Chapter 655: Too Smooth? Many means!

I saw this high tower, overflowing with golden light, angrily, and at first glance it was extremely powerful.

The tower is spinning in the air.

Among them, the first layer was sprayed with a terrible ice, instantly causing the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly.

Mu Feifan suddenly became extra cautious.

The next moment, the ice invaded and turned into an endless cold wave.

Layers upon layers, like mountains and seas, crazily flooded.

The deck of the battleship immediately turned into a world of ice and snow.

Mu Fandian’s body surface began to condense into frost.

“It’s cold!”

He was about to run Spirit Power to resist.

However, it was discovered that Spirit Power was unable to urge it.

This ice really has a big problem!

Mu Feifei was about to leave this place of right and wrong.

But his limbs became extremely stiff.

Then, the cold wave howled.

Mu Fandian’s huge body was quickly overwhelmed!

It turned into an ice crystal, standing alone.

Seeing this, Chu Jue sneered: “Ninth Stage Fu Yao Pagoda, it is very easy to deal with your monster physique. You can’t stop this first layer of Ten Thousand Years of Profound Ice.”

He suddenly lifted up, as if the shock he had just received had disappeared.

Those elders work together to urge this tower, which consumes a lot of money.

But seeing the blow worked, he was overjoyed.

“Quickly stimulate the Second Stage!” Chu Jue issued an order.

The elders took their orders and urged them again.

The Ninth Stage Demon Tower is spinning in the air, and golden light is overflowing, reflecting the sky.

A large piece of golden light gushes from the second layer, which turns into a sharp sword, unmatched in sharpness, and cuts straight to Mu Feihua.

Chu Jue was overjoyed: “This Jin Rui gas cuts everything, you are done!”

The thousands of swords that turned out were terrifying.


The ice sculpture that Mu Feihua turned into was severely smashed.

The next moment, accompanied by a loud noise, turned into seven or eight ice crystals, scattered on the ground.

Seeing this, Chu Jue could no longer restrain the excitement in his heart.

He grinned and laughed: “The trash of the lower realm, do you think you can compete with my Chu family with a little skill? It’s too naive…”

At this moment, the surrounding elders also breathed a sigh of relief.

This guy finally died, otherwise it would be too tricky.

After all, Mu Feifan had caused them a great psychological shadow before.

“But it went too smoothly, right?” Someone questioned.

Chu Jue’s laughter stopped immediately, and said angrily: “He is not good at it. Isn’t it normal to be killed easily?”

The elders were silent.

Everyone can see that Chu Jue’s mental state is not right.

It was obviously stimulated by Mu Feihua.

But at this juncture, everyone dare not say anything again.

For fear of angering Lord God Son.

I don’t know, as soon as Chu Jue’s voice fell, a ridiculous voice floated not far away: “It turns out that I am incapable. Then you who are defeated by me are not a big waste?”


Hearing this, Chu Jue’s heart almost stopped beating!

Even him, everyone on the battleship felt as if struck by lightning.

I saw those people most unwilling to see, and stood on the opposite side at the moment.

It is Mu Feifan with a slender figure and a purple-gold uniform.

He had recovered his human form and stood there quietly.

There was an intriguing smile on his face.

“How is it possible?” There was disbelief on everyone’s faces.

They saw with their own eyes the ice sculptures made by Mu Feihua, cracked and shattered.

Is everyone blind?

Chu Jue rubbed his eyes frantically.

Mu Feihua suddenly took out an ancient mirror and smiled faintly: “You have been in my Illusion Art. Everything you saw before is fake.”

Oh my God!

These people only felt a gust of cold air rushing to the sky from the soles of their feet.

All these ten people fell into illusion in one breath.

The other party’s Illusion Art is so terrifying!

Chu Jueqi’s face twitched, and he had long lost his dignity, and became angry from embarrassment: “Are you special…there are so many methods!”

The elders answered silently in their hearts.

His methods are not only many, but also strong!

Mu Feifan’s eyes flickered with strange light.

Just now, he urged the Illusion Art to the maximum, and coupled with the horror increase of the illusion, it instantly affected everyone on the battleship.

Without this ancient mirror, it would be impossible to catch it all in one go.

But the Ninth Stage Demon Tower is really difficult.

Mu Feifan narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about countermeasures.

At this moment, Chu Jue hated him and said: “Then call me!”

The elders were startled from the trance, and immediately ran Spirit Power.

The high tower suspended in the air hovered again.

A powerful electric arc appeared on the third layer again, crackling, making the viewers frightened.


Lightning flew out, like a golden dragon dancing wildly, slashing towards Mu Feihua.


I don’t know, Mu Feihua didn’t hide, letting lightning strike him.

Lightning after lightning.

It’s utterly thunderous, without breaking off.

Like a feast of thunder.

Above the battleship, there was dazzling thunder.

Under such a powerful offensive, who can survive?

Chu Jue gradually showed joy.

But soon, he was dumbfounded.

Not only Chu Jue, but even the old men were confused.

But seeing that Mu Feifei was able to move freely amidst thousands of thunders, he did not have the normal reaction after being struck by thunder.

He even adjusted his expression to Chu Jue.

The corners of his mouth raised, and he smiled slightly.

What did Chu Jue think, how did he feel that the other party was laughing at him!

“You, why are you unharmed?” Chu Jue was frightened.

Mu Feifan: “Just this little battery, how about tickling it?”

He has a calm tone and doesn’t feel any exaggeration at all.

Chu Jue was mad.

He said hysterically: “Then beat him up!”

An old man trembled: “My Son of God, we are almost reaching the limit.”

The Ninth Stage Demon Tower is of high quality.

Promoting also requires great Spirit Power.

Of course, if its spirit is present, everyone will not consume so much.

But the rules of the Way of Dharma and God are extremely special.

Any spirits are excluded and cannot enter at all.

So all the elders can only go to battle in person.

Chu Jue was very dissatisfied: “If you don’t have Spirit Power, give me drugs, I don’t believe in him!”

The elders had no choice but to swallow the Medicine Pill, urging them again.

The high tower rotates, and the lightning spewed out this time is even more terrifying.

It is simply traversing the world and suppressing one party.

Like a huge dragon, it culled to Mu Feihua.

Mu Feihua’s appearance is calm but secretly happy in his heart.

I was still worried about how to deal with this tower.

As a result, the opponent released lightning non-stop.

Don’t you know my physique that loves to be struck by lightning?

Just your tiny battery?

Simply weak burst!


The huge lightning struck Mu Feihua fiercely.

It was as if a god, holding a golden whip, was beating wildly.

The world seems to be torn apart!

Everyone on the ground has concerns on their faces.

Pang Guang’s voice trembled a little: “Does this splitting method kill people?”

He Xiaona also looked at Xia Yuchan.

Xia Yuchan’s expression remained unchanged.

It seems that the result has been predicted long ago.

“No.” She only said two words.

Everyone admired: “Sister Fan is too stable.”

In this thunderbolt scene, even onlookers like them can’t stand it!

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