Chapter 650 The talent is crushed, Chu Jue suffers humiliation!

Just when Boss Xu thought that disaster was imminent.

A huge vine whip suddenly sprang out from the ground, soaring into the sky like a giant python, and instantly engulfed Boss Xu.

Boss Xu screamed, but before he could react, he was wrapped in a rattan whip and brought it back to the ground.

During the period, the body was almost rubbing the beam of light!


The beam of light smashed down and flew into the air. The bombarded ground burst into pieces, and rocks were flying.

After Boss Xu fell, he realized that Mu Feifan was the one who saved his own.

At this moment, behind Mu Feifan, there was a flickering shadow of the sacred tree, which was obviously using the power of the original pill.

The vine whip emerged from under his feet.

The cultivator hurriedly surrounded Boss Xu, for fear that he would do something impulsive.

Boss Xu was extremely depressed: “My inn is gone, and my life is completely ruined.”

He wanted revenge, but there was nothing he could do.

For the first time I felt so useless.

At this moment, the height of the battleship dropped.

Close up, it looks more like a wild beast, extremely brave and mighty.

They saw a large flag standing on the battleship with the word Chu written on it.

There is even a group of cultivators on the deck, all of which are at the Nascent Soul level.

Regardless of where they are placed, they are cultivators of big bosses, but they are extremely respectful to a Gold Core youth.

This young man stood at the bow of the battleship, showing himself aloof.

He said in an interrogating tone: “The fifth-level demon tree was killed by you?”

Boss Xu stood up and said angrily: “So what, why are you ruining my inn?”

The young man sneered: “It is our prey, but it was intercepted by you halfway and ruining your inn is just a lesson.”

At this time, Pang Guang said with his throat: “You don’t have the ability to kill the monster tree, but you blame us on the other hand. What is the truth?”

The young man laughed and said, “Do you think that you really can kill the demon tree by yourself? This demon is very capable of self-healing. We fought it several times on the top of the mountain and severely injured it. You have the opportunity to take advantage of it.”

When everyone heard it, they looked at each other.

What this young man meant was that they had already beaten the other side with anger when they first started fighting with the demon tree, but they were robbed.

“That’s not right, if the demon tree is so weak by you, how can you still have the energy to come to our inn to kill people every day?” Some people questioned.

“This man was talking nonsense. When we met the Demon Tree, it was still alive and kicking, obviously unharmed.” Pang Guang reacted immediately.

Chen Zhihui: “I really don’t wanting face, I’m obviously scraping the demon tree, but it’s a serious injury!”

Li Jie: “People are invincible if they are the cheapest. A tree needs bark and a person needs face. You are not as good as a demon tree!”

Yang Jian led the dog out.

Erha also raised his head and barked at the young man.

The cry was full of contempt.

The youth’s forehead was battered with blue veins, obviously on the verge of anger.

At this time, an old man stood up next to him and shouted, “A group of ants in the lower realm, dare to snatch the prey that our Chu family is staring at in the immortal realm?”


Fairy world?

Hearing this, everyone was not calm.

Even the emboldened Pang Guang and others couldn’t help breaking out in a cold sweat.

They had only heard of the immortal world in the rumors before, but they didn’t expect to meet someone from the immortal world one day.

To them, the immortal world is illusory and inaccessible.

So these people are already three-pointers cowardly in their hearts.

The young man said again: “We checked the remains of the demon tree and found that the Monster core has been taken away. If you hand over the Monster core, you won’t die!”

Monster core?

It turns out that this is their purpose.

The crowd clenched their fists a little angrily.

The Demon Tree was beheaded by Brother Fan.

Now these people are too overbearing to take away the fruits of victory without saying anything.

“You people in the immortal world, why don’t you make sense at all?” they said angrily.

The youth sneered: “My Chu Jue’s words are justified. I condescend to talk to you low-level mortals. I am already very patient. If I change to the rest of the immortal world, I would have done it a long time ago.”

Pang Guang was annoyed and anxious: “Damn, it was obviously a robber act, but he said it was like giving us alms. The quality of the people in this immortal world is too low, right?”

Chen Zhihui: “I knew the virtue of the immortal world a long time ago. I should tell the people of the whole sect. Don’t worry, it’s just a bunch of rubbish who come and worship all day long!”

Li Jie: “Yes, it’s useful to fly into the immortal realm, do you go with them?”

Chu Jue saw that they were still indifferent, and his expression became a little more indifferent: “My patience is limited, hurry up and give me Monster core, otherwise I will kill someone every ten breaths!”

Everyone was surprised.

Ten breaths will take a life.

This group of robbers from the immortal realm is really stubborn.

At this moment, the giant muzzle on the battleship has been aimed at the ground.

Ready to launch at any time!

Everyone has already seen the power of this artillery fire just now.

At this moment, everyone couldn’t help but sweat,

The situation is critical.

At this time, Mu Feifan, who had been silent, said, “You want Monster core, don’t you?”

Chu Jue smiled: “Of course, we want to kill the monster tree for the same purpose. You give me Monster core, and everyone is in peace.”

This group of soil buns in the lower realm, isn’t it horrified?

If you scare it a little bit, you will hand over Monster Core obediently.

He was a little proud.

Suddenly, Mu Feifan said indifferently: “This Monster core, you can’t take it away.”

Chu Jue looked confused: “What do you mean?”

Mu Feifan: “Because I have refined it.”


Chu Jue was shocked, and immediately reacted and said, “Impossible! How could the fifth-level Demonic Beasts Monster core be easily refined? You are bluffing me!”

Mu Feifanle said: “I thought people in the fairy world would be more knowledgeable. I didn’t expect that they would be so ignorant. What you haven’t seen doesn’t exist anymore? Some people’s talents are just a little bit stronger than ordinary cultivators like you. ”

“Hahaha!” Hearing this, everyone laughed.

These immortal cultivators have always put on a high look, despising them very much.

But these words of Brother Fan made a fierce counterattack.

“This Chu Jue, looking at his bullishness, is actually a group of people with poor talents… He thinks he can’t do people, others can’t do it? Our Brother Fan is not a little bit stronger than the geniuses of the immortal world.” Someone said. .

“It’s a little bit stronger.”

“People from the fairy world, but so.”

“In terms of talent, we were completely beaten by Brother Fan.”

“Ahaha, look at that Chu Jue, he used better resources in the immortal realm, and as a result, he is still a Gold Core early stage. If our brother Fan is also in the immortal realm cultivation, it will be early to the Nascent Soul stage.”

“Nascent Soul? I think Brother Fan can directly transform God!”

Mu Feihua felt helpless when he heard them pull further and further.

However, Chu Jue’s expression was extremely embarrassing at the moment, but it was true.

He thought he was superior.

Very despise the nether cultivator.

Unexpectedly, it turned around now and was ridiculed by these people.

Chu Jue now feels unprecedented humiliation.

This trauma caused on the soul.

It’s more depressing than pulling him out and beating him!

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