Chapter 651 Lightly Punch? Suppress the god son!

Chu Jue is the son of God in the Chu family.

His position is detached, and he has never suffered this kind of grievance.

I saw him gritted his teeth and sneered: “I suddenly changed my mind.”

“What?” Everyone asked casually, but there was still a smile on their faces.

Chu Jue said word by word: “It’s too cheap to kill you with artillery. I’m going to do it myself and send you all to the west.”

When Pang Guang heard this, he was excited: “Just rely on your Cultivation Base?”

Chu Jue laughed and said, “Then take you to the knife first, let you see the power of my holy product Gold Core!”

Holy product Gold Core?

When everyone heard it, their brains buzzed.

Most of the cultivators here are around the Gold Core stage, so they naturally know the grade of Gold Core.

Gold Core is divided into one to nine products.

Above the nine ranks, they are the divine rank and the sacred rank.

The god product Gold Core is already extremely rare.

It must be extremely talented, coupled with great opportunities, to be possible.

There is a saying that once you enter the cultivator, you can slay Nascent Soul!

And the sacred goods, only in the more terrifying planes, the Super Sacred Land and the Supreme Immortal Sect, can they be discovered.

That is a peerless evildoer piled up with massive precious resources!

Chu Jue is a direct descendant of the Chu family in the fairy world, with a strong background.

From birth, he has been named genius.

The journey went smoothly.

With the support of the entire family, Chu Jue succeeded in condensing the holy product Gold Core.

Become the Chu family god son in one fell swoop.

If there are no accidents, Chu Jue will be the mainstay of the Chu family for thousands of years!

How can such a genius of the fairy world big family value these lower world cultivators.

At this moment, Chu Jue stood at the bow of the ship.

Hunting in a brocade robe, with an indescribable cold and arrogant temperament.

The next second, he gave a cold snort.

There was a thunderous roar all around!

“The Great Handprint of King Chu!”

In Chu Jue’s body, the Gold Core is circulating, and the Spirit Power continues to flow.

He raised his hand.

A terrifying golden palm immediately appeared in the void, which was more than thirty meters long.

Cover everything!

Everyone immediately felt black on top of their heads.

Especially Pang Guang.

Don’t look at him before, but he was actually scared to death.

At this time, the calf has been swaying non-stop.

The giant palm culled, like a lofty mountain, pushing everything horizontally.

The fire in Boss Xu’s heart has not disappeared.

He flashed to Pang Guang’s side and yelled: “I’m here to help you, I don’t believe that I can’t stop this Gold Core junior.”

Pang Guang was overjoyed: “Old Xu, it’s up to you.”

I saw Boss Xu stretch out his hand, and his ten fingers quickly changed hand seals.

Then, a talisman larger than the washboard flew out of him.

Accompanied by the neighing sound, Fu Lu’s power burst out, transforming into an incomparable Heavenly Horse!

The Heavenly Horse flapped its wings and walked in the air.

Xianzi is elegant and unstoppable!

Pang Guang stared at Boss Xu’s long face and said, “Old Xu, how did you summon a donkey, is it because your face is long?”

When Boss Xu heard this, he almost vomited blood: “That’s a horse, it’s a horse!”

At this time, Heavenly Horse turned across the sky, and Xianhui fell.

Unparalleled speed.

Turned into a white arrow, rolled up the weather wave, impacted away.

The giant palm rumblingly came.

To crush everything.

Heavenly Horse strikes with absolute power.

Like a meteor falling!


In front of the giant palm, Heavenly Horse was like an ant, and was instantly smashed.

There is no resistance at all.


Boss Xu really vomited blood this time.

He suffered a backlash.

“What’s going on, it’s unscientific!” Boss Xu’s small eyes were wide, unbelievable.

Pang Guang was speechless: “I just said, let you fight him with strength, you have to make some fancy ghost symbols.”

Boss Xu: “This Heavenly Horse Meteor Talisman is more powerful than me, OK, it’s my family!”

Pang Guang asked: “Do you have any other means?”

Boss Xu: “I also have a Comet Heavenly Horse…”

Pang Guang called out, “What do you do is a side-by-side operation!”

Everyone was shocked when they saw Boss Xu’s defeat.

Shen Haojie analyzed: “I heard that Nascent Soul can be killed once you become a god, and that Chu Jue is a sacred item!”

At this moment, the giant palm has been bombarded.

The surrounding air suddenly tightened.

Death’s oppressive feeling enveloped.

“It’s over!” Pang Guang and Boss Xu stood in front of the crowd, their faces extremely desperate.

They have been locked by the divine power carried by the giant palm, and they are inevitable.

At this time, a voice resounded through the world like thunder.

“White Tiger burst punch!”

Pang Guang was still decayed like a concubine, but he did not expect a huge White Tiger to rush out from behind him.

White Tiger is brave and even more terrifying, really like a hill.

Its explosive muscles can be seen everywhere.

Its speed is faster than the previous Heavenly Horse.

As fast as thunder.

Bang bang bang!

Giant Palm was culled by White Tiger!

The giant palm that was originally invincible burst to pieces in an instant, and the Spiritual Qi rushed into the world in a turbulent manner.

On the other hand, the White Tiger was unscathed.

Step into the void, the mighty power!

At this time, Pang Guang and Boss Xu turned their heads.

It was discovered that Mu Feifei didn’t know when he appeared behind him, still maintaining the posture of gently punching.

However, everyone did not expect that Mu Feifei’s light punch would actually smash Chu Jue’s powerful handprint!

The audience was shocked!

They all knew how strong Chu Jue’s mudra was just now.

Even if Boss Xu, the Nascent Soul cultivator, took out the White Horse Meteor Talisman, he was crushed.

Now he was defeated by Mu Feihua!

“Oh my God, Brother Fan Niubi!”

“What about Shengpin Gold Core, it hasn’t been cracked by Brother Fan.”

“The key is that Brother Fan’s state is obviously easy to handle.”

Countless people tore their throats, shouting for Mu Feihua.

Chu Jue’s arrogant look just now is really Damn it.

They feel aggrieved and helpless.

But Brother Fan’s punch directly smashed Chu Jue’s face!


Too much relief!

At this moment, Chu Jue, who was still standing at the bow of the ship, kept twitching.

His face is ugly.

He originally thought that Mu Fei’s ability to get Monster core was entirely due to the large number of people around him.

Unexpectedly, Mu Feifan could be so powerful.

The power of a punch is terrible!

“Damn, how could such a person be born in the trash of the Lower Realm?” Chu Jue was unconvinced.

He is the deity of the immortal family, and he has eaten Heavenly and Mortal Treasures as jelly beans since he was a child.

How could he be no better than a nether kid?

“My Lord God, calm down, it must be a coincidence just now.” The old man next to him persuaded.

But they were already sweating.

These old men on the battleship are equivalent to Chu Jue’s old servants.

Even though they are all Nascent Soul cultivator, but when it comes to going solo, none of them are the absolute masters of Chu.

After all, the son of God condenses the holy product Gold Core.

Spirit Power is strong, beyond imagination.

However, Mu Feifan’s punch just now overwhelmed the divine son!

Can defeat Chu Jue, so how can they be opponents?

Therefore, the elders have already developed a kind of fear for Mu Feihua in their hearts.

This is the impact of power!

“I will meet him when I go down…” Chu Jue’s voice was extremely gloomy, but in the next second, his face changed drastically: “Fuck, fuck, he has already hit it!”

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