Chapter 664

When Pang Guang saw it, he was shocked: “My God, I finally know why this guy is dead and still standing.”

The next moment, he ran away frantically.

The people in front were all dumbfounded by Pang Guang’s show operation.

Just listen to Pang Guang shouting: “Don’t look back, run!”

Chen Zhihui was speechless: “Is this why you said you won’t look back if you don’t look back?”

People are curious.

He turned his head and saw that the next moment he felt his scalp numb.

I saw that in the armor of the skeleton, large black beetles continued to gush out, like a tide, pounced on them.

Boss Xu: “Oh my god, this is a spirit swallowing bug! No wonder the skeleton is standing still, it turns out that its armor is full of these bugs.”

Pang Guang: “Don’t popularize science, run away, these bugs are very powerful.”

Mu Feihua casually played a fire explosion technique.

The fireball with the big face was thrown into the worm pile.

The next moment, he was slightly startled.

The fireball quickly melted away.

But it’s not that the Spirit Power is exhausted, but because these bugs can swallow up the spell Spirit Power!

The fireball was eaten up in a blink of an eye!

“Let’s run.” Mu Feifan pulled Xia Yuchan and started running.

The crowd began to flee violently.

But the black worms spread very quickly.

The harsh sound kept ringing behind him.

Causes huge psychological pressure to people.

“Run, I’m going to bite up.” Shen Haojie turned around and slashed over.

The sword aura came out vertically and horizontally, cutting down a few spirit swallowing insects that had caught up.

Shen Haojie was overjoyed: “There is a door.”

Unexpectedly, those worms quickly climbed up again and made a sharp buzzing sound.

Crazy catching up.

“Let’s run.” Shen Haojie was frightened and took the knife and fled.

Boss Xu: “When you encounter these bugs that can’t be killed but can eat Spirit Power, don’t worry about anything, just run.”

Chen Zhihui scolded: “Master Pang Da, you are really a pig teammate, something you owe.”

Pang Guang knew that he was wrong, and did not refute it.

Seeing that the worm tide was approaching, Xia Yu-Cicada turned around abruptly, the silver brilliance flowing in his palm.

Push gently!

The power of the terrifying space is like a huge wave, slapped.

Layers of spirit swallowing insects were immediately lifted off.

Boom boom boom!

All hit the ground.

Everyone was stunned: “My God, Fan’s wife is so strong?”

Those flying bugs want to get up.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yuchan’s hand patted again.

The entire space seemed to fall in the sky.

An invisible force was pressed down fiercely.

All the bugs were suppressed.

I can’t get up at all, I can only struggle where I am.

Everyone applauded.

“Sao Fan is too awesome!”

“It doesn’t seem to lose to Brother Fan at all.”

“If there is a mutual respect, there must be a lady.”

Xia Yuchan looked at the spirit swallowing insects lying on the floor coldly, and said, “I can’t suppress them for long, and the power of the released space will be slowly swallowed. Are there any weaknesses in these insects?”

Boss Xu: “It seems to be afraid of wood…”


The rest are strange.

The spirit-swallowing worm, who is all-consuming, is afraid of the wood that most worms like most?

What is the reason for this?

Boss Xu explained: “This is the law of the world of cultivating immortals. Now that you have gained powerful strength, you have to lose some other skills.”

Mu Feifan: “Then I will come.”

Then, he ran the god tree yuan pill.

A horrible ghost of the sacred tree appeared behind him, filling the entire passage.

“Cut!” Mu Feifei spit out a word softly.

I saw crazily vine whips gushing out of his feet, like a sharp blade rushing into the sky.

Stabbed to the bugs not far away.

Xia Yuchan withdrew all the power of space.

Lost the suppressed spirit swallowing bug, regained freedom, and immediately climbed up screaming.

Who knows, the real nightmare has just begun.

Countless rattan whips, like a prison of swords and swords, flooded in madness.


The spirit swallowing insects were completely penetrated by the vine whip as soon as they moved.

Some of them escaped by chance, but were beaten to death again by the vine whip.

Bang bang bang!

Soon, the ground was full of corpses of spirit swallowing insects.

There are some spirit swallowing bugs who want to fight back.

They bit into the vine whip, but found that they couldn’t bite at all.

Wood Spirit Power is the nemesis of the Spirit Devouring Worm!

Soon, all the spirit swallowing insects died out.

Lie down.

No more survivors.

When everyone saw this scene, they all took a breath.

The spirit swallowing insect that was so arrogant just now was killed in such a while?

“Brother Fan is too good.” Chen Zhihui swallowed, a little nervous.

Yang Jian sighed: “Just now, those bugs were sore, and in a short time, they died. As expected, no one can offend Brother Fan.”

Pang Guang: “Damn it’s bug, I want to whip the corpse.”

“Hurry up and pull it down!” everyone said in unison.

Pang Guang was taken aback, and hurriedly said: “Okay, I promise not to owe it.”

Mu Feifan: “Don’t be afraid, three heads are better than Zhuge Liang. There are always more solutions than difficulties.”

Everyone nodded and said yes.

Boss Xu touched his goatee triumphantly, feeling that life’s highlights are coming.

At this time, everyone continues to move forward.

After walking for a while, I found the passage widened.

It turned out to have entered a huge stone room.

The most striking thing in the stone room is the huge mural on the wall.

“This painting is good.” Pang Guang commented.

Chen Zhihui smiled and said, “Master Pang Da, do you understand it, let me tell you about it.”

Pang Guang hesitated and couldn’t say anything.

Mu Feifan’s gaze also fell on the mural.

It turns out that this is the life of the owner of the tomb.

The owner of the tomb is not a native of the Way of Dharma and God, but from another world.

In his hometown of Moluo, he was called the Moluo the Great.

Like many cultivators, three thousand years ago, Emperor Moluo stepped into the path of Dharma and God in order to become stronger.

He is very talented, and it took him a hundred years to obtain many god patterns and increase all the spells he learned to the strongest.

Even got the legendary golden god pattern.

The strength far exceeds the same rank.

It stands to reason that everything seemed perfect, but the Great Emperor Mo Luo fell into deep anxiety.

Because once he left the way of the gods, all the spells he had increased would be restored to their original state.

Hundred years of hard work has come to nothing!

So, the Great Emperor Moluo began to look for a way to go back with the boosting spell.

Another hundred years passed in a blink of an eye.

He found nothing.

At this time, people from the world of Moluo the Great came to him and told him that Moluo was in trouble and was under attack.

Emperor Mo Luo hesitated for a long time.

If you go back now, then all the efforts you have made on the path of the Dharma and God are in vain.

When the cultivator arrives at a certain Realm, he regards the Cultivation Base and skills as more important than anything else.

The Great Emperor Moluo gritted his teeth and decided not to go back, and continued to search for that method.

In a blink of an eye, another thousand years have passed.

The Great Emperor Moluo had already reached the sixth step of cultivating immortals, the realm of refining the void.

But he hasn’t found a way to leave with the boosting spell for a long time.

During the period, his Moluo kingdom was destroyed, and the people became prisoners.

But looking for this method has become the obsession of the Great Emperor Moluo.

He paid too much and couldn’t stop.

However, even when it comes to Lianxu, the cultivator will run out of life.

Finally, a thousand years ago, Emperor Moluo sat in this pyramid!

Seeing this, Xia Yuchan looked at Mu Feifan, and said, “Desire to increase strength, but was ultimately tied to the path of the Fashen. Do you think we will also become like him?”

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