Chapter 654 Full-scale sling, but so!

“It’s my turn!” Mu Feifan strode over with terrifying steps.

The huge force stepped on the deck, causing a strong shock wave.

Many elders can’t stand it.

The feet seemed to become a surging wave.

Staggered one by one.

“Fly up.” They rushed into the air.

Unexpectedly, some old men happened to fly near Mu Feihua.

Mu Feihua said softly.

In the next second, he raised his hand, which was larger than the house.

Bang bang bang!

Slap them all flying like a fly.

“Things that don’t have eyes, don’t see me fighting, dare to make trouble?” Mu Feifei sneered.

The faces of the old people who were smashed into the air were very suffocated.

Someone shouted: “Obviously you used that horrible foot force to prevent us from standing on the deck, and now you say we are making trouble?”

He felt that he should stand up and show the quality of the contemporary immortal family.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feifei asked, “You flew into my hands, and you blame me?”

Even his strongest ability was defeated by Mu Feihua.

Everything else is in vain!

“Damn it, if I practice the Third Stage of the Dali King of Chu Gong, let alone a still developing mountain giant ape, it will stand in front of a real mythical beast that can be killed!” Chu Jue’s face was full of unwillingness. color.

However, Chu Jue also knew.

The Third Stage is too difficult to cultivate.

Even the king of Chu at the time was only touching the rudiment.

But this was enough for the King of Chu to dominate the immortal world for a while.

It can be seen that the third stage of Dali Chu Wanggong is terrible!

Chu Jue said, “When you use the Ninth Stage Demon Pagoda to take this place, we will return to the fairy world!”

The elders were slightly surprised when they heard this.

But after a little thought, they understood.

The son of God has been hit!

Fighting alone is not that person’s opponent at all.

Especially, the other party looked much younger than Chu Jue.

Sure enough, it is a crush on talent!

The elders understood in their hearts, but they dared not say anything, they just looked at Chu Jue with sympathy.

The people on the ground are already extremely excited.

“Hahaha, what a son of a god, there is an empty name!”

“To be beaten by Brother Fan completely!”

“Brother Fan is the strongest among the younger generation.”

I don’t know which naughty person, after shouting “God of Chu Family, but so”, he even set off a wave of follow suit…

Thus, this sentence evolved into a slogan.

Hundreds of people poured Spirit Power into them and shouted, “God of the Chu family, but so!”

Everyone on the battleship heard that their expressions had gradually become abnormal.

Chu Jue was so angry that his chest was about to burst!

The medicine pill that I just took, the medicine is all overflowing.

This medicine is for nothing.

Chu Jue knew in his heart that no matter what happened next, he could no longer fight.

This humiliation became Heart’s Demon.

Without a few years of penance, it can’t be resolved.

At this moment, Pang Guang is very satisfied with own masterpiece.

No one had expected that a huge master like a sacred stick would use a slogan to blow up the Chu family’s sacred son.

“Hey, I didn’t expect the gods of the immortal world to have such a poor psychological quality. Sure enough, before practicing the law, first cultivate the heart.” Mu Feihua has a keen perception and has already noticed the change in Chu Jue’s mood.

This kind of person is not worthy of being his opponent at all.

Being a stepping stone is barely reluctant.

Suddenly, there was a loud shout from the battleship: “Ninth Stage!”

I saw a 100-meter-high tower out of thin air in the sky.

A total of nine floors, exuding the vicissitudes of ancient aura, turning to fight against Mu Feihua!

Mu Feifei was slightly surprised: “This level of weapon seems to have surpassed the level of Dao Item…”

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