Chapter 656: At this level? It’s all over!

High in the sky, above the battleship.

Mu Feifan was still safe and sound under the huge lightning bombardment.

Except for a wrinkle on the hospital uniform, it exudes a faint burnt smell.

Everyone looked silly.

Only listen to Mu Feifan faintly throw out two words.

“That’s it?”

After listening, Chu Jue’s mouth was cramping.

He is the god son of the Chu family, and his status is high.

It should be someone who has a big structure and has seen the big world.

But in front of Mu Feifan, Chu Jue once again acted like a mountain villager.

He was shocked again and said, “Are you… still a person?”

Chu Jue felt that his own three views were shattered!

The cultivator is heaven-defying.

You can say that I am in the second grade.

But at any time, I have to be in awe of God.

Even if he reaches the state of transforming gods and refining emptiness, facing the billowing thunder, he is still terrified.

Every time Transcends Tribulation must be prepared for decades or even centuries.

Thunder and lightning are the most terrifying force between heaven and earth.

However, the thunder and lightning released by the Ninth Stage Volcano Tower requires even the cultivator of the god of transformation to be weighed.

You are a Foundation Building junior, how can you stand up?

Still very contemptuous to say this?

Chu Jue felt that he was messed up.

The rest of the elders were also dumbfounded.

“My God, how did he do it?”

“I feel that a single arc of the Ninth Stage Demon Tower can wipe me out, and he actually ate a set meal!”

“Perhaps as the son of God said, our opponent, he is not alone.”

On the ground, everyone was dumbfounded for a long time.

After that, they burst into thunderous cheers!

Pang Guang: “Fuck, Brother Mu Niubi!”

Boss Xu: “Niu has made a big deal!”

Chen Zhihui: “Brother Fan, although you are already very good in my heart, I only know now that I still underestimated you by far. You are a god!”

Li Jie: “I found out that besides shouting Niubi, I can’t do anything else.”

Yang Jian led Erha out.

Two Ha: “Bow!”

Everyone looked at Yang Jian: “What is it saying, translate it.”

Yang Jian took a closer look, and suddenly his face changed slightly: “This silly dog ​​said that he wants to change the owner.”

“Ahahaha!” Everyone laughed wildly.

Yang Jian slapped the dog’s head angrily: “Damn, how dare you make the first step, I really want to recognize Brother Fan as the master.”


On the battleship.

Mu Feifan said: “Are there any other new things?”

Chu Jue clenched his fists.

He dared to ask questions like this the first time he saw an enemy.

“Just look down on me like that?” Chu Jue asked through gritted teeth.

Mu Feifan: “…Don’t get me wrong, I don’t look down on you alone, I look down on all of you.”

Chu Jue spit out another mouthful of blood.

If he doesn’t Closed Door Training for a few years this time, he can’t make up for the Blood Essence that he lost today.

Mu Feifan sighed secretly.

It’s not that I am too high-profile.

Why do you think you have such a poor psychological quality, it is too easy for me to catch it.

Mu Feifan likes to attack other people’s weaknesses.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him.

“If there is no other means, it’s me next!” Mu Feifan said lightly.

The hearts of those present were startled.

They have felt the horror of Mu extraordinary.

Nowadays, hearing the other party say this, before they fight, these people have already felt a little bit timid in their hearts.

Mu Feifan’s Yuan Dan that runs inside his body.

The next moment, a huge shadow rises behind him.

Condensed in the air into a beast that looks like a turtle but not a turtle, like a snake but not a snake!

The god beast is surrounded by the Xuanming Chonghe, with its feet on the Jiuyou, the gods are magnificent.

It is Black Tortoise.

“What’s that?” An old man exclaimed.

Chu Jue’s face was pale: “Xuan… Black Tortoise is a legendary existence in the immortal world, how could it appear in the lower realm?”

Mu Feifan raised his hand.

The huge Black Tortoise was roaring, like a general who was about to rush at any time, waiting for orders.

Then, Mu Feihua’s hand gently dropped!

It was like pronouncing the fate of these people.

The Xuan Ming heavy river surging around Black Tortoise struck across.

The river water, braving the palpitating black, like a big hand covering the sky, slapped fiercely.

The Ninth Stage Demon Tower was unmanned and was also flooded by the spreading heavy river.

Xuan Ming Zhonghe is extremely terrifying, as if a thousand troops are passing through the border, and all the places they pass are crushed!

Chu Jue also let out a cold sweat and dodged desperately.

“No!” Many old men screamed.

There was heavy dark water above their heads, and their vision was completely obscured.

Just urging the Demon Tower, these people consumed a lot of Spirit Power.

At this moment, under the pressure of Xuanming’s heavy water, the surrounding air was squeezed.

Heaven and earth are bound.

Become a cage.

They have nowhere to escape!


Heavy water fell.

As if the sky was falling.

Many elders were under pressure, struggling and calling.

At this moment, they don’t look like a cultivator of the immortal world above them.

It is a lamb to be slaughtered.

No different from ordinary people.

And all of this is given by admiring the extraordinary!

At this time, Mu Feihua stood in the distance, standing with his hands behind him, as if he was admiring.

Chu Jue reacted the fastest and escaped the catastrophe.

He shrank in the corner of the battleship, watching the old men tremblingly under the heavy river.

Every drop of that heavy water is extremely heavy.

Converging into a river, it is beyond the mountains.

Who can hold it when it is smashed underneath?

I’m afraid the whole body can’t be saved!

Suddenly, Chu Jue felt an abnormal change in the battleship.

Boom boom boom!

The entire battleship, several hundred meters long, was refined by the immortal shipbuilders with the most top-notch materials.

It’s sinking now!

Chu Jue was shocked: “This battleship is about to fall!”

The battleship is like a behemoth of steel.

But they couldn’t support this Xuan Ming heavy river.

Visible its terrible place!

The battleship smashed down.

When everyone on the ground saw it, they fled in a hurry.


The battleship landed, smashed into a deep pit, and burst into the sky.

Pang Guang and others were shocked: “This is… an accident? What did Brother Fan do that shocked the world?”

They looked over.

I saw a dark river surging on the deck of the battleship.

And those Nascent Soul cultivator, all disappeared!

“Where did they go?” Everyone was surprised.

Chu Jue trembled, suddenly thinking of a bad fact.

Then, Mu Feihua gave an order: “Back!”

Black Tortoise roared from behind.

The terrifying Xuan Ming Zhonghe was summoned and immediately rose up.

Go back to Black Tortoise again and circle around.

At that moment, Chu Jue once again felt Mu Huanfa’s supernatural power.

Such a powerful heavy river, ups and downs, all within the other’s thoughts!

“It’s too strong, it’s simply too strong.” Chu Jue had already put out his thoughts about comparing with the other party.

Now in his eyes, Mu Feifan is the superior enchanting genius.

And Chu Jue himself is just a joke!

At this moment, the desperate Chu Jue looked towards the deck where Zhonghe had left.

Soon, he felt numb on his scalp!

I saw the old people, all smashed into a human form, lying sloppily.

No one lives!

Chu Jue slumped to the ground with a bang, and said tremblingly, “This time, it’s all over!”

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