “Don’t worry, my wife, when I stepped into the road of the gods, I only formed Gold Core. As for the gods of the spell… it was just icing on the cake for me, even though It doesn’t matter if you take it away.”

Xia Yuchan’s complexion was soothing, and he said with great relief: “It’s good if you can tell the difference.”

At this time, Pang Guang and others also felt it.

Pang Guang: “In fact, there are many other resources besides the god pattern in the way of the law and god. We are here for the Ascension Cultivation Base.”

Yang Jian: “Brother Fan is right, Cultivation Base is the number one. This god pattern is gorgeous, and it’s not regrettable if you don’t take it away.”

Boss Xu: “I am the one who runs an inn. I don’t care about Cultivation Base or spells.”

Shen Haojie laughed heartily: “You all have desires for Cultivation Base, spells or wealth. Unlike me, I just go back and brag with my old friends for different experiences.”

When everyone heard it, Realm really couldn’t compare with the other party.

Uncle Shen’s mentality is old and stable.

At this time, through the murals, everyone learned something more.

It turned out that Lei Ze outside turned out to be the holy beast of Mo Luo Kingdom.

It’s just that he was brought by the Great Emperor Moluo, and he died here too.

The ending was miserable.

Boss Xu pointed to a corner of the mural and said, “Mo Luo Kingdom is very mysterious. They seem to have the secret of immortality.”

eternal life?

Everyone looked shocked.

Pang Guang: “Old Xu, don’t talk about the calf, if he can live forever, how could the great Emperor Rao Shizi die here?”

Boss Xu said with certainty: “Look at the painting here, their immortality refers to their continued survival in another form…”

Everyone look over.

I saw that in the corner of the mural, some unthinkable things were indeed recorded.

After their people died, they would be buried in the pyramids.

It seems that the body is extinct, but the soul has been wandering here.

Mu Feihua saw everything, and suddenly said, “The people of Moluo are using the magical power of the pyramid. The corpse of Lei Ze outside has always provided energy to the pyramid, so that the pyramid can be kept floating high in the sky, and the divine power is endless…”

At this moment, the rest of them all said nothing.

Because they were all scared.

Chen Zhihui trembled: “Brother Fan, what does this mean, another form? Are there all souls in this place?”

Mu Feifan nodded: “Yes.”


Everyone took a breath.

Mu Feifei smiled and said, “Don’t worry, I think the scientific explanation is related to the magnetic field of this place, which can make the soul immortal.”

The others looked blank.

Xia Yuchan couldn’t help but interject: “Husband, cultivating immortals, don’t talk about science.”

Mu Feifan was a little embarrassed, and hurriedly changed the subject: “Let’s look down now.”

The mural is at the end.

Obviously the painter is more anxious.

The style of painting here has become rather sloppy.

Boss Xu suddenly said in surprise: “Damn, the Great Emperor Mo Luo seems to have found a way to bring the boosting spell back.”


When everyone heard it, they couldn’t help but their eyes widened.

Boss Xu: “But Emperor Moluo didn’t elaborate, because the deadline is approaching, he just sat down.”

It’s a pity that everyone secretly said.

If they can really bring the boosting spells back, isn’t it the same rank invincible in their world?

There is an opportunity to become stronger, and no one wants to miss it.

Mu Feifan said: “Let’s continue to move forward. If there is such a method, we will share it when we find it.”

Everyone was overjoyed after listening.

At this time, Boss Xu discovered a strange thing.

He rubbed his eyes desperately, and he was sure it was not because of the flowers, and suddenly shouted, “Look, the mural is moving!”

The rest were shocked.

I saw every stroke and stroke outlined on the mural, squirming gently, seeming to be rushing out of the painting at any time.

“What is this?” Pang Guang screamed, his mouth wide open.

You can even see the trembling tonsils.

The next second, accompanied by the flapping of wings.

Only small ladybugs rushed out of the wall and rushed towards everyone.

Boss Xu: “It seems to be an ancient strange worm-a ladybug.”

Chen Zhihui: “Really, the Great Emperor Moluo is sick. It tastes heavy and has a bunch of bugs.”

The body of Wan Poison Ladybug was shining green light.

From a distance, it looked like a wildfire burning.

Wherever he went, the floor was corroded.

Very toxic.

Everyone began to run wildly again.

At the same time, I didn’t forget to throw a few spells back.

Boom boom boom!

The spell hit the poisonous ladybug flying over.

But soon everyone discovered that the spells were all eliminated.

The ladybug was poisonous, and even the Spirit Power was completely corroded.

Pang Guang was taken aback: “Damn, it seems to be more domineering than the spirit swallowing worm before.”

Yang Jian ran with Erha in his arms and said, “Nonsense, this product can fly, and the sky is better than the ground.”

Shen Haojie seemed to want to understand something, and said cursingly: “I said how the Great Emperor Moluo has such a high level of painting skills, it turned out to be the control of patterns composed of ladybugs, but he is trying to save trouble!”

Chen Zhihui: “Why are these insects so tenacious that they have killed Emperor Moluo, and they are still alive.”

Mu Feifan: “Maybe they are all dormant, they all have recovered after smelling the breath of living people.”

A group of people fled to the end of the stone room.

There is a closed stone gate here.

When Yang Jian’s eyes lit up, he kicked his feet.


He screamed and nearly kicked his foot.

This door is too hard.

Obviously it was not started by violence.

Boss Xu laughed: “It’s time for me to perform well.”

He held the Feng Shui compass in his hand, chanting mantras utterly.

Mu Feifan frowned: “It’s too late!”

At this moment, there is a buzzing sound in my ears, which makes my scalp numb.

Mu Feifan turned around and ran the God Tree Yuan Pill again.

Wips and vines appeared under one’s feet, flaring their teeth and claws in the air, slamming the poisonous ladybug fiercely!

Bang bang bang!

Although it was beaten down a bit, the vine whip was also corroded.

These ladybugs, as expected, are not afraid of Spirit Power.

“…Open Sesame!” Boss Xu read a Chase, and finally ended with a very brief and pale four-character sentence.

Pang Guang was dumbfounded: “Old Xu, did you come to be funny?”

As a result, the next second, Shimen rose up, revealing a path.

Everyone was stunned.

Boss Xu triumphantly said: “The previous words are foreshadowing, and the last sentence is the essence!”

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