Chapter 657 Great Harvest! Get Gold Core

On the ground, many people looked at the collapsed battleship, with a lot of emotion.

A second ago, this big guy was still aloof.

After just such a short time, it fell.

The landing of the battleship represents the immortal cultivator, completely defeated by Mu Feihua!

Boss Xu sighed, “Brother Mu, this has suppressed everyone in the Chu family with one person!”

If they fought against the fifth-level demon tree before, this group would have played a role.

So now, it’s just a solo dance by Mu Feifan.

It’s not just the stunning four, it’s unprecedented.

Even later generations cannot replicate this terrifying achievement!

Mu Feifan, relying on his own strength, many big players in the fairy world bow their heads!

Pang Guang couldn’t help looking at the battleship.

The next moment, he felt his scalp numb: “Oh my God, those Nascent Soul cultivators are all dead.”


Even if it was Boss Xu, it was terrifying.

He thought that the Chu Cultivator had surrendered just now.

Unexpectedly, they were all killed by Mu Feihua.

“The power of Xuan Ming’s heavy river is so terrible…” Boss Xu fought a cold war tremblingly.

At this time, Mu Feifan stood at the bow of the ship.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, his mind moved.

A powerful phantom of the sacred tree rose from behind.

“Spore plant!” Mu Feifei said in his mouth, and typed a few tricks.

Then, a surprising scene appeared.

The bodies of the many elders who were recruited have slowly changed their bodies!

They slowly climbed up.

It’s like having vitality.

It’s just that this stiff movement looks very strange.

It’s not like a normal human being.

Mu Feihua narrowed his eyes slightly.

The zombies that these old men turned into are not as ugly as they encountered when they were in the crypt.

After all, the corpse hanging from the demon tree’s body has long been air-dried for a long time.

At this moment, when Chu Jue saw the old servants who had died, one by one came back to life strangely, and suddenly felt boundless fear.

“What’s the matter, aren’t you dead?” He was shocked.

But no old man answered.

There were only empty eyes and roars from his throat.

Chu Jue was shocked.

These elders have no signs of life for a long time.

He jumped up quickly with fright.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but look at Mu Feifan.

Is it all made by the other party?


This guy can control the corpse.

Chu Jue only felt cold on his back.

At this moment, he still didn’t know Mu Fandian’s name, but the people who listened to the ground kept calling Brother Fan.

“What is this called Fan? How come you have so many methods?” Chu Jue sighed again.

He has long lost the thought of comparison.

In Chu Jue’s mind, Mu Feifan, besides Niubi, is Niubi.

At this moment, the old man turned into a zombie, unexpectedly stretched out his arm and walked towards Chu Jue.

“You guys, dare to take action against me?” Chu Jue snorted coldly.

He is afraid of the extraordinary, but it doesn’t mean that he is afraid of these old people.

Besides, the elders were his old servants during his lifetime.

Used to beating and scolding by him!

Going out is a nanny and an old slave.

Chu Jue was preparing to fight back.

Unexpectedly, when it was about to approach, the zombie group suddenly speeded up.

They roared, shaking the earth.

Chu Jue was dumbfounded.

In the next second, the zombies slaughtered, and the claws tore everything apart.

Chu Jue was scratched, blood gushing out.

These zombies are even more excited.

From their eyes, Chu Jue seemed to see the scenes of these old men being insulted by him during his lifetime.

“This is revenge!”

Chu Jue felt extremely desperate.

In a screaming scream, he was drowned by a group of zombies.

Mu Feifan slowly closed his eyes.

The picture is too tragic to look directly at.

Chu Jue, a generation of god son, has ended up in this way, and it is considered that he has Karma in his own way.

He was wrong, and he shouldn’t provoke extraordinary.

After a while, the group of zombies dispersed.

Chu Jue has long disappeared in the same place.

There is only one Gold Core shining with light!

Some zombies looked at Gold Core greedily.

They just want to satisfy their appetites now.

But compared to these, zombies fear the extraordinary.

“Go away.” Mu Feifan snapped his fingers.

In the next second, the group of zombies immediately turned into fly ash and dissipated in the wind.

They were originally a bunch of dead things.

Survival and destruction are all between Mu Fei’s thoughts.

This is what a powerful immortal cultivator should do!

However, Mu Feifan had no intention of raising these evil guys.

All as a disposable tool.

At this moment, Mu Feifan made a single-handed move.

Gold Core was led to the front.

“Holy product Gold Core.” Mu Feifan’s eyes lit up.

He has the seventh Yuan Dan.

Still a ready-made holy product Gold Core.

This kind of good thing can’t be found with a lantern!

Mu Feifan took it well, and took the storage bags of more than a dozen immortal cultivators.

The previous Ninth Stage Demon Tower has also become his possession.

This trip has been a great harvest.

Then, Mu Feifan landed on the ground again.

At this moment, more than one hundred cultivators came to welcome it.

“Brother Fan Niubi!”

“Haha, destroy all the cultivators in the immortal realm, it’s too much relief!”

“They have done a lot of evil, and finally someone has stepped up to heal these people!”

It seems that everyone’s opinions are very consistent.

The upper cultivator regards everyone as ants and assumes a high posture.

No one can do anything with them.

Today, Mu Feifan rubbed Chu Jue and others on the ground.

Everyone is so addicted to it!

Mu Feifei smiled faintly: “If someone hits us, just hit us back. You can’t get used to it.”

“Yes, Brother Fan is right.” Everyone deeply agreed.

I have to say that it is fun to follow Mu Feihua!

At this time, Mu Feifan said to Boss Xu: “What are your plans in the future?”

He knew that the inn was everything to boss Xu.

Now that the inn is ruined, Boss Xu is probably very uncomfortable.

“Hey, I don’t know where to go. I might go to a nearby city and find an errand.” Boss Xu sighed.

The others also felt sympathy.

But they have no place to live in Thunder Mountain.

Although you can make do in the wild, there is no inn where you can live comfortably.

The most important thing is security.

The inn also has the barrier protection of the big formation.

You are alone in the wild, who will protect you?

“It’s also time for us to leave Thunderstrike Mountain,” everyone said.

Mu Feifan thought for a while, and said, “Boss Xu, this inn cannot be closed, it can be rebuilt.”


Everyone’s eyes lit up.

This is a good way!

Boss Xu was helpless: “I use the best materials to build the inn, and now I’m in a poor state, where can I find materials?”

Mu Feifan smiled and said, “If you want to talk about useful materials, we have ready-made materials!”


Boss Xu was surprised.

But he suddenly thought of something and hurriedly declined: “If Brother Mu wants to help me out, then forget it, I already owe you too much.”

Boss Xu knows that Mu Feifan’s wealth is amazing.

But he was really grateful to each other and didn’t want to take advantage.

I don’t know, but Mu Feifan said, “Everyone, come with me!”

With doubts, everyone followed him all the way.

Soon, he stepped into the underground cave where the Demon Tree was found yesterday.

The remains of the demon tree are still there!

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